
Listening to Southwest Washington Residents Affected by the Mortgage CrisisEverywhere I travel in Washington state, I hear from families struggling to find a safe and affordable place to live.  Whether it’s a family searching for rental housing near their job, or a senior citizen who wants better access to social services, we simply don’t have enough affordable housing.  And today, many homeowners are struggling as well.  In Washington state and across the country, families have seen their homes plummet in value.  Millions have lost their homes to foreclosure, and millions more are on the brink.

It is critical for all of our communities that we stabilize the housing market and ensure that every American has a safe, affordable place to live.  As a member of the Senate Democratic Leadership, I am working with my colleagues and the President to create jobs, rebuild the economy, and help families afford to keep their homes.  And as Chair of the Transportation and Housing Appropriations Subcommittee, I am continuing to fight for resources to expand housing options for low-income families, seniors, homeless veterans, victims of domestic violence, and youth transitioning out of foster care.  

My Priorities

  • Restoring stability to the housing market and expanding responsible homeownership.
  • Ensuring affordable housing opportunities for working families, seniors, and Americans with disabilities.
  • Examining current laws regulating the mortgage industry to identify needed reforms to provide stability and consumer protection.
  • Expanding housing assistance to homeless veterans.

My Accomplishments

  • Consistently fought efforts to cut funding for housing programs.  Recognized as a national leader in helping to provide accessible and affordable housing for all Americans.
  • Partnered with the Veterans Administration to provide 10,000 new housing vouchers for homeless veterans, including those recently returned from Iraq.
  • Led the effort to provide over $200 million in federal funding for home counseling programs, which have proven invaluable in helping families avoid foreclosures.
  • Led efforts to push through housing legislation in 2008 that included critical provisions to help homeowners avoid foreclosure, to stimulate activity in the housing market, and modernize the Federal Housing Administration.
  • Increased funding for Section 8 housing, homeless housing grants to states, housing assistance to seniors and those with disabilities, and numerous other housing programs for low-income Americans.
  • Supported housing initiatives for victims of domestic violence and children transitioning from temporary to permanent housing.