Congressional Record
108th Congress (2003-2004)

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Daily Digest - Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Tuesday, February 3, 2004

Daily Digest

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Chamber Action

Routine Proceedings, pages S383-S547

Measures Introduced: Three bills and one resolution were introduced, as follows: S. 2048-2050, and S. Res. 296.

Page S541

Measures Passed:

Senate Adjournments and Recesses: Senate agreed to S. Res. 296, relating to Senate adjournments and recesses.

Page S384

Safe Transportation Equity Act: Senate agreed to the motion to proceed to consideration of S. 1072, to authorize funds for Federal-aid highways, highway safety programs, and transit programs, and then began consideration of the bill.

Pages S393-S527

During consideration of this measure today, Senate also took the following action:
Committee amendment in the nature of a substitute was modified.
Pages S506-09

A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing for consideration of the bill at 1 p.m., on Wednesday, February 4, 2004.
Page S545

Escort Committee--Agreement: A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that the President of the Senate be authorized to appoint a committee on the part of the Senate to join with a like committee on the part of the House of Representatives to escort His Excellency, Jose Maria Aznar, President of the Government of Spain, into the House Chamber for the joint meeting on Wednesday, February 4, 2004.

Page S545

Nominations Received: Senate received the following nominations:
Jerald S. Paul, of Florida, to be Principal Deputy Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration. (New Position)
Craig A. Kelly, of California, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Chile.
Matthew G. Whitaker, of Iowa, to be United States Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa for the term of four years.

Page S547

Messages From the House:

Page S538

Executive Communications:

Pages S538-41

Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions:

Pages S541-45

Additional Statements:

Page S538

Authority for Committees to Meet:

Page S545

Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:45 a.m., and adjourned at 6:18 p.m., until 1 p.m., on Wednesday, February 4, 2004. (For Senate's program, see the remarks of the Majority Leader in today's Record on pages S545-47.)

Committee Meetings

(Committees not listed did not meet)
No committee meetings were held.

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House of Representatives

Chamber Action

Measures Introduced: 11 public bills, H.R.3752-3762; and 6 resolutions, H. Con. Res. 355-356, and H. Res. 510-512, 514, were introduced.

Page H303

Additional Cosponsors:

Pages H303-305

Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows:
H. Res. 412, honoring the men and women of the Drug Enforcement Administration on the occasion of its 30th Anniversary (H. Rept. 108-409);
H. Res. 56, supporting the goals of the Japanese American, German American, and Italian American communities in recognizing a National Day of Remembrance to increase public awareness of the events surrounding the restriction, exclusion, and internment of individuals and families during World War II (H. Rept. 108-410);
H.R. 3095, to amend title 4, United States Code, to make sure the rules of etiquette for flying the flag of the United States do not preclude the flying of flags at half mast when ordered by city and local officials, amended (H. Rept. 108-411);
H. Res. 513, providing for consideration of H.R. 3030, to amend the Community Services Block Grant Act to provide for quality improvements (H. Rept. 108-412);
H. Res. 499, requesting the President and directing the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, and the Attorney General to transmit to the House of Representatives not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution documents in the possession of the President and those officials relating to the disclosure of the identity and employment of Ms. Valerie Plame, adversely (H. Rept. 108-413, Pt. 1); and
Everything Secret Degenerates: The FBI's Use of Murderers as Informants (H. Rept. 108-414).

Pages H302-303

Speaker: Read a letter from the Speaker wherein he appointed Representative Renzi to act as Speaker pro tempore for today.

Page H251

Recess: The House recessed at 1:11 p.m. and reconvened at 2 p.m.

Page H255

Suspensions: The House agreed to suspend the rules and passing the following measures:
Sense of the House on the anniversary of the Columbia K Space Shuttle accident: H. Res. 507, expressing the profound sorrow of the House of Representatives on the anniversary of the accident that cost the crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia their lives, and extending heartfelt sympathy to their families, by a \2/3\ yea-and-nay vote of 397 yeas with none voting ``nay'', Roll No. 12;

Pages H258-63, H276

Sense of the House regarding individuals held as prisoners of conscience by the Chinese Government: H. Res. 157, expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding several individuals who are being held as prisoners of conscience by the Chinese Government for their involvement in efforts to end the Chinese occupation of Tibet, by a \2/3\ yea-and-nay vote of 398 yeas with none voting ``nay'', Roll No. 13;
Pages H263-67, H276-77

Congo Basin Forest Partnership Act of 2003: Agreed to the Senate amendments to H.R. 2264, to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2004 to carry out the Congo Basin Forest Partnership program--clearing the measure for the President;
Pages H267-70

Recognizing the 93rd birthday of Ronald Reagan: H.J. Res. 84, recognizing the 93rd birthday of Ronald Reagan, by a \2/3\ yea-and-nay vote of 394 yeas with none voting ``nay'' and 5 voting ``present'', Roll No. 14;
Pages H270-72, H277-78

Honoring John Stockton: H. Res. 274, honoring John Stockton for an outstanding career, congratulating him on his retirement, and thanking him for his contributions to basketball, to the State of Utah, and to the Nation; and
Pages H272-74

Energy Efficient Housing Technical Correction Act: H.R. 3724, to amend section 220 of the National Housing Act to make a technical correction to restore allowable increases in the maximum mortgage limits for FHA-insured mortgages for multifamily housing projects to cover increased costs of installing a solar energy system or residential energy conservation measures.
Pages H274-75

NASA Workforce Flexibility Act Technical Corrections Act: The House agreed to H. Con. Res. 354, to correct technical errors in the enrollment of S. 610, to amend the provisions of title 5, United States Code, to provide for workforce flexibilities and certain Federal personnel provisions relating to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Page H263

Recess: The House recessed at 4:17 p.m. and reconvened at 6:30 p.m.

Page H275

Consideration of House Resolutions: Agreed that it be in order at any time on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 for the Majority Leader or his designee to call up the following resolutions: H. Res. 493, H. Res. 496, H. Res. 497, H. Res. 498, H. Res. 511, D52H. Res. 512, and H. Con. Res. 355 and that each resolution be considered as read and the previous question be considered as ordered to final adoption without intervening motion except one hour of general debate and one motion to recommit.

Page H275

Recess: The House recessed at 7:10 p.m. and reconvened at 8:13 p.m.

Page H278

Message from the Clerk: Read a letter from the Clerk of the House notifying the House that he received a message from the President on Monday, February 2, containing the Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2005.

Pages H257-58

Presidential Message: The Speaker laid before the House a communication from the President wherein he transmitted to Congress the Budget of the United States Government for Fiscal Year 2005--referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered printed (H. Doc 108-146).

Page H257

Senate Message: Message received from the Senate today appears on page H251.

Senate Referrals: S. 1879 was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.

Page H297

Amendments: Amendments printed pursuant to the rule appear on page H305-309.

Quorum Calls--Votes: Three yea-and-nay votes developed during the proceedings of the House today and appear on pages H276, H276-77, and H277-78. There were no quorum calls.

Adjournment: The House met at 12:30 p.m. and adjourned at 11:07 p.m.

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Committee Meetings


Committee on the Budget: Held a hearing on the President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2005. Testimony was heard from Joshua B. Bolten, Director, OMB; N. Gregory Mankiw, Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers; and a public witness.


Committee on Government Reform: Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations held a hearing on Effective Strategies Against Terrorism. Testimony was heard from Randall Yim, Managing Director, Homeland Security and Justice Team, GAO; Ilana Kass, Professor, Military Strategy and Operations, National War College, Department of Defense; and public witnesses.


Committee on the Judiciary: Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security held an oversight hearing entitled ``Law Enforcement Efforts within the Department of Homeland Security.'' Testimony was heard from the following officials of the Department of Homeland Security: W. Ralph Basham, Director, U.S. Secret Service; Adm. Thomas H. Collins, USCG, Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard; and Michael Garcia, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


Committee on Rules: Granted, by voice vote, a modified open rule providing 1 hour of general debate on H.R. 3030, Improving the Community Services Block Grant Act of 2003. The rule provides that the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommended by the Committee on Education and the Workforce now printed in the bill shall be considered as an original bill for the purpose of amendment, and shall be considered as read. The rule makes in order only those amendments to the committee amendment that are pre-printed in the Congressional Record or are pro forma amendments for the purpose of debate. The rule provides that each amendment printed in the Congressional Record may be offered only by the Member who caused it to be printed or a designee, and that each amendment shall be considered as read. Finally, the rule provides one motion to recommit with or without instructions. Testimony was heard from Chairman Boehner and Representatives Osborne and Woolsey.


Committee on Ways and Means: Held a hearing on the President's Budget Proposals for fiscal year 2005. Testimony was heard from John W. Snow, Secretary of the Treasury.


FEBRUARY 4, 2004

(Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated)


Committee on Armed Services: to hold hearings to examine the Defense Authorization Request for fiscal year 2005 and the future years defense program; and to hold a business meeting to consider the nominations of Lawrence T. D53Di Rita, of Michigan, to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, and Francis J. Harvey, of California, to be an Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration, and certain other pending military nominations, 9:30 a.m., 2118 RHOB.

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Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs: business meeting to consider the proposed Federal Public Transportation Act, 10 a.m., S-219, Capitol.
Committee on Governmental Affairs: to hold hearings to examine workforce issues relating to preserving a strong United States Postal Service, 2 p.m., 2154 RHOB.


Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, State, Judiciary and Related Agencies, on Public Diplomacy, 9 a.m., 2359 Rayburn.
Committee on Armed Services, hearing on the Fiscal Year 2005 National Defense Authorization Budget Request from the Department of Defense, 1 p.m., 2118 Rayburn.
Committee on the Budget, hearing on the Department of the Treasury Budget Priorities Fiscal Year 2005, 2 p.m., 210 Cannon.
Committee on Energy and Commerce, to consider pending Committee business; followed by markup of H.R. 3658, Stroke Treatment and Ongoing Prevention Act, 10 a.m., 2123 Rayburn.

Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet, hearing entitled ``The Current State of Competition in the Communications Marketplace,'' 1:15 p.m., 2322 Rayburn.
Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises, hearing entitled ``The Role of Attorneys in Corporate Governance,'' 10 a.m., 2128 Rayburn.
Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Government Efficiency and Financial Management, oversight hearing entitled ``Should We Part Ways with GPRA?'' 2 p.m., 2247 Rayburn.
Committee on International Relations, to consider pending Committee business; followed by a hearing on L Visas: Losing Jobs Through Laissez-Faire Policies? 1 p.m., 2172 Rayburn.
Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property, hearing on H.R. 3754, Fraudulent Online Identity Sanctions Act, 10 a.m., 2141 Rayburn.
Committee on Resources, Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, oversight hearing entitled ``The Impact of Science on Public Policy,'' 2 p.m., 1324 Longworth.

Subcommittee on Forests and Forest Health, oversight hearing on Issues Affecting Jobs in the Forest Industry, 2 p.m., 1334 Longworth.
Committee on Science, to mark up the following: H.R. 912, Charles ``Pete'' Conrad Astronomy Awards Act; H.R. 1292, Remote Sensing Applications Act of 2003; H.R. 3389, to amend the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 to permit Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Awards to be made to nonprofit organizations; H.R. 3551, Surface Transportation Research and Development Act of 2004; the Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act of 2004; and H. Con. Res. 189, Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the International Geophysical Year (IGY) and supporting an International Geophysical Year-2 (IGY-2) in 2007-08, 10 a.m., and 1 p.m., 2318 Rayburn.
Committee on Veterans' Affairs, hearing on the Administration's proposed Fiscal Year 2005 budget for the Department of Veterans Affairs, 9:30 a.m., 334 Cannon.
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Subcommittee on Intelligence Policy and National Security, executive, briefing on Global Intelligence Update, 10 a.m., H-405 Capitol.
Select Committee on Homeland Security, hearing entitled ``The Homeland Security Advisory System: Improving Preparedness through Effective Warning,'' 12:30 p.m., 2175 Rayburn.

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Next Meeting of the

1 p.m., Wednesday, February 4

Senate Chamber

Program for Wednesday: Senate will continue consideration of S. 1072, SAFE Transportation Equity Act.
(At 10:40 a.m., Senate will meet to proceed to the House of Representatives for a Joint Meeting of Congress, to begin at 11 a.m., to receive an address from Jose Maria Aznar, President of Spain.)

Next Meeting of the

10 a.m., Wednesday, February 4

House Chamber

Program for Wednesday: Joint Meeting of Congress to receive His Excellency Jose Maria Aznar, President of the Government of Spain.
Consideration of H.R. 3030, Improving the Community Services Block Grant Act of 2003 (modified open rule, one hour of general debate).

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue


Alexander, Rodney, La., E103

Baca, Joe, Calif., E94

Bell, Chris, Tex., E97

Bereuter, Doug, Nebr., E93

Bilirakis, Michael, Fla., E94

Bonner, Jo, Ala., E103

Calvert, Ken, Calif., E88, E90, E92

Cardin, Benjamin L., Md., E102

Cunningham, Randy ``Duke'', Calif., E87

DeGette, Diana, Colo., E98

Deutsch, Peter, Fla., E99, E101

Doolittle, John T., Calif., E96

Emanuel, Rahm, Ill., E105

Eshoo, Anna G., Calif., E97

Everett, Terry, Ala., E96

Gallegly, Elton, Calif., E105

Garrett, Scott, N.J., E89, E91

Gordon, Bart, Tenn., E93

Granger, Kay, Tex., E101

Graves, Sam, Mo., E97

Green, Gene, Tex., E103

Gutierrez, Luis V., Ill., E104

Hensarling, Jeb, Tex., E89, E90, E92

Israel, Steve, N.Y., E95

Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, E98

Kind, Ron, Wisc., E95

Lantos, Tom, Calif., E102

Lee, Barbara, Calif., E92

Lowey, Nita M., N.Y., E94

McCarthy, Carolyn, N.Y., E97

McCollum, Betty, Minn., E96

McInnis, Scott, Colo.,E98, E99, E100, E101, E102, E103, E104, E104, E104, E105

McIntyre, Mike, N.C., E104

Matsui, Robert T., Calif., E90, E91

Meek, Kendrick B., Fla., E95

Musgrave, Marilyn N., Colo., E87, E88

Ortiz, Solomon P., Tex., E87, E101

Pallone, Frank, Jr., N.J., E89, E91

Porter, Jon C., Nev., E96

Quinn, Jack, N.Y., E87, E88

Radanovich, George, Calif., E88

Serrano, Jose E., N.Y., E104

Scott, David, Ga., E94

Stark, Fortney Pete, Calif., E99, E100, E101

Waxman, Henry A., Calif., E100

Wilson, Heather, N.M., E99, E100

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