Innovation and Research

Research is critical if we are going to continue to make technological advances that help ensure we can offer the best health care possible.  I’m proud of the great medical and scientific research being done in Washington state and throughout the country.  I believe we must continue to support vital research with federal dollars, and I’ve worked hard for legislation and funding that will expand our efforts, including:

  • Investments in Health Information Technology – I was proud to support the $19 billion included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for Health IT.  Health IT systems have the potential to save billions through cutting waste and eliminating the need to repeat medical tests, and save lives by reducing medical errors.
  • Wired for Health Care Quality Act – I helped pass this bill out of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee to give health care providers the assistance they need to invest in lifesaving health information technology.
  • Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2007 – I cosponsored and fought for this bill, which would allow scientists to capitalize on embryonic stem cell research without creating incentives for ethically questionable practices. 
  • Federal Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007 – This bill, also called PDUFA, is now law.  It speeds up the drug approval process without sacrificing safety.
  • National Institutes of Health – In 1998, I joined Congress in a landmark plan to double funding for the National Institutes of Health – a goal that was met in fiscal year 2003.  Since then, I have continued to support increased NIH funding to ensure that there are enough trained professionals ready to turn today’s research advances into tomorrow’s treatments, diagnostics, vaccines, and cures.