November 23 - Rep. Loretta Sanchez Condemns North Korean Artillery Attack PDF Print

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-47), the ranking female member on the House Armed Services Committee, today issued the following statement regarding news that two South Korean soldiers were killed and fifteen were wounded after North Korea fired dozens of artillery shells at South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island:

 “As the ranking female member on the House Armed Services Committee, I strongly condemn North Korea’s recent hostile attack against South Korea’s Yeonpyeong Island. As a result of North Korea’s unprovoked, irresponsible actions, two South Korean marines have been killed and fifteen soldiers and civilians have been wounded. North Korea bears full responsibility for this tragic loss of life, as well as creating additional hostility and uncertainty in a region already ripe with tension.

“In the wake of this attack, the U.S. and South Korea have joined together to send the message that our nations will not tolerate acts of military aggression by North Korea or any other state. The U.S.-South Korea alliance is strong and we are committed to securing the region from potential threats. For the sake of the entire region, North Korea must show more restraint in its actions moving forward.”