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Important Update

I am grateful for having had the opportunity to represent your interests and our state in the nation’s capital as Florida's 34th United States Senator. As you might know, I was sworn in on September 10, 2009 to complete the remainder of Mel Martinez’s unexpired Senate term, which ends January 3, 2011. Due to the procedures necessary to close a Senate office, beginning November 15th, my office will no longer be able to accept new requests for casework services, tours, and flags. Any member of Florida's congressional delegation who is in office after January 3, 2011 is available to receive your requests. Thank you for contacting my office. It has been an honor to serve you in the U.S. Senate.

Senator LeMieux Focuses on the National Debt

National Debt

Senator LeMieux hosted two town-hall meetings in Orlando and Tampa in August to dicuss the rising national debt and outline possible solutions. Click here for more information.

In The News

Important Information

Senator LeMieux Featured in Florida Trend Magazine

Republican Sen. George LeMieux has made himself at home in his office on the third floor of the Russell Senate Office Building. Among the assorted mementos and family pictures... Click here to read the full article.

Senator LeMieux Stands Up for Small Business

Senator LeMieux co-authored a bipartisan amendment to the Small Business Jobs Act to help cut taxes for small businesses and free up capital for community banks so they can lend to small business owners. The amendment also includes The Export Promotion provision, which would increase the activities and staffing of the Department of Commerce in carrying out its mission to promote U.S. exports. It would increase the export grants funds available to industry associations and non-profit institutions. Read more.

Senator LeMieux's YouTube Channel

Click Here to watch Senator LeMieux's latest videos on YouTube.

Sign up for My Weekly Newsletter

My weekly email update is a brief summary of some of the more notable events from Washington, DC, the U.S. Senate and throughout Florida. Click here to sign up.

LeMieux's 2007 Solution

Sen. LeMieux introduces the 2007 Solution to reign in out of control spending and balance the federal budget.

Check out this Weekly Standard article by Fred Barnes.