Congressional Record
105th Congress (1997-1998)

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Daily Digest - Tuesday, August 4, 1998

Tuesday, August 4, 1998

Daily Digest


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Chamber Action

Senate was not in session today. It will next meet at 12 noon on Monday, August 31, 1998.

Committee Meetings

No committee meetings were held.

House of Representatives

Chamber Action

Bills Introduced: 12 public bills, H.R. 4388-4399; 1 private bill, H.R. 4400; and 2 resolutions, H. Con. Res. 316-317, were introduced.

Pages H7177-78

Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows:

H.R. 1865, to designate certain lands in the San Isabel National Forest, in Colorado, as the Spanish Peaks Wilderness (H. Rept. 105-673);

H.R. 3498, to amend the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to authorize the States of Washington, Oregon, and California to regulate the Dungeness crab fishery in the exclusive economic zone, amended (H. Rept. 105-674); and

H. Res. 516, providing for consideration of H.R. 3892, to amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to establish a program to help children and youth learn English (H. Rept. 105-675).

Page H7177

Recess: The House recessed at 9:33 a.m. and reconvened at 10:00 a.m.

Page H7005

Private Calendar: On the call of the Private Calendar, the House passed H.R. 379, for the relief of Larry Errol Pieterse, and H.R. 2744, for the relief of Chong Ho Kwak. The House passed over without prejudice S. 1304, for the relief of Belinda McGregor.

Pages H7005-06

Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following measures:

OSHA Recognition of Electronic Forms: H.R. 4037, amended, to require the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to recognize that electronic forms of providing Material Safety Data Sheets provide the same level of access to information as paper copies and to improve the presentation of safety and emergency information on such Data Sheets;

Pages H7008-11

Ocean Shipping Reform Act: S. 414, amended, to amend the Shipping Act of 1984 to encourage competition in international shipping and growth of United States exports;

Pages H7011-19

Airport Improvement Program Reauthorization Act: H.R. 4057, amended, to amend title 49, United States Code, to reauthorize programs of the Federal Aviation Administration;

Pages H7020-37

Credit Union Membership Access Act: Agreed to the Senate amendment to H.R. 1151, to amend the Federal Credit Union Act to clarify existing law and ratify the longstanding policy of the National Credit Union Administration Board with regard to field of membership of Federal credit unions--clearing the measure for the President;

Pages H7037-52

Elimination of Restrictions on U.S. Agricultural Products: H. Con. Res. 213, amended, expressing the sense of the Congress that the European Union is unfairly restricting the importation of United States agriculture products and the elimination of such restrictions should be a top priority in trade negotiations with the European Union (agreed to by a yea and nay vote of 420 yeas to 4 nays, Roll No. 380). Agreed to amend the title;

Pages H7052-57, H7104D896

Technical Changes to Trade Laws: H.R. 4342, amended, to reduce waste, fraud, and error in Government programs by making improvements with respect to Federal management and debt collection practices, Federal payment systems, and Federal benefit programs;

Pages H7057-71

Library of Congress Bicentennial Commemorative Coin Act: H.R. 3790, to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the bicentennial of the Library of Congress;

Pages H7071-72

Designating James F. Battin Courthouse: H.R. 3696, amended, to designate the Federal Courthouse located at 316 North 26th Street in Billings, Montana, as the ``James F. Battin Federal Courthouse''. Agreed to amend the title;

Pages H7072-73

Designating Joseph P. Kinneary Courthouse: S. 1800, to designate the Federal building and United States courthouse located at 85 Marconi Boulevard in Columbus, Ohio, as the ``Joseph P. Kinneary United States Courthouse''--clearing the measure for the President; and

Page H7074

WIPO Copyright Treaties Implementation Act: H.R. 2281, amended, to amend title 17, United States Code, to implement the World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty and Performances and Phonograms Treaty. Agreed to amend the title.

Pages H7074-H7103

Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations: The House continued consideration of amendments to H.R. 4276, making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1999.

Pages H7104-75
Agreed To:

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The Mollohan amendment that increases funding for the Legal Services Corporation by $109 million (agreed to by a recorded vote of 255 ayes to 170 noes, Roll No. 381). The amendment was debated on August 3;

Pages H7104-05

The Ensign amendment that increases funding for the Drug Courts program by $3 million;

Page H7106

The Moran of Virginia amendment to the Skaggs amendment that eliminates funding for TV Marti and retains $2,000 for other international broadcasting programs (The Skaggs amendment, as amended, was subsequently rejected by the Committee);

Pages H7108-15

The Jackson-Lee amendment that increases funding for the Community Relations Service by $500,000;

Pages H7117-19

The Blagojevich amendment numbered 41 printed in the Congressional Record that allocates $5 million to expand the community prosecution program;

Page H7142

The Traficant amendment that requires the Director of the Bureau of Prisons to conduct a study to evaluate the growth and development of private prisons, the training qualifications of personnel, and the security procedures of the facilities. The study shall be submitted to the Committees on the Judiciary of the House and Senate 270 days after enactment;

Pages H7161-62

The Sanders amendment numbered 45 printed in the Congressional Record that increases funding for the Small Business Administration Womens' Business Development programs by $2 million;

Pages H7164-65

The Farr amendment that increases funding for the National Ocean Service by $1 million;

Page H7169

The Millender-McDonald amendment numbered 32 printed in the Congressional Record that increases funding for the National Womens' Business Council by $250,000.

Pages H7172-73

The Skaggs amendment, as amended, that sought to eliminate $9.4 million funding for TV Marti and retain $2,000 for other international broadcasting programs (rejected by a recorded vote of 172 ayes to 251 noes, Roll No. 382);

Pages H7107-16

The Souder amendment that sought to increase funding for the Drug Courts program by $6 million (rejected by a recorded vote of 91 ayes to 327 noes, Roll No. 383);

Pages H7119-26, H7158-59

The Bass amendment numbered 10 printed in the Congressional Record that sought to reduce funding for the Advanced Technology Program by $43 million and transfer $19.5 million of that amount for grants under the Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Programs (rejected by a recorded vote of 155 ayes to 267 noes, Roll No. 384);

Pages H7127-35, H7159

The Scott amendment numbered 9 printed in the Congressional Record that sought to transfer $105 million from Truth in Sentencing Incentive Grants to other programs including Boys and Girls Clubs, Court Appointed Special Advocates, Substance Abuse Treatment for State prisoners, and Drug Courts (rejected by a recorded vote of 149 ayes to 271 noes, Roll No. 385);

Pages H7135-40, H7159-60

The Gutknecht amendment that sought to increase the Weed and Seed program funding by $6 million and reduce the Public Telecommunications D897Facilities Program funding by the same amount (rejected by a recorded vote of 136 ayes to 286 noes, Roll No. 386); and

Pages H7140-42, H7160-61

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The DeGette amendment that sought to strike section 103 that prohibits any funds to be used to pay for an abortion except where the life of the mother is endangered, or in the case of rape (rejected by a recorded vote of 148 ayes to 271 noes, Roll No. 387).

Pages H7143-46; H7161

The Metcalf amendment that sought to repeal Sec. 110 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996; and

Pages H7146-47

The Jackson-Lee amendment that sought to prohibit the transfer of any handgun without a trigger locking device.

Pages H7147-48

The Pallone amendment numbered 44 printed in the Congressional Record that seeks to increase funding for non-point source pollution control by $8 million;

Pages H7165-67

The Engel amendment that seeks to increase funding for the Public Telecommunications Facilities Planning (PTFP) program by $5 million;

Pages H7167-69

The Royce amendment numbered 15 printed in the Congressional Record that seeks to eliminate $180.2 million funding for the Advanced Technology Program (ATP);

Pages H7169-70

The Bartlett amendment numbered 3 printed in the Congressional Record that seeks to strike the funding for payment of arrearages to meet obligations of membership in the United Nations, and to pay assessed expenses of international peacekeeping activities; and

Pages H7170-72

The Talent amendment that seeks to increase funding for the Small Business Investment Program by $7.090 million.

Pages H7173-74

Senate Messages: Message received from the Senate appears on page H7122.

Amendments: Amendments ordered printed pursuant to the rule appear on pages H7179-80.

Quorum Calls--Votes: One yea and nay vote and seven recorded votes developed during the proceedings of the House today and appear on pages H7104, H7105, H7115, H7158-59, H7159, H7159-60, H7160-61, and H7161. There were no quorum calls.

Adjournment: The House met at 9:00 a.m. and adjourned at 11:34 p.m.

Committee Meetings


Committee on Banking and Financial Services: Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit approved for full Committee action amended the following bills: H.R. 3617, Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Amendments Act of 1998; H.R. 4364, Depository Institution Regulatory Streamlining Act of 1998.


Committee on Commerce: Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing on the circumstances surrounding the FCC's planned relocation to the Portals, including the efforts of Franklin L. Haney and his representatives with respect to this matter and the circumstances surrounding the payment of fees to those representatives. Testimony was heard from Franklin L. Haney, Franklin L. Haney Company.

Hearings continue August 7.


Committee on Education and the Workforce: Subcommittee on Employer-Employee Relations continued hearings on Impediments to Union Democracy, Part III: Rank and File Rights at the American Radio Association. Testimony was heard from public witnesses.


Committee on Government Reform and Oversight: Held a hearing on ``The Need for an Independent Counsel in the Campaign Finance Investigation''. Testimony was heard from following officials of the FBI, Department of Justice: Louis J. Freeh, Director; and James V. Desarno, Assistant Director, Criminal Justice Information Services Division, Special Agent in Charge of the Department of Justice Campaign Finance Task Force; and Charles G. LaBella, former Chief, Department of Justice Campaign Finance Task Force.


Committee on the Judiciary: Ordered reported amended the following bills: H.R. 4006, Lethal Drug Abuse Prevention Act of 1998; and H.R. 2921, Multichannel Video Competition and Consumer Protection Act of 1997.

The Committee also approved private immigration bills.

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Committee on National Security: Subcommittee on Military Research and Development held a hearing on U.S./Russian national security issues. Testimony was heard from Stanislav Lunev, former Colonel, Russian Military Intelligence (GRU).


Committee on Resources: Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health held an oversight hearing on Fire Suppression. Testimony was heard from Barry Hill, Associate Director, Energy, Resources and Science Issues, GAO; Wally Josephson, Wildland Fire Specialist, Office of Managing Risk and Public Safety, Department of the Interior; Janice McDougal, Associate Deputy Chief, State and Private Forestry, Forest Service, USDA; and James W. Garner, State Forester, Department of Forestry, State of Virginia.


Committee on Rules: Granted, by voice vote, a modified open rule providing one hour of general debate on H.R. 3892, English Language Fluency Act. The rule provides for a 3 hour time limit on the amendment process, after which no further amendment shall be in order except those printed in the Congressional Record, with each further amendment and all amendments thereto to be debatable for 10 minutes equally divided and controlled by a proponent and an opponent.

The rule makes in order the Committee on Education and the Workforce amendment in the nature of a substitute now printed in the bill as an original bill for amendment purposes, which shall be considered as read. The rule provides for the consideration of the manager's amendment numbered 1 printed in the Congressional Record if offered by Representative Riggs or his designee, which shall be considered as read, shall not be subject to amendment or to a division of the question, and shall be debatable for 10 minutes equally divided between the proponent and an opponent. If adopted, the amendment is considered as part of the base text for further amendment purposes. The rule provides that after the disposition of the amendment numbered 1, it shall be in order to consider the amendment numbered 2 printed in the Congressional Record if offered by Representative Riggs or his designee, which shall be considered as read, and including all amendments thereto, shall be debatable for 30 minutes equally divided between the proponent and an opponent.

The rule authorizes the Chair to accord priority in recognition to Members who have pre-printed their amendments in the Congressional Record. The rule allows for the Chairman of the Committee of the Whole to postpone votes during consideration of the bill, and to reduce votes to five minutes on a postponed question if the vote follows a fifteen minute vote. Finally, the rule provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions. Testimony was heard from Chairman Goodling and Representatives Riggs and Martinez.


Committee on Rules: Heard testimony from Representatives Porter, Tiahrt, Istook, Shaw, Smith of New Jersey, Castle, Greenwood, Riggs, Manzullo, LoBiondo, Brady of Texas, English of Pennsylvania, Obey, Lowey, and Nadler, but action was deferred on H.R. 4274, making appropriations for the Department of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1999.


Committee on Science: Subcommittee on Technology held an oversight hearing on Developing Partnerships for Assistive and Universally Designed Technologies for Persons with Disabilities. Testimony was heard from John Lancaster, Executive Director, President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities; and public witnesses.


Committee on Ways and Means: Subcommittee on Oversight held a hearing on the Funding Mechanisms of the ``E-Rate'' Program. Testimony was heard from Representatives Weller, Tauzin and Blumenauer; and the following officials of the FCC: Harold Furchtgott-Roth, Commissioner; and Christopher J. Wright, General Counsel.



(Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


No meetings are scheduled.


Committee on Agriculture, Subcommittee on Department Operations, Nutrition, and Foreign Agriculture, hearing on H.R. 4366, Food Stamp Verification Act of 1998, 2 p.m., 1300 Longworth. Committee on Banking and Financial Services, to mark up the following bills; H.R. 4239, Financial Contract Netting Improvement Act of 1998; and H.R. 4321, Financial Information Privacy Act of 1998, 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn. Committee on Commerce, to mark up the following bills: H.R. 3844, Wireless Communications and Public Safety D899Act of 1998; H.R. 4017, Energy Conservation Reauthorization Act of 1998; and H.R. 4382, Mammography Quality Standards Reauthorization Act of 1998, 10:45 a.m., 2123 Rayburn.

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Committee on Education and the Workforce, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, hearing on Prison Industry: Effects on Inmates, Law-Abiding Workers, and Business, 10 a.m., 2175 Rayburn. Committee on House Oversight, to consider pending business, 3 p.m., 1310 Longworth. Committee on International Relations, Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights, to continue hearings on Human Rights in China--Day 2, 10 a.m., 2172 Rayburn.

Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, hearing on Regional Conflict: Colombia's Insurgency and Prospects for a Peaceful Resolution, 1:30 p.m., 2172 Rayburn. Committee on the Judiciary, to continue markup of H.R. 3789, Class Action Jurisdiction Act of 1998; and to mark up the following bills: H.R. 218, Community Protection Act of 1997; H.R. 3607, National Youth Crime Prevention Demonstration Act; and H.R. 4264, to establish the Bureau of Enforcement and Border Affairs within the Department of Justice, 10 a.m., 2141 Rayburn. Committee on Resources, to consider the following measures: H.R. 1282, to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain facilities of the Minidoka project to the Burley Irrigation district; H.R. 1467, to provide for the continuance of oil and gas operations pursuant to certain existing leases in the Wayne National Forest; H.R. 1481, Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act of 1997; S. 1693, Vision 2020 National Parks Restoration Act; S. 1695, Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site Preservation Act of 1998; H.R. 1943, Carlsbad Irrigation Project Acquired Transfer Act; H.R. 2108, Dutch John Federal Property Disposition and Assistance Act of 1997; H.R. 2161, to direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey the Palmetto Bend Project to the State of Texas; H.R. 2756, Kake Tribal Corporation Land Exchange Act; H.R. 3056, to provide for the preservation and sustainability of the family farm through the transfer of responsibility for operation and maintenance of the Flathead Indian Irrigation project; H.R. 3187, to amend the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 to exempt not-for-profit entities that hold rights-of-way on public lands from certain strict liability requirements imposed in connection with such rights-of-way; H.R. 3381, Gallatin Land Consolidation Act of 1998; H.R. 3687, to authorize prepayment of amounts due under a water reclamation project contract for the Canadian River Project, Texas; H.R. 3706, Clear Creek Distribution System Conveyance Act; H.R. 3715, Pine River Project Conveyance Act; H.R. 3878, to subject certain reserved mineral interests of the operation of the Mineral Leasing Act; H.R. 3972, to amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act to prohibit the Secretary of the Interior from charging State and local government agencies for certain uses of the sand, gravel, and shell resources of the outer Continental Shelf; H.R. 4023, to provide for the conveyance of the Forest Service property in Kern County, California, in exchange for county lands suitable for inclusion in Sequoia National Forest; H.R. 4048, Sly Park Unit Conveyance Act; H.R. 4166, to amend the Idaho Admission Act regarding the sale or lease of school land; H.R. 4313, to amend the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands to provide that the number of members on the legislature of the Virgin Islands and the number of such members constituting a quorum shall be determined by the laws of the Virgin Islands; and a measure to provide for the conveyance of various reclamation project facilities to local water authorities, 11 a.m., 1324 Longworth. Committee on Rules, to consider H.R. 4380, making appropriations for the government of the District of Columbia and other activities chargeable in whole or in part against revenues of said District for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1999; and to mark up a measure to amend the Rules of the House of Representatives to provide for mandatory drug testing of Members, officers, and employees of the House of Representatives, 11 a.m., H-313 Capitol. Committee on Science, oversight hearing on the White House Perspective on the International Space Station's Problems and Solutions, 10 a.m., 2318 Rayburn. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, Subcommittee on Surface Transportation, hearing on Motor Carrier Economic Regulatory Issues, 10 a.m., 2167 Rayburn. Committee on Veterans' Affairs, hearing on the garnishment of benefits paid to veterans for child support and other court-ordered family obligations, 10 a.m., 334 Cannon. Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, executive, hearing on Iraq, 2 p.m., H-405 Capitol.

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Next Meeting of the
12 noon, Monday, August 31
Senate Chamber

Program for Monday: After the transaction of any morning business (not to extend beyond 1 p.m.), Senate may consider any cleared executive or legislative business.

Next Meeting of the
10 a.m., Wednesday, August 5
House Chamber

Program for Wednesday: Consideration of H.R. 4276, Departments of Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary Appropriations Act, 1999 (Complete Consideration) and

Consideration of H.R. 2183, Bipartisan Campaign Integrity Act of 1997 (Continue Consideration).

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue


Abercrombie, Neil, Hawaii, E1541

Barr, Bob, Ga., E1538

Bereuter, Doug, Nebr., E1544

Berman, Howard L., Calif., E1534

Brady, Robert A., Pa., E1544

Capps, Lois, Calif., E1531

Clyburn, James E., S.C., E1536

Coble, Howard, N.C., E1535

Cubin, Barbara, Wyo., E1533

Cunningham, Randy ``Duke'', Calif., E1536

DeGette, Diana, Colo., E1537

Delahunt, William D., Mass., E1534

Filner, Bob, Calif., E1541, E1542

Gejdenson, Sam, Conn., E1540

Gillmor, Paul E., Ohio, E1540

Gingrich, Newt, Ga., E1529

Hamilton, Lee H., Ind., E1538

Hilleary, Van, Tenn., E1542

Hoyer, Steny H., Md., E1537

Hunter, Duncan, Calif., E1531

Kind, Ron, Wisc., E1532

Lewis, Jerry, Calif., E1530

Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E1537

Markey, Edward J., Mass., E1544

Mica, John L., Fla., E1542

Nadler, Jerrold, N.Y., E1542

Ortiz, Solomon P., Tex., E1532

Packard, Ron, Calif., E1542

Pallone, Frank, Jr., N.J., E1543

Pappas, Michael, N.J., E1543

Paul, Ron, Tex., E1532

Porter, John Edward, Ill., E1531

Sanchez, Loretta, Calif., E1532

Sanders, Bernard, Vt., E1529

Serrano, Jose E., N.Y., E1535

Slaughter, Louise McIntosh, N.Y., E1532

Smith, Robert, Ore., E1530

Solomon, Gerald B.H., N.Y., E1534

Towns, Edolphus, N.Y., E1533

Velazquez, Nydia M., N.Y., E1534

Wynn, Albert Russell, Md., E1531

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