
Q. What is the status of my VA claim/appeal? I have been waiting to be assigned to a primary care provider for a long time, and I haven't heard anything from the VA. What's taking so long?
A. Send a letter or privacy release describing your situation to our office. Please include all pertinent information: social security number, date of birth, when you filed the claim, VA claim number, and a phone number and address where you can be reached. It is also helpful if you can include any doctor's letters or supporting documents that pertain to your claim. We can then contact the VA Regional Office that is processing your claim and find out exactly where your claim is in the process (i.e. with the disability ratings board or the appeals board). We can also find out if the VA is waiting on other information that may be holding up the processing of your claim (i.e. waiting for the results of your exam, waiting for your medical or service records or waiting for supporting documents of sponsors). Once they have all of the information they need to make an informed decision, we may be able to determine how long it will be before a decision is made on your claim. back to top
Q. How can you help me with my VA disability claim?
A. Make your request to us in writing including your claim number and the specific problem you are having with your claim. An inquiry to the DVA will be made on your behalf to ensure that your claim is being processed in a timely manner according to DVA regulation. We do not represent you before the DVA or assist you in the development of your claim, that is the function of a veterans service organization. back to top
Q. I have been waiting to be assigned to a primary care provider for over a year now and the VA told me it could be another six months before I get assigned to a doctor. What could possibly be taking so long?
A. Presently, the VA is very understaffed in relation to the number of veterans who need care. Unfortunately, the demand for care is much greater than the VA is able to accommodate and therefore veterans are having to wait for long periods of time to be assigned a primary care provider. If you would like a more detailed response from the VA, please send a letter or a privacy release to our office describing your situation/question. We can then contact the VA for a response to your specific situation. back to top