No Child Left Behind

In 2002, Congress reauthorized – or updated – the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and renamed it the No Child Left Behind Act.  NCLB reshaped many federal aid programs for elementary and secondary education, and put more emphasis on academic standards and accountability.  

While Senator Murray applauds the goals of NCLB, she is deeply convinced that setting a high bar and then failing to give states, schools and students the resources to succeed will leave far too many children behind. Furthermore, she is also concerned about how the tests and stringent, federally-imposed monitoring formulas end up hindering the progress of schools and children. In many cases, this law yields results that run counter to its goals and leads to a focus on testing at the expense of learning.

As Congress prepares to reauthorize No Child Left Behind during the 111th Congress, she plans to use the opportunity to revisit these provisions and make sure that NCLB lives up to its promise.  Additionally, as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Murray will continue to push for increased federal funding for education programs, and to remind Congress that a strong education system is vital for our nation to stay competitive in the global economy.