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Contact: Jamie Hennigan 202.225.2777

Fleming Introduces Immigration Resolution

Washington, Jan 21 - Fleming Introduces Immigration Resolution

Washington, DC – Representative John Fleming, along with a group led by freshman Members of Congress, introduced a resolution today seeking to bridge the political divide between parties on the issue of immigration by outlining some of the key principles that should guide immigration reform. Fleming was joined by 21 other colleagues on H. Res. 1026 the Bipartisan Reform of Immigration through Defining Good Enforcement (“BRIDGE”) Resolution. 

The BRIDGE Resolution reaffirms that the continued peace, prosperity, liberty, and national security of the United States depend upon effective immigration enforcement policies which both welcome lawful immigrants and also prevent individuals from entering or remaining in the U.S. illegally.

Specifically, the resolution states that Congress should:

·   Make E-Verify mandatory for all employers, and hold employees accountable as well;
·   Provide sufficient border infrastructure and manpower to secure and control our borders; and,
·   Reject amnesty and any legal status which pardons those here in violation of our laws.

“One of the most urgent issues facing our nation is today is the alarming increase of illegal immigration,” said Fleming.  “Illegal immigration is creating undue stress on our economy by overwhelming our education, health care, and social services systems – all at the expense of the American taxpayer.  This legislation lays out an important bi-partisan roadmap that should be used as a foundation for any comprehensive immigration reform considered by Congress.  We must enforce existing laws and remove the incentives that encourage illegal behavior if we expect to get immigration under control.”
John Fleming is a physician and small business owner and represents the 4th Congressional District of Louisiana. He is a member of the House Armed Services and Natural Resources Committees.

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