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Newsletter Archive

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Giving Thanks

    Tuesday, November 23, 2010

    The twin strains of lengthy wars and our country's climb out of an economic hole can make for trying times, but family reminds us of the ideals worth fighting for.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Your Job Creation Ideas

    Wednesday, November 10, 2010

    As Congress shifts back into gear, my sights are focused on Coloradans' priorities: creating jobs and speeding our economic recovery. My first goal as Senator has been to help our state's economy rebound, and over the last two years, I've taken every opportunity to visit with Coloradans across the state to learn how I can best fight in Washington, D.C., for our communities back home.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq

    Wednesday, October 27, 2010

    I led an eight-day congressional delegation visit to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq. Every country we visited poses a unique and daunting set of challenges, but one thing provided a consistent source of optimism: the men and women in our armed services.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Bridging the Partisan Divide

    Wednesday, October 13, 2010

    As Congress adjourned last month, I found myself reflecting on my short time in the U.S. Senate and the saying that has guided my political career: "One can disagree without being disagreeable." I believe that a great public servant is one who spends most of his or her time listening, and that's why I have reached across the aisle on every major piece of legislation I've introduced.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Creating Jobs with Ideas from Coloradans

    Thursday, September 30, 2010

    We have to unleash innovation to help our economy continue to recover, and that's one reason I've traveled around the state to listen to Coloradans' ideas for how to create jobs. I have already acted on several of them. But I know there are many more untapped ideas that can help us maintain our leadership in the clean energy revolution, and I need your help to find them.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Fourmile Canyon and Loveland Fires

    Wednesday, September 15, 2010

    My thoughts and prayers today are with the Coloradans battling the effects of the two major fires in Boulder and Loveland. The fires have impacted thousands of people and remind us all about the serious threat wildfires pose to our communities.

  • Mark’s Newsletter Update: Talking to Coloradans about Keeping Seniors Healthy, and Other Topics

    Thursday, September 2, 2010

    We can’t overstate the importance of ensuring Colorado’s seniors have the services and support they need to continue leading healthy and productive lives. As a member of the U.S. Senate’s Special Committee on Aging, I take this responsibility to heart, especially when the largest generation our country has ever seen - the baby boomers - is about to enter retirement.

  • Mark’s Newsletter Update: Preserving our Natural Heritage

    Wednesday, August 18, 2010

    From the snow-capped Rocky Mountain National Park to the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, and many parks in between, we are blessed to live in a state filled with some of nature's most spectacular landscapes. In what documentary filmmaker Ken Burns describes as "America's best idea," generations of Americans have worked to preserve these unique places in Colorado and across the nation.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Judicial Emergency in Colorado's Federal Courts

    Wednesday, August 4, 2010

    The U.S. District Courts, including Colorado's, are in dire straits. With 99 empty seats nationwide, court cases are beginning to pile up. For example, the situation on the District Court of Colorado is now considered a "judicial emergency."

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: A National Renewable Electricity Standard

    Wednesday, July 21, 2010

    We're at a critical time in our history - we need a new energy policy to strengthen our economy and our national security. In the next few weeks, the Senate will consider the future of clean energy and climate legislation. I believe the federal government should take a page from Colorado's playbook, and I'm working with my colleagues to try to convince Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to include a strong national RES in the clean energy bill that is debated in the Senate.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Cleaning Up Oil Drilling Practices, Responding to the Bark Beetle Epidemic, Investing in Colorado’s Clean Energy Future, Protecting the Rights of Sick Nuclear Workers

    Friday, July 9, 2010

    I hope that you enjoyed your Independence Day holiday. July Fourth is always a good opportunity to reflect on the greatness of our nation and to keep our troops in our minds as they keep us safe.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Fire Season in the Rockies

    Wednesday, June 23, 2010

    Fire season has officially begun in Colorado. Already we have three active forest fires across the state. The fire in the Great Sand Dunes National Park has burned nearly 5,000 acres, and on Monday, another fire near Cañon City destroyed several buildings, including at least one home. As U.S. Senator, I'm doing everything I can to ensure the Forest Service and the state have the resources they need to keep Coloradans and their property safe during fire season.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Let's Reform Energy

    Friday, June 11, 2010

    The explosion on BP's oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, which has crippled a region of our country and caused unfathomable harm to the environment, has been a wake-up call for Congress and for every American about the risks of our continued dependence on oil.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Free Credit Scores, Job Promotion, and Energy Independence

    Thursday, May 27, 2010

    Last week we won a big victory for Coloradans and consumers across the country. The Senate passed my bipartisan amendment to Wall Street reform legislation, which will give consumers free access to credit scores.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Reforming Wall Street and Putting Consumers Back in Control of their Finances

    Wednesday, May 12, 2010

    With legislation that is now being debated on the U.S. Senate floor, we will put a strong new "cop" on the beat with broad authority to monitor Wall Street firms for abusive practices and intervene to protect consumers. Americans should never again have to bail out banks and other financial institutions that are "too big to fail." And as your Senator, I won’t rest until Colorado families are back in control of their financial future.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: 20th Anniversary of the Hubble Space Telescope

    Monday, April 26, 2010

    On April 24th, 2010, an important national treasure reached a milestone. The Hubble Space Telescope – an astronomical research facility that continues to revolutionize our understanding of the universe – turned twenty years old.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Supporting America's Military Families

    Thursday, April 15, 2010

    During the health insurance reform debate, I vowed to work to ensure parents could keep their children on their policies until they turn 26. The health reform law signed by the President in March extended that coverage to all non-military families. And this week, I was proud to introduce a bill that would ensure military families and retirees who receive health insurance through TRICARE will be able to do so as well.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Creating Solar Energy Jobs

    Thursday, March 18, 2010

    I am proud to represent 5 million Colorado citizens, and as your Senator, I believe it’s my responsibility to get out into our communities, talk to you, and learn what’s on your minds. And that’s why I launched a Workforce Tour last year to learn about the ideas Coloradans have to create jobs and strengthen our economy. The best ideas come from you – the experts on the needs and demands in our communities.

  • Mark's Newsletter Update: Colorado Energy Jobs Summit, Repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, West Slope Workforce Tour

    Thursday, March 4, 2010

    In the last month, I took advantage of a recess from Congress to continue my "Colorado Work Force Tour" visiting Coloradans on the Western Slope. In Aurora, I gathered business and policy leaders for a summit in Aurora focused on how to keep Colorado at the forefront of the new energy revolution. And this week in Congress, I co-sponsored a bill to help improve our national security at a time of two wars, by repealing the outdated "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law.

  • Year in Review and the Path Forward

    Wednesday, January 27, 2010

    2010 needs to be a year of action. We need to finish the job that we were sent here to do: strengthen our economy, create jobs, get our fiscal house in order, and make sure we have the tools to keep our country safe. I am committed to working with members of both political parties to solve our nation's challenges and deliver results to Colorado.

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Suite 1525, North Tower
Denver, CO 80202
P: 303-650-7820

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2880 International Circle, Suite 107
Colorado Springs, CO 80910
P: 719-471-3993

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400 Rood Ave.
Suite 215
Grand Junction, CO 81501
P: 970-245-9553

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801 8th St.
Suite 140A
Greeley, CO
P: 970-356-5586

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107 West B St.
Pueblo, CO
P: 719-542-1701

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954 East 2nd Ave.
Suite 106
Durango, CO
P: 970-247-1047

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P.O. Box 743
Tabernash, CO

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