Disadvantaged Students

Every student deserves the chance to get a good education in a safe, supportive environment.  As a member of the Appropriations and Health, Education, Labor, and Pension committees, Senator Murray is committed to providing the federal resources and high-quality education opportunities that all students deserve – no matter what their background is.

Migrant Communities

Senator Murray has consistently fought for programs that assist migrant communities, and she has worked to try to preserve their funding during tight budget years.  These programs include:

  • The Title III Program for English Language Learners;
  • High School Equivalency Program and the College Assistance Migrant Program;
  • Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP);
  • Migrant Head Start
  • And Grants for Hispanic Serving Institutions.

She is a co-sponsor and strong supporter of the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act.  The DREAM Act makes college more affordable by allowing states to offer in-state tuition to immigrant students.  It also gives long-time resident immigrant youth, who graduate from U.S. high schools, the opportunity to adjust their immigrant status so that they can pursue a college education.

Foster Children

Foster children face a unique set of challenges.  Many have been separated from their biological families because their parents were unable to care for them.  And because there is a shortage of foster parents, children in foster care are often shuttled between many different homes, families, and schools.

To help address these needs, Senator Murray has worked on legislation that addresses barriers that foster children face in the education system.  And, as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, she has fought for more funding for foster care programs.

Homeless Children

Many homeless children change schools and even school districts frequently – at a time in their lives when they most need stability.  Some homeless youth don’t have a parent or legal guardian to watch out for their educational needs.  As a result, children and youth in unstable situations at home and school often struggle to keep up with their peers.

Advocating for legislation that addresses the unique situation many homeless youth face in the education system has been a priority throughout her time in the Senate.  Senator Murray introduced legislation to increase funding to educate homeless children, and she proposed provisions in the No Child Left Behind legislation to require that school districts appoint liaisons to ensure the needs of homeless students in their schools are met.