
Economic Roundtable in EverettI believe that keeping our families and economy strong begins with providing our workers with a safe and healthy workplace, opportunities to enhance their skills, and a guarantee of basic rights on the job. That is why throughout my time in the U.S. Senate I have stood up for the needs of working families in Washington state and across the nation.

As Chairman of the Employment and Workplace Safety Subcommittee of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, I have been able to take the lead on building a more skilled workforce, protecting workers on the job, ensuring equal pay and guaranteeing worker rights on the job.

I am also working to ensure that our workers have the education and training they need to find family-wage jobs in our rapidly changing economy. That is why I have focused my efforts on ensuring that our workers are being trained with in-demand skills, are prepared for the emerging green economy, and are on equal footing to fight for jobs of the 21st global economy.


  • Equip workers with the skills they need to stay competitive in the global economy.
  • Ensure safe and healthy workplaces for every worker.  
  • Fight for fair and livable wages.
  • Protect workers’ right to organize.
  • Improve working families' ability to balance the demands of work and life.
  • Work to ensure trade agreements protect America’s jobs and the middle class.


  • Worked to ensure our workforce is prepared for the 21st century by strengthening the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and furthering a Career Pathways initiative.
  • Worked hard to pass the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in the 110th Congress and the 111th Congress. President Obama signed this legislation - his first bill signed into law on January 29, 2009.
  • Introduced the Airline Flight Crew Technical Corrections Act in the 111th Congress to ensure family medical paid leave for pilots and flight crews. This bill was signed into law on December 21, 2009.
  • Introduced legislation to invest in summer employment for youth.
  • Fought to improve safety of workers on the job and to ensure the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is working to protect workers.
  • Passed legislation in the Senate to ban the manufacturing and importation of products that contain asbestos.
  • Helped pass the first increase in the minimum wage in a decade.
  • Fought for extensions of unemployment insurance benefits to ensure workers affected by a slowing economy can stay on their feet.
  • Supported legislation to protect a worker’s right to join or form a union and to engage in collective bargaining. Also supported legislation to expand these rights to public employees.
  • Worked for the passage of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and supported legislation to expand FMLA’s protections.  Also supported legislation to guarantee paid leave to workers.