Water for the World

Congressman Blumenauer's plan to redouble U.S. efforts to help provide an additional 100 million of the world’s poorest with first-time access to safe and sustainable drinking water. READ MORE

Jobs and the Economy

Congressman Blumenauer is working on ways to help small businesses, create jobs, and recover the economy. READ MORE

Reinstating the Superfund

Holding polluters accountable, restoring the environment, and putting people back to work! READ MORE

Financial Reform

Learn more about the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act... READ MORE

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Thursday, 2 December 2010

Blumenauer Statement on the Passage of the Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010

Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Earl Blumenauer released the following statement after voting for HR 4853, the Middle Class Tax Relief Act of 2010.

“It is unfortunate that the major decision we faced on taxation this Congress boiled down to this vote. This situation represents a failure of imagination, a failure ...


Thursday, 2 December 2010

Blumenauer Inquiry Uncovers More Than 120 Military Contracts with Taxpayer Liability Exposure

“Indemnification” Contracts Granted To Companies Operating In Iraq Appear To Have Fewer Taxpayer Protections Than Contracts For Work In U.S.

Blumenauer: DoD Disclosure A “Victory For Transparency”

Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Earl Blumenauer released a response by the Department of Defense to his inquiry into contracts ...


Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Blumenauer Denounces Expiration of Unemployment Benefits for 2 Million Americans

Blumenauer: Expiration of Long-term Benefits “Shameful” In Midst of Recession

Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Earl Blumenauer released the following statement as unemployment benefits for nearly 2 million Americans began to ...


Thursday, 18 November 2010

Blumenauer Highlights More Than $1 Million in Undeliverable IRS Refunds Owed to Oregon Families

More Than 1,200 Refund Checks to Oregon Residents Have Been Returned as Undeliverable

Blumenauer: “Families Waiting On Their Refunds Must Update Their Address With The IRS.”

Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Earl Blumenauer released an annual report from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on undeliverable refunds in ...


Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Draining the swamp of red ink: A Democrat's response

My colleague, Congressman Paul Ryan, has been getting some buzz lately with his "Roadmap" -- a prescription for what Republicans should do if they regain control of Congress.

I applaud Ryan for being candid about Republican plans, which he would play a critical role in ...


Thursday, 9 September 2010

Support the troops? Then don’t target Muslims with hatred

We live in an astoundingly interconnected world. For evidence, look no further than the impact of a Florida pastor’s plan to burn Korans on the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

Since this act of collective bigotry was announced, thousands of Muslims have marched in protest around the world. At ...


Friday, 27 August 2010

A Clarification

While I appreciate Matt Bai's article in The New York Times focusing on my commitment to cut wasteful government spending, such as military and agricultural subsidies, I would like to point out one area where I take modest exception to how my comments have been interpreted in this ...


Friday, 30 July 2010

Step One to Hold Big Oil Accountable

The House is voting on legislation to address the horrible tragedy in the Gulf of Mexico and prevent future incidents.

It’s more than unfortunate that it’s taken this and several other tragedies for us to finally make these common sense and overdue changes to the laws regulating oil and gas drilling.

For ...

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