Job Safety

Improving Safety on the Job

Worker safety and worker retraining are critical to our continued economic strength and the security of our nation. Senator Murray continues to use her position as Chair of the Employment and Workplace Safety Subcommittee to advocate for working families on issues of workplace safety.  Every worker should go to work knowing his/her  government and employer have done all they can to provide a safe work environment that ensures he/she returns home safely at the end of their shift.  Senator Murray is working to ensure that all employers protect employees and their families by:

  • Holding oversight hearings on worker and workplace safety protections in the oil and gas industry.
  • Passing the Ban Asbestos in America Act of 2007 (S. 742), a bill to ban the manufacturing and importation of products that contain asbestos.  The bill passed the Senate on October 4, 2007 by Unanimous Consent.

  • Mine Disaster Family Assistance Act of 2007 (S. 2127), that requires MSHA designate an organization to manage family support systems during a mine disaster.

  • Holding oversight hearings in her Subcommittee to make sure that DOL's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) are fulfilling their mission to protect workers and punish those that break the law and endanger workers' safety.

  • Proudly cosponsored the Protecting America's Workers Act (S. 2371), an important bill that extends workplace protections to 8 million workers, provides stiff and meaningful criminal penalties for fatal violations of safety laws, provides more resources for OSHA to investigate workplace safety violations, and give workers and their families more rights during the investigatory process.

More on: Asbestos