Desecration of the Flag

The American flag is a symbol of more than nationhood and national unity.  It also signifies the ideas that characterize the society that has chosen that emblem, as well as the special history that has animated the growth and power of those ideas.  It stretches the imagination to include the desecration of the United States flag within the zone of protection offered by the First Amendment.  The flag of the United States embodies the true spirit of democracy.  Our flag is a symbol of freedom, equal opportunity, religious tolerance and goodwill for those who share our aspirations.  Courageous men and women have died in defense of these ideas, and I feel that the least our country can do to honor their memories is to protect our flag. 

On January 6, 2009, Senator David Vitter introduced S.J.RES. 2, “A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States authorizing the Congress and the States to prohibit the act of desecration of the flag of the United States and to set criminal penalties for that act.”  As a co-sponsor of this legislation, please rest assured that I will continue to support legislative measures to protect the American flag and the symbolism it embodies.

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