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Contact: Jamie Hennigan 202.225.2777

Fleming Comments on ‘Pledge to America’
House Republicans Offer a New Governing Agenda for the American People

Washington, Sep 23 - Congressman John Fleming, M.D. released the following statement after House Republicans presented A Pledge to America, a new governing agenda focused on addressing the American people’s top priorities. The Pledge is the culmination of a months-long engagement with the American people in which House Republicans sought their ideas and priorities for Congress.  The agenda offers concrete solutions that can be implemented immediately to tackle the issues that are most important to the nation, including job creation, spending restraint, national security, health care, and reform to Congress itself. The full agenda, A Pledge to America, can be viewed here.  
“The current liberal leadership has lost sight of what is important to the American people,” said Fleming. “From the bailouts to the failed stimulus bill to the government takeover of health care, Americans are sick and tired of being ignored by their government. Conservatives have heard this outcry and believe it is time to let Americans lead the way.”
“The Pledge to America represents an agenda set by the American people, not by tone-deaf leaders in Washington. From creating jobs to reining in spending to fixing a dysfunctional Congress,  this pledge embraces bold solutions, a commitment to our founding principles, and a dismantling of ‘business as usual’ in Washington.”
“It’s time to move this country forward and truly embrace the notion that the government’s powers are derived from the consent of the governed.”

John Fleming is a physician and small business owner and represents the 4th Congressional District of Louisiana. He is a member of the House Armed Services and Natural Resources Committees.

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