Howard Hanson

For over 40 years, the Howard Hanson Dam and Green River levees in Touring
 Howard Hanson DamKing County have provided effective flood control to the Green River valley. The Howard Hanson Dam is estimated to have prevented $4 billion in damage during the January 2009 storm and saved an estimated $40 million per day in lost economic output.  This same storm, however, caused damage to the dam’s earthen right abutment which diminished the effectiveness of the dam. 

Following the 2009 storm, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers determined that it is necessary to restrict the amount of water that can be held behind the dam until a permanent solution can be constructed. I fought to ensure a portion of the Army Corps of Engineers Recovery Act funding went to beginning an interim repair called a grout curtain to prevent further damage and allow for more water to be held during a storm. That work was completed which will afford more flood protection as we head into flood season. However, it is important to remember there is still an increased flood risk in the Green River Valley. 

In addition to the interim repairs, I supported a request from Governor Gregoire to the Army Corps of Engineers to provide material and equipment to improve flood protection before this coming flood season.  The $3.4 million that was granted in response to the request will be used to protect low-level spots and shore up the existing levees with sand bags and other flood barriers.

I supported that request and along with other members of the Washington delegation sent a letter to Lieutenant General Robert Van Antwerp, Army chief of Engineers, urging him to approve the request and to move quickly on the design and engineering for a permanent repair to the dam.  I also asked Secretary Ken Salazar of the Department of the Interior and Secretary Gary Locke of the Department of Commerce to utilize available short-term measures, such as additional weather forecasting and river monitoring resources, which will assist the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as they work to mitigate the increased flood risk this season. 

In March 2010, the Corps identified several critical interim repairs, estimated at $44 million, which would increase protection to residents of the Green River Valley in the event of a major flood occurrence. The Corps indicated that funding for the repairs would need to be in hand before the repairs could begin, this is a challenge because resources would have to be found in the current Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 budget which has already been appropriated. 

As a senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, I was able to successfully include $44 million in emergency funding in the FY2010 Supplemental Appropriations bill, which passed the Senate on May 27, 2010. This funding will allow the Corps to move forward with interim repairs at the Howard Hanson Dam. The Corps is also finalizing its design for a permanent repair and I was able to secure a commitment from top Corps officials that a critical June 2010 deadline will be met. This will ensure the repairs are eligible to be included in the President’s FY2012 budget.