

Washington’s farmers and ranchers are critical to our state’s economy, Ag page pic - fullenvironment, and quality of life. Agriculture is the largest industry in Washington state. We are the nation’s third-largest producer of fruits and vegetables – also known as specialty crops – and we produce more than 250 specialty crops and grains consumed across our nation and around the globe. Washington is also the nation’s fifth largest producer of wheat.

I talk and visit regularly with agriculture communities across Washington state, and I know that our farmers face constant challenges – from difficult market conditions and changing weather patterns, to natural disasters and high input costs. That’s why I have consistently fought in Washington, D.C., for our agricultural producers, farmworkers, and rural communities.

I am working to keep our rural communities strong and ensure a bright future for our state’s farm families. These families need a safety net that will help them get through hard times. Our state’s high-quality farm products need open international and domestic markets. We must fund agricultural research initiatives. And we have to expand housing, education, and job training opportunities for farmworkers.

My Priorities

  • Providing federal funding for agricultural research to help promote scientific advances, which farmers, ranchers, and growers rely on to stay competitive.
  • Ensuring the agriculture industry has access to the workforce it needs to run successful businesses.
  • Maintaining a safety net to help our farmers, growers, and ranchers during difficult times, such as natural disasters.
  • Increasing investments in specialty crop programs to ensure this growing sector receives adequate support.
  • Supporting efforts to help farmers, ranchers, and growers efficiently transport their products from the farm to the market.

My Accomplishments

  • Restored and increased federal funding for agricultural research, as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
  • Supported important specialty crop, disaster assistance, and nutrition provisions in the 2008 Farm Bill.
  • Helped create the National Clean Plant Network, which provides a source of clean, virus-free root stocks for our tree-fruit, wine-grape, and nut-tree industries.
  • Expanded nutrition programs that allow our local agriculture industry to provide nutritious food to our state’s schools.
  • Increased federal funding for dredging of the Columbia River to deepen the channel, allowing barges with agricultural products to pass with ease.