Congressional Record
105th Congress (1997-1998)

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Daily Digest - Wednesday, May 7, 1997

Wednesday, May 7, 1997

Daily Digest

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Chamber Action

Routine Proceedings, pages S4043-S4132

Measures Introduced: Nine bills and one resolution were introduced, as follows: S. 709-717 and S. Res. 85.

Page S4106

Measures Reported: Reports were made as follows:

S. 717, to amend the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, to reauthorize and make improvements to that Act.

Supplemental Appropriations: Senate continued consideration of S. 672, making supplemental appropriations and rescissions for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1997, taking action on amendments proposed thereto, as follows:

Pages S4043-S4104

Stevens (for Byrd) Amendment No. 140, to modify eligibility for emergency rail assistance funds.

Page S4043

Stevens Amendment No. 208, to prohibit the use of funds made available in Public Law 104-208 for assistance to Uruguay unless the Secretary of State certifies to the Committees on Appropriations that all cases involving seizure of United States business assets have been resolved.

Page S4045

By 89 yeas to 11 nays (Vote No. 58), D'Amato Amendment No. 145, to rescind certain Job Opportunities and Basic Skills (JOBS) funds, and extend the transition period for aliens receiving SSI funds.

Pages S4047-50, S4067-68

Hollings Amendment No. 231, to specify that none of the funds made available in any appropriations Act for fiscal year 1997 may be used by the Department of Commerce for the use of sampling data in the next census for purposes of the apportionment of Representatives in Congress.

Pages S4069-76

Feingold Amendment No. 83, to prohibit the use of funds for operations or activities of the Armed Forces relating to Bosnia ground deployment after September 30, 1997.

Pages S4077-79, S4082-89

Hutchison Amendment No. 177 (to Amendment No. 83), to change the date for prohibition of the use of funds to June 30, 1998.

Pages S4078-79, S4082-89

Stevens (for Biden) Amendment No. 131, to provide funding for the Delaware River Basin Commission and the Susquehanna River Basin Commission.

Page S4079

Stevens Amendment No. 224 (to Amendment No. 131), to provide that the Federal representative to the river Basin Commission shall be the Secretary of the Interior or his designee.

Page S4079

Stevens (for Johnson/Daschle) Amendment No. 70, to provide funds for channel restoration and improvements on the James River in South Dakota.

Page S4080

Stevens Amendment No. 225 (to Amendment No. 70, to clarify that if the Secretary of the Army determines that the need for such restoration and improvements constitutes an emergency.

Page S4080

Stevens (for Daschle) Modified Amendment No. 90, to provide funding for the Partners in Wildlife Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to pay private landowners for the voluntary use of private land to store water in restored wetlands.

Pages S4080-81

Stevens (for Domenici) Amendment No. 144, to make certain technical amendments with respect to education programs.

Page S4081

Stevens (for Bumpers) Amendment No. 97, to extend the dredging participation in the Small Business Administration Program Act of 1988.

Page S4089

Stevens (for Specter) Amendment No. 76, to require the Secretary of Agriculture to collect and disseminate statistically reliable information from milk manufacturing plants on prices received for bulk cheese and to require the Secretary to report to Congress on the rate of reporting compliance.

Pages S4089-90

Stevens (for Bond) Amendment No. 169, to increase the number of units available for FHA insurance under the HUD/State Housing Finance Agency Risk-Sharing program.

Page S4096

Stevens (for Conrad) Amendment No. 232, to make an additional $10,000,000 available for the cost of subsidized guaranteed farm operating loans under Title II, Chapter 1.

Pages S4096-97

Stevens (for Conrad) Amendment No. 233, to reduce funding for the Emergency Food Assistance D440Program commodity purchases to offset emergency disaster funding for subsidized guaranteed farm operating loans and additional funding for flood plain easements.

Pages S4096-97

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Stevens (for Conrad) Amendment No. 234, to provide additional funds to repair damages to waterways and watersheds resulting from flooding.

Pages S4096-97

Stevens (for Kerrey) Amendment No. 235, to assure sufficient funding for Essential Air Service under the Rural Air Service Survival Act.

Page S4104

Bumpers Amendment No. 64, to strike section 310, which would block implementation of a Department of Interior policy on rights-of-way on federal land. (By 51 yeas to 49 nays (Vote No. 59), Senate tabled the amendment.)

Pages S4050-67, S4068-69

McCain Amendment No. 107, to strike earmarks for unrequested highway and bridge projects, parking garages, and theater restoration.

Pages S4091-93

Reid/Baucus Amendment No. 171, to substitute provisions waiving formal consultation requirements and ``takings'' liability under the Endangered Species Act for operating and repairing flood control projects damaged by flooding.

Page S4043

Byrd Amendment No. 59, to strike those provisions providing for continuing appropriations in the absence of regular appropriations for fiscal year 1998.

Pages S4097-S4104

D'Amato Amendment No. 166, to rescind JOBS funds and extend the transition period for aliens receiving SSI funds.

Pages S4046-48

During consideration of this measure today, Senate also took the following action:

By a unanimous vote of 100 yeas (Vote No. 57), three-fifths of those Senators duly chosen and sworn having voted in the affirmative, Senate agreed to close further debate on the bill.

Page S4046

Senate will continue consideration of the bill on Thursday, May 8, 1997. Senate Arms Control Observer Group: The Chair, on behalf of the Democratic Leader, pursuant to S. Res. 105, adopted April 13, 1989, as amended, by S. Res. 280, adopted October 8, 1994, announced the following appointments to the Senate Arms Control Observer Group: Senators Kerry and Durbin.

Pages S4131-32
Commission on Maintaining U.S. Nuclear Weapons Expertise: The Chair, on behalf of the Democratic Leader, after consultation with the Republican Leader, pursuant to Public Law 104-201, appointed Charles B. Curtis, of Maryland, to the Commission on Maintaining United States Nuclear Weapons Expertise.
Pages S4131-32

Messages From the House:

Page S4106 

Measures Referred:

Page S4106 


Page S4106 

Executive Reports of Committees:

Page S4106 

Statements on Introduced Bills:

Pages S4106-15 

Additional Cosponsors:

Pages S4115-16 

Amendments Submitted:

Pages S4117-28 

Notices of Hearings:

Page S4128 

Authority for Committees:

Pages S4128-29 

Additional Statements:

Page S4129 

Record Votes: Three record votes were taken today. (Total--59)

Pages S4046, S4068-69 

Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:30 a.m., and adjourned at 8:02 p.m., until 9:15 a.m., on Thursday, May 8, 1997. (For Senate's program, see the remarks of the Acting Majority Leader in today's Record on page S4132.)

Committee Meetings

(Committees not listed did not meet)


Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Defense held hearings on proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 1998 for the Department of Defense, focusing on working capital funds and depot operations, receiving testimony from Henry L. Hinton, Assistant Comptroller General for National Security and International Affairs Issues, Jack Brock, Issue Area Director for Defense Information and Financial Management Systems, Accounting and Information Management Division, and Julia Denman, Assistant Director for Defense Management Issues, National Security and International Affairs Division, all of the General Accounting Office; Gen. Johnnie E. Wilson, Commander, Army Materiel Command; Vice Adm. Donald L. Pilling, USN, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations (Resources, Warfare Requirements and Assessments); Gen. Henry Viccellio, Jr., Commander, United States Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command.

Subcommittee will meet again on Tuesday, May 13.


Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education held hearings to examine the need for increased funding D441for cancer research, receiving testimony from Senators Mack and Feinstein, both on behalf of the Senate Cancer Coalition; Richard D. Klausner, Director, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services; Sherry Lansing, Paramount Pictures Corporation, Helene G. Brown, UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Keith L. Black, UCLA Medical Center, all of Los Angeles, California; Sam Donaldson, ABC News, and Ellen Sigal, Sigal Environmental, on behalf of the Friends of Cancer Research, both of Washington, D.C.; Amy S. Langer, National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations, New York, New York; Donald S. Coffey, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, on behalf of the American Association for Cancer Research, Inc.; Arnold Palmer, Arnold Palmer Enterprises, Youngstown, Pennsylvania; Charles A. Coltman, San Antonio Cancer Institute, San Antonio, Texas, on behalf of the Cancer Therapy and Research Foundation of South Texas; and Toni Shaheen, Monmouth Beach, New Jersey.

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Subcommittee recessed subject to call.


Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on Transportation and Related Agencies held hearings to examine issues with regard to the financing of certain Federal transportation programs, focusing on Federal Aviation Administration user fees, the Administration's financing proposals to leverage Federal investment in transportation infrastructure, and the current financial condition of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak), receiving testimony from Mortimer L. Downey, Deputy Secretary, and Jolene Molitoris, Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration, both of the Department of Transportation; Thomas M. Downs, President and Chairman, National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak); and John Anderson, Director, and Phyllis Scheinberg, Associate Director, both of the Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division, General Accounting Office.

Subcommittee recessed subject to call.


Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation: Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Space concluded hearings to review certain budgetary matters with regard to the National Science Foundation and the Technology Administration of the Department of Commerce, after receiving testimony from Neal F. Lane, Director, National Science Foundation; Richard N. Zare, Chairman, National Science Board; and Mary L. Good, Under Secretary of Commerce for Technology.


Committee on Environment and Public Works: Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure concluded hearings on proposed legislation authorizing funds for programs of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, focusing on transportation safety issues, including related measures S. 284 and S. 412, after receiving testimony from Senators Lugar and DeWine; Representative Lowey; Philip R. Recht, Deputy Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and Anthony R. Kane, Executive Director, Federal Highway Administration, both of the Department of Transportation; Mayor Bob Bartlett, Monrovia, California, on behalf of the Southern California Association of Governments; Richard D. Crabtree, Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, Columbus, Ohio, and Joan B. Claybrook, Public Citizen, Washington, D.C., both on behalf of the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety; Katherine P. Prescott, Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Irving, Texas; Thomas J. Donohue, American Trucking Associations, Inc., James L. Kolstad, American Automobile Association, Barbara Harsha, National Association of Governors' Highway and Safety Representatives, and Robert A. Georgine, Building and Construction Trades Department, and Edward Wytkind, Transportation Trades Department, both of the AFL-CIO, all of Washington, D.C.; and Brenda Berry, CRASH, Woodbridge, Virginia.


Committee on Foreign Relations: Subcommittee on European Affairs held hearings to examine the Administration's proposed budget request for fiscal year 1998 for assistance to Central and Eastern Europe and the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union, receiving testimony from Richard L. Morningstar, Special Advisor to the President and Secretary of State on Assistance to the New Independent States, and James H. Holmes, Coordinator for East European Assistance, both of the Department of State; and Thomas A. Dine, Assistant Administrator, Bureau of Europe and the New Independent States, Agency for International Development.

Hearings were recessed subject to call.


Committee on Governmental Affairs: Committee held hearings to review the recommendations of the final report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy, and S. 712, to define the D442principles and standards to govern classification and declassification, and establish within an existing agency a National Declassification Center to coordinate responsibility for declassifying historical documents, receiving testimony from Senators Moynihan and Helms; Representatives Combest and Hamilton; Lawrence S. Eagleburger, former Secretary of State; Alden V. Munson, Jr., Litton Industries, Inc., Woodland Hills, California; and David Wise, Washington, D.C.

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Hearings were recessed subject to call.


Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded hearings on the nominations of Eric L. Clay, of Michigan, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit, Arthur Gajarsa, of Maryland, to be United States Circuit Judge for the Federal Circuit, Alan S. Gold, to be United States District Judge for the Southern District of Florida, and Thomas W. Thrash, Jr., to be United States District Judge for the Northern District of Georgia, after the nominees testified and answered questions in their own behalf. Mr. Gajarsa was introduced by Senators Sarbanes and Mikulski, Mr. Gold was introduced by Senators Mack and Graham, and Mr. Thrash was introduced by Senators Coverdell and Cleland.


Committee on the Judiciary: Committee concluded hearings on S. 507 and H.R. 400, bills to streamline operations in the Patent and Trademark Office of the Department of Commerce and to provide efficient and effective protection of patents and trademarks, after receiving testimony from Senator Lautenberg; Representatives Hyde and Rohrabacher; Bruce A. Lehman, Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks; Michael K. Kirk, American Intellectual Property Law Association, Arlington, Virginia; Eric J. Ruff, PowerQuest Corporation; Orem, Utah; William P. Parker, Vermont Inventors Association, Burlington; and Kim Muller, International Trademark Association, New York, New York.


Committee on Labor and Human Resources: Committee ordered favorably reported the following business items:

S. 717, to amend and authorize funds for programs of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; and

The nominations of Marsha Mason, of New Mexico, to be a Member of the National Council on the Arts, and Susan E. Trees, of Massachusetts, to be a Member of the National Council on the Humanities, both of the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, Anthony R. Sarmiento, of Maryland, to be a Member of the National Institute for Literacy Advisory Board, Hans M. Mark, of Texas, to be a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation, and Gerald N. Tirozzi, of Connecticut, to be Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education, and Donald Rappaport, of the District of Columbia, to be Chief Financial Officer, both of the Department of Education.


Committee on Small Business: Committee held oversight hearings on the management of Small Business Administration finance programs, focusing on the 504 Development Company Loan Program and the Small Business Investment Company Program, receiving testimony from Mark Barbash, Columbus Countywide Development Corporation, Columbus, Ohio, on behalf of the National Association of Development Companies; Steve M. Dusek, Prairieland Economic Development Corporation, Slayton, Minnesota; C. Walter Dick, Pioneer Capital Corporation, Boston, Massachusetts, on behalf of the National Association of Small Business Investment Companies; N. Whitney Johns, Whitney Johns & Company, Nashville, Tennessee; and Stanley W. Tucker, MMG Ventures, Baltimore, Maryland, on behalf of the National Association of Investment Companies.

Hearings continue on Thursday, May 15.


Select Committee on Intelligence: Committee continued hearings, in closed session, on the nomination of George John Tenet, of Maryland, to be Director of Central Intelligence, where the nominee further testified and answered questions in his own behalf.

Closed hearings continue on Tuesday, May 13.

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House of Representatives

Chamber Action

Bills Introduced: 10 public bills, H.R. 1542-1551; 1 private bill, H.R. 1552; and 3 resolutions, H.J. Res. 77, and H. Con. Res. 75-76, were introduced.

Pages H2349-50

Reports Filed: Reports were filed as follows:

H. Con. Res. 49, authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby (H. Rept. 105-90);

H. Con. Res. 66, authorizing the use of the Capitol grounds for the sixteenth annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service (H. Rept. 105-91); and

H. Con. Res. 67, authorizing the 1997 Special Olympics Torch Relay to be run through the Capitol Grounds (H. Rept. 105-92).

Page H2349

Speaker Pro Tempore: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he designated Representative Shaw to act as Speaker pro tempore for today.

Page H2257

Placement of Jack Swigert of Colorado Statue In National Statuary Hall: The House agreed to H. Con. Res. 25, providing for acceptance of a statue of Jack Swigert, presented by the State of Colorado, for placement in National Statuary Hall. Agreed to the Thomas amendment that strikes Section 2, providing for the printing of the transcript of proceedings at public expense. Agreed to amend the title.

Pages H2263-34

Suspension--Consumer Price Index: By a yea-and-nay vote of 399 yeas to 16 nays, Roll No. 105, the House voted to suspend the rules and agree to H. Res. 93, expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the Bureau of Labor Statistics alone should make any adjustments, if any are needed, to the methodology used to determine the Consumer Price Index. The motion to suspend the rules and agree to the resolution was debated on Tuesday, May 6.

Page H2264

Housing Authority and Responsibility Act: The House resumed consideration of amendments to H.R. 2, to repeal the United States Housing Act of 1937, deregulate the public housing program and the program for rental housing assistance for low-income families, and increase community control over such programs. The House completed all debate on Wednesday, April 30 and considered amendments to the bill on Thursday, May 1 and Tuesday, May 6.

Pages H2265-81

The Frank of Massachusetts amendment, debated on Tuesday, May 6, that sought to establish a monthly rent, determined by the public housing agency, that does not exceed 30 percent of the monthly adjusted income of the family or 10 percent of the monthly income of the family (rejected by a recorded vote of 172 ayes to 252 noes, Roll No. 106); and

Pages H2265-66

The Velazquez en block amendment that sought to reduce the minimum rental amount from not less than $25 nor more than $50 to not more than $25 per month; and reduces the minimum monthly rental contribution from not less than $25 nor more than $50 to not more than $25.

Pages H2267-71

The Jackson-Lee amendment was offered but subsequently withdrawn that sought to establish, for not less than 50 percent of available housing units, occupancy preferences for families who live in substandard housing, pay more than 50 percent of income for rent, or are involuntarily displaced; and

Pages H2266-67

The Moran of Virginia amendment was offered but subsequently withdrawn that sought to allow housing agencies with a waiting list of 1 year or longer to establish a 5-year limitation on residence in public housing and exempts from this limitation families with a working member, the elderly, or the disabled.

Pages H2271-75

On April 30, the House agreed to H. Res. 133, the rule that is providing for consideration of the bill.

Pages H2035-38 

Flood Control and Family Protection Act: The House completed all debate and began considering amendments to H.R. 478, to amend the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to improve the ability of individuals and local, State, and Federal agencies to comply with that Act in building, operating, maintaining, or repairing flood control projects, facilities, or structures.

Pages H2283-H2313

H. Res. 142, the rule that is providing for consideration of the bill was approved earlier by a yea-and-nay vote of 415 yeas to 8 nays, Roll No. 107.

Pages H2281-83
Agreed To:

The Pombo amendment, as modified, that exempts from the Endangered Species Act consultation and conferencing provisions, the maintenance, rehabilitation, repair, or replacement of a flood control project, facility, or structure where necessary to protect human life or prevent the substantial risk of serious property damage;

Pages H2293-96

The Dicks amendment, to the agreed to Boehlert amendment in the nature of a substitute, that clarifies that exemptions apply to projects to repair a D444flood control facility in response to a substantial threat to human lives and property;

Pages H2301-02

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The Gilchrest amendment, to the agreed to Boehlert amendment in the nature of a substitute, that directs that GAO conduct a study of the costs and nature of mitigation required by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service pursuant to consultation under the Endangered Species Act for flood control levee maintenance projects; and

Page H2308

The Boehlert amendment in the nature of a substitute, as amended, that exempts from the Endangered Species Act consultation and conferencing provisions, a project to replace a flood control facility that is declared a Federal disaster area in 1997 to the extent as would be required by California projects subject to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Policy on Emergency Flood Response and Short Term Repair of Flood Control Facilities issued on February 19, 1997; provides that exemptions shall not apply after the date that the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works determines that repairs have been completed or December 31, 1998, whichever is earlier; and clarifies that the exemptions apply to any project to repair a flood control facility in response to an imminent threat to human lives and property (agreed to by a recorded vote of 227 ayes to 196 noes, Roll No. 108).

Pages H2296-H2313

Juvenile Crime Control Act: The House completed debate on H.R. 3, to combat violent youth crime and increase accountability for juvenile criminal offenses. Consideration of amendments will begin on Thursday, May 8.

 Pages H2323-33

H. Res. 143, the rule that is providing for consideration of the bill was agreed to earlier by a yea-and-nay vote of 252 yeas to 159 nays, Roll No. 109.

Pages H2313-23

Bipartisan Task Force on Reform of the Ethics Process: Agreed by unanimous consent that the order of the House of April 23, 1997 be extended through June 12, 1997. The order of the House of February 12 concerning the Ethics process was modified on April 23. In furtherance of the understanding concerning the establishment of the ethics task force:

Made in order during the period beginning immediately and ending on June 12, 1997: (1) the Committee on Standards of Official Conduct may not receive, renew, initiate, or investigate a complaint against the official conduct of a member, officer, or employee of the House; (2) the Committee on Standard of Official Conduct may issue advisory opinions and perform other non-investigative functions; and (3) a resolution addressing the official conduct of a member, officer, or employee of the House that is proposed to be offered from the floor by a member other than the Majority Leader or the Minority Leader, or a Member designated from the floor by the Majority Leader or the Minority Leader at the time of notice pursuant to clause 2(A)(1) of Rule IX, as a question of the privileges of the House shall once noticed pursuant to clause 2(a)(1) of Rule IX, have precedence over all other questions except motions to adjourn only at a time or place designated by the Chair in the legislative schedule within two legislative days after June 12, 1997.

Page H2333

Advisory Committee On The Records Of Congress: Read a letter from the Minority Leader wherein he appointed Dr. Joseph Cooper of Baltimore, Maryland to the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress.

Page H2333

Advisory Commission On Intergovernmental Relations: The Chair announced the Speaker's appointment of Representatives Shays and Snowbarger to the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations.

Page H2333

Congressional Award Board: The Chair announced the Speaker's appointment of Representative Cubin to the Congressional Award Board.

Page H2333

Amendments: Amendments ordered printed pursuant to the rule appear on page H2352.

Quorum Calls--Votes: Three yea-and-nay votes and two recorded votes developed during the proceedings of the House today and appear on pages H2264, H2265-66, H2282-83, H2313, and H2323. There were no quorum calls.

Adjournment: Met at 11:00 a.m. and adjourned at 12:00 midnight.

Committee Meetings


Committee on Appropriations: Subcommittee on VA-HUD, and Independent Agencies held a hearing on the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the Consumer Information Center, and on the Office of Consumer Affairs. Testimony was heard from Ann Brown, Chairman, Consumer Product Safety Commission; Teresa Navarro Nasif, Director, Consumer Information Center, GSA; and Leslie L. Byrne, Director, U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs.


Committee on Banking and Financial Services: Held a hearing on Financial Modernization, including H.R. 10, Financial Services Competitiveness Act of 1997. Testimony was heard fromJames L. Bothwell, Chief Economist, GAO; and public witnesses.

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Committee on Banking and Financial Services: Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit approved for full Committee action amended H.R. 1306, Riegle-Neal Clarification Act of 1997.


Committee on Commerce: Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations held a hearing on the Department of Energy's Office of Science and Technology (OST), focusing on issues relating to OST-funded technologies and their deployment at DOE sites. Testimony was heard from the following officials of the Department of Energy: Alvin Alm, Assistant Secretary, Environmental Management; and Clyde W. Frank, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Technology Development; the following officials of the Resources, Community and Economic Development Division, GAO: Victor S. Rezendes, Director, Energy, Resources, and Science Issues; and Rachel J. Hesselink, Senior Evaluator; and a public witness.


Committee on Education and the Workforce: Ordered reported the following bills: H.R. 5, amended, IDEA Improvement Act of 1997; and H.R. 1511, Cost of Higher Education Review Act of 1997.


Committee on International Relations: Favorably considered and adopted a motion urging the Chairman to request that the following measures be considered on the Suspension Calendar: H. Res. 121, expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding the March 30, 1997, terrorist grenade attack in Cambodia; H. Con. Res. 50, expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the status of the investigation of the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992; and H. Con. Res. 63, expressing the sense of the Congress regarding the 50th anniversary of the Marshall Plan and reaffirming the commitment of the United States to the principles that led to the establishment of that program.


Committee on International Relations: On May 6, the Committee ordered reported amended H.R. 1486, Foreign Policy Reform Act.

The Committee also favorably considered and adopted a motion urging the Chairman to request that the following measures be considered on the Suspension Calendar: H. Con. Res. 73, concerning the death of Chaim Herzog; and H. Res. 103, amended, expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that the United States should maintain approximately 100,000 U.S. military personnel in the Asia and Pacific region until such time as there is a peaceful and permanent resolution to the major security and political conflicts in the region.


Committee on International Relations: Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific held a hearing on U.S. Policy Toward Indonesia. Testimony was heard from Aurelia Brazeal, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Department of State; and public witnesses.


Committee on the Judiciary: Held an oversight hearing on Reclaiming Our Youth: Grassroots Solutions to Crime and Violence. Testimony was heard from Speaker Gingrich, Representative Fattah; the following officials of the District of Columbia: David Gilmore, Receiver, Housing Authority; and members of the Metropolitan Police Department; and public witnesses.


Committee on National Security: Subcommittee on Military Readiness held a hearing on Naval Petroleum Reserves. Testimony was heard from Representative Hefley; Martin J. Fitzgerald, Associate General Counsel, GAO; and Patricia Fry Godley, Assistant Secretary, Fossil Energy, Department of Energy.


Committee on National Security: Subcommittee on Military Research and Development held a hearing on the fiscal year 1998 National Defense Authorization request--Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) Threat. Testimony was heard from public witnesses.


Committee on Science: Subcommittee on Energy and Environment continued hearings on ``The Science Behind EPA's Proposed Particulate Matter/Ozone Standards, Part 2''. Testimony was heard from Carl E. Krentz, Mayor, La Porte, Indiana; and public witnesses.


Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Ordered reported the following measures: H. Con. Res. 49, authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby; H. Con. Res. 66, authorizing the use of the Capitol Grounds for the 16th annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service; and H. Con. Res. 67, authorizing the 1997 Special Olympics Torch Relay to run through the Capitol Grounds.

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The Committee approved two Committee GSA resolution amendments; and 21 Water Resources Survey resolutions.

The Committee also approved other pending Committee business.


Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Subcommittee on Railroads held a hearing on High Speed Rail Programs. Testimony was heard from Jolene Molitoris, Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation; and a public witness.


Committee on Veterans' Affairs: Subcommittee on Benefits held a hearing on Government Performance and Results Act strategies for the Veterans Employment and Training Service. Testimony was heard from Preston M. Taylor, Jr., Assistant Secretary, Veterans' Employment and Training, Department of Labor; Carlotta C. Joyner, Director, Education and Employment Issues, Health, Education and Human Services Division, GAO; and representatives of various veterans organizations.


MAY 8, 1997

(Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Military Construction, to hold hearings on proposed budget estimates for fiscal year 1998 for Army and defense military construction programs, 9:30 a.m., SD-138. Committee on Armed Services, closed business meeting, to consider pending military nominations, 5 p.m., SR-222. Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, business meeting, to mark up S. 462, to reform and consolidate the public and assisted housing programs of the United States, and to redirect primary responsibility for these programs from the Federal Government to States and localities, 2 p.m., SD-538. Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine, to hold hearings on proposed legislation authorizing funds for hazardous materials transportation, 10:30 a.m., SR-253. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, to hold a workshop to examine competitive change in the electric power industry, focusing on the effects of competition on fuel use and types of generation, 9:30 a.m., SH-216. Committee on Foreign Relations, business meeting, to consider the Document Agreed Among the States Parties to the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) of November 19, 1990, adopted at Vienna on May 31, 1996 (``the Flank Document'') (Treaty Doc. 105-5), and other pending calendar business, 10:30 a.m., SD-419. Committee on Governmental Affairs, Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, Restructuring and the District of Columbia, to resume hearings to examine the Government's impact on television programming, 10 a.m., SD-342. Committee on the Judiciary, business meeting, to consider pending calendar business, 10 a.m., SD-226.

Full Committee, to hold hearings on S. 191, to throttle criminal use of guns, 2 p.m., SD-226. Committee on Rules and Administration, to resume hearings to discuss revisions to Title 44, relating to the operations of the Government Printing Office, 9:30 a.m., SR-301.


For a listing of Senate committee meetings scheduled ahead, see pages E871-72 in today's Record.


Committee on Agriculture, Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry, hearing to review the status and future prospects for trade in livestock, dairy, and poultry products between the United States and the European Union, 1 p.m., 1300 Longworth. Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on District of Columbia, on D.C. Privatization of the Financial Management System, 10 a.m., H-144 Capitol. Committee on Banking and Financial Services, Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, to markup the following bills: H.R. 1370, to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank of the United States; and H.R. 1488, to authorize U.S. participation in various international financial institutions, 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn. Committee on Commerce, Subcommittee on Health and Environment and Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, to continue joint hearings on Review of EPA's Proposed Ozone and Particulate Matter NAAQS Revisions, 9:30 a.m., 2123 Rayburn. Committee on Education and the Workforce, Subcommittee on Employer-Employee Relations, hearing on H.R. 1515, Expansion of Portability and Health Insurance Coverage Act of 1997, 10 a.m., 2175 Rayburn.

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, hearing on Dollars to the Classroom, 1 p.m., 2261 Rayburn. Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, Subcommittee on Government Management, Information and Technology, hearing on ``Oversight of the GPO'', 9:30 a.m., 311 Cannon.

Subcommittee on Human Resources, oversight hearing of the NIH and FDA: Bio-Ethics and the Adequacy of Informed Consent, 10 a.m., 2247 Rayburn. Committee on International Relations, Subcommittee on International Economic Policy and Trade, hearing on Encryption: Individual Right to Privacy vs. National Security, 9:30 a.m., 2172 Rayburn.

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Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on the Constitution, to markup H.J. Res. 54, proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing the Congress to prohibit the physical desecration of the flag of the United States, 10 a.m., 2237 Rayburn. Committee on National Security, Subcommittee on Military Installations and Facilities, hearing on the fiscal year 1998 military construction budget, 2 p.m., 2212 Rayburn.

Subcommittee on Military Personnel, hearing on the status of the Ready Reserve Mobilization Insurance Program, 10 a.m., 2118 Rayburn. Committee on Resources, Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health, to markup the following: H.R. 985, to provide for the expansion of the Eagles Nest Wilderness within Arapaho and White River National Forests, CO, to include the lands known as the Slate Creek Addition upon the acquisition of the lands by the United States; H.R. 1019, to provide for a boundary adjustment and land conveyance involving the Raggeds Wilderness, White River National Forest, CO, to correct the effects of earlier erroneous land surveys; H.R. 1020, to adjust the boundary of the White River National Forest in the State of Colorado to include all National Forest System lands within Summit County, CO, which are currently part of the Dillon Ranger District of the Arapaho National Forest; H.R. 1439, to facilitate the sale of certain land in Tahoe National Forest, in the State of California to Placer County, California; and H.R. 79, Hoopa Valley Reservation South Boundary Adjustment Act, 10 a.m., 1324 Longworth.

Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands, to markup the following bills: H.R. 765, to ensure maintenance of a herd of wild horses in Cape Lookout National Seashore; and H.R. 1127, National Monument Fairness Act of 1997, 10 a.m., 1324 Longworth. Committee on Veterans' Affairs, Subcommittee on Health, hearing on the following: H.R. 1362, Veterans Medicare Reimbursement Demonstration Act of 1997; and proposals on both Medical Care Cost Recovery and physician's special pay, 9:30 a.m., 340 Cannon. Committee on Ways and Means, hearing on the Internal Revenue Service's 1995 Earned Income Tax Credit Compliance Study, 10 a.m., 1100 Longworth.

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Next Meeting of the
9:15 a.m., Thursday, May 8
Senate Chamber

Program for Thursday: After the recognition of three Senators for speeches and the transaction of any morning business (not to extend beyond 10 a.m.), Senate will continue consideration of S. 672, Supplemental Appropriations.

Next Meeting of the
10 a.m., Thursday, May 8
House Chamber

Program for Thursday: Complete consideration of H.R. 3, Juvenile Crime Control Act of 1997 (modified closed rule); and

Continue consideration of H.R. 2, Housing Opportunity and Responsibility Act of 1997 (open rule).

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue


Ackerman, Gary L., N.Y., E867, E870

Aderholt, Robert B., Ala., E857

Bentsen, Ken, Tex., E870

Bono, Sonny, Calif., E866

Boyd, Allen, Fla., E859

Carson, Julia, Ind., E869

Coyne, William J., Pa., E857

Engel, Eliot L., N.Y., E860, E862, E864, E870

Everett, Terry, Ala., E869

Ewing, Thomas W., Ill., E857

Fazio, Vic, Calif., E857

Ford, Harold E., Jr., Tenn., E863

Gejdenson, Sam, Conn., E867

Greenwood, James C., Pa., E866

Gutierrez, Luis V., Ill., E861

Hamilton, Lee H., Ind., E859

Hinchey, Maurice D., N.Y., E864

Hostettler, John N., Ind., E865

Jackson-Lee, Sheila, Tex., E865

Jenkins, William L., Tenn., E861

Johnson, Eddie Bernice, Tex., E860, E862

Kennedy, Joseph P., II, Mass., E858

Kennedy, Patrick J., R.I., E859

Klink, Ron, Pa., E863

Kucinich, Dennis J., Ohio, E857, E858

LaFalce, John J., N.Y., E860, E862

Lantos, Tom, Calif., E867

Levin, Sander M., Mich., E866

McCollum, Bill, Fla., E865

McGovern, James P., Mass., E868

Manzullo, Donald A., Ill., E864

Pelosi, Nancy, Calif., E860, E862

Poshard, Glenn, Ill., E869

Rogan, James E., Calif., E859

Rohrabacher, Dana, Calif., E861

Rush, Bobby L., Ill., E864

Slaughter, Louise McIntosh, N.Y., E868

Stark, Fortney Pete, Calif., E858

Torres, Esteban Edward, Calif., E861

Waxman, Henry A., Calif., E858

Wise, Robert E., Jr., W. Va., E862

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