Health Care

Improving Tribal Health Care

Senator Murray strongly believes that improving the quality and availability of health care in tribal communities is one of the federal government’s greatest treaty obligations. When it comes to providing that care, however, the federal government has failed.

The constant under-funding of tribal health care continues today and has contributed to glaring disparities in the health status of tribal people.

To address the complex health care challenges facing tribal communities, Senator Murray has worked as a member of the Senate Budget and Senate Appropriations Committees to increase funding for health care programs.

Reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act

Senator Murray was a proud cosponsor of S.1200, the Indian Health Care Improvement Act which passed the Senate on February 26, 2008. The reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act is long overdue, in fact, it has been 15 years since a comprehensive reauthorization. Senator Murray understands the importance of this reauthorization and she will continue to work with tribal leaders and her colleagues in the Congress to move this important legislation forward.