
First Bill in the Senate Jobs Agenda Passes with Bipartisan Support

February 24, 2009 —Following the passage of the Senate's first jobs bill, the HIRE Act, Democratic Senators heralded the vote as a signal that the Senate's jobs agenda is on the right track. "Today's progress is a small, but important step forward," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Highlighting efforts by both Democrats and Republicans to pass the bill, Sen. Chuck Schumer said, "To focus on jobs and to do it in a bipartisan way is what the American people are asking us to do and today we've started down that road," said Sen. Chuck Schumer.

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Senate Passes Health Care Reform: A Victory For The American People Senate Passes Health Care Reform: A Victory For The American People

December 24, 2009 —The United States Senate witnessed a historic moment this morning, as 60 Democratic Senators cast their votes in favor of passing health reform legislation. This bill's passage has been supported by at least six decades of advocacy from supporters of reform who understand the cost of inaction on this critical issue. Noting the historic nature of this morning's vote, Senator Chris Dodd remarked, "This is the most important bill to improve the economic security of our middle class in a generation. And none of us will ever cast a more important vote." Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid - who led his colleagues through months of deliberations said, "For thousands of Nevadans and millions of Americans, this is not just a remarkable moment in the history of the country - this news is truly life-changing. We are a step closer to promoting a health system that values quality of care over profit. I look forward to working with our friends in the House so we can send a final bill to President Obama as soon as possible."


Introducing the Patient Protection and Affordability Act Introducing the Patient Protection and Affordability Act

November 19, 2009 —Senate leadership and health care advocates today celebrated the announcement of the merged Senate health care bill -- the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- and its many benefits. This legislation will provide coverage to 31 million uninsured Americans, extend guaranteed coverage to 94% of Americans and cut the deficit by $650 billion over 20 years. "This bill is not just a milestone along a journey of a few months or a few years. We have been working to reform health care since the first half of the last century," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Hailing the bill's numerous reforms, Senator Chris Dodd said, "This bill protects Americans' ability to get the care they need, when they need it, from the doctor they choose - and now they will be able to choose the insurance plan that's right for their families, because our bill will create true choice and competition in the marketplace."


Reid Unveils Senate Health Care Bill Reid Unveils Senate Health Care Bill

November 18, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid today announced the Congressional Budget Office's analysis of the Senate health care bill - the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- highlighting the expansion in coverage and reduction to the federal deficit. This legislation will cut the deficit by $127 billion, extend coverage to more than 94% of Americans and insure 31 million more of the uninsured. This bill, "saves lives, saves money and protects Medicare. Not only do we make health insurance affordable for every American, we certainly do it in a fiscally responsible way," said Reid.


Reid: We Are On The Doorstep of Delivering Historic Reform Reid: We Are On The Doorstep of Delivering Historic Reform

November 17, 2009 —With the release of the Congressional Budget Office's analysis of the Senate health care bill expected soon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid highlighted Democrats' desire to begin debate on the floor. "Our purpose and resolve remain strong. We're energized," said Reid. "We stand on the doorstep of delivering historic reform to the American people." In the face of Republican opposition to the bill, Reid said, "Senate Republicans are lining up against the health care needs of the American people to protect insurance companies. They're opposed to even having a debate in the Senate, robbing the American people of a historic opportunity."


Democrats Urge Action To Finalize Veterans' Caregiver Benefits Democrats Urge Action To Finalize Veterans' Caregiver Benefits

November 10, 2009 —On the eve of Veterans' Day, Democratic Senators discussed their efforts to ensure veterans receive the care and benefits they have earned. Standing alongside Ed Edmundson, the father of U.S. Army Specialist Eric Edmundson -- injured in an IED attack in Iraq in 2005 -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said, "as I think about the sacrifice of brave Americans like Eric Edmundson, I don't know if we can ever fully repay the service that they've given to our grateful nation." (Read More in the Journal)


Health Reform Will Bring Benefits to the Middle Class Health Reform Will Bring Benefits to the Middle Class

November 10, 2009 —Democratic Senators joined the owner of a small moving and storage company today to discuss the benefits of health insurance reform on the middle class. Under our current system, the cost of health care rises three times faster than wages. Health expenses continue to climb for small businesses and hardworking Americans. Senator Ben Cardin said, "Affordability and stability are at the heart of the health care reform being considered by the Senate. We cannot miss this opportunity to lower costs and expand quality coverage for all Americans."


Investments in Prevention and Wellness Among Benefits in Reform Bill Investments in Prevention and Wellness Among Benefits in Reform Bill

November 4, 2009 —Democratic Senators Tom Harkin and Tom Udall were joined by health care advocates to discuss the benefits of including prevention and wellness provisions in health insurance reform. "The fact is...we currently don't have a health care system in America, we have a sick care system," said Harkin. The Senate health reform bill places a renewed emphasis on fitness, physical activity, nutrition and disease prevention. "We have solid evidence that we can spend less on health care while saving more lives by implementing preventive measures. Of the more than $2 trillion the U.S. spends on health care each year, only 4 cents of every dollar is invested in prevention," said Udall.


100 Small Business Owners Discuss Health Care Reform 100 Small Business Owners Discuss Health Care Reform

November 3, 2009 —With recent studies showing small businesses' premiums rising by 15% in 2010, it is crucial that we work to ensure affordable health insurance coverage for this critical part of the American workforce. Democratic Senators Tom Harkin and Mary Landrieu held an event Tuesday with small business owners to address the health care challenges they face. The high cost of coverage damages small business owners' ability to create new jobs and retain skilled employees. "The status quo in health insurance spending for America's small businesses is intolerable and it is unsustainable," said Harkin. "Today, we have a simple message for small business owners across America: help is on the way and it comes in the form of a health reform plan that puts a stop to the discriminatory insurance industry practice of jacking up premiums for small businesses by up to 200 percent when an employee gets sick or because the business hires a woman."


Public Option Creates Competition, Lowers Costs for Families & Businesses Public Option Creates Competition, Lowers Costs for Families & Businesses

October 28, 2009 —Following Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's announcement this week that the Senate health care bill will include a public option with a state opt-out provision, Senate Democrats joined small business and consumer advocates to discuss the benefits of the public option. "Small businesses are buckling under rising health care costs, and if the status quo continues, more and more of them will be forced to stop providing coverage for their workers," said Senator Charles Schumer. The public option, the Senators explained, will reduce costs and ensure competition within the insurance industry that will benefit individuals and businesses. "Everyone in our Caucus understands that if we do nothing, the system will collapse," said Schumer.


Democratic Chairmen Discuss Road Ahead for Health Reform & Public Option Democratic Chairmen Discuss Road Ahead for Health Reform & Public Option

October 27, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was joined today by Senate Committee Chairmen to discuss the public option with a state opt-out provision to be included in a Senate health care bill. Senators Dodd, Baucus, Bingaman and Rockefeller agreed that Congress stands on the doorstep of achieving meaningful health insurance legislation. "We're all committed to delivering meaningful reform to a system that's really broken," said Reid. "We all support the public option with a state opt-out as a wise path forward. Our public option isn't a left proposal or a right proposal. This is a consensus, a compromise that represents months of hard work and debate and will benefit all Americans. It's an important way to ensure competition, to level the playing field for patients. It protects consumers and keeps the insurance companies honest."


Senator Reid Announces Public Option Opt-Out Clause Senator Reid Announces Public Option Opt-Out Clause

October 26, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid today announced that the merged Senate health care bill will include a public option with an opt-out provision for states. Under this concept, states will be able to determine whether the public option works for them and will have the ability to opt-out. The next step in this process is to send new merged language to the Congressional Budget Office for analysis. When the CBO has finished scoring the combined Senate bill, Reid will bring the bill to the floor for an open debate and amendment process.


Celebrating Passage of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act Celebrating Passage of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act

October 23, 2009 —Senators Leahy, Levin and Specter today praised the passage of the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Amendment as an important milestone in deterring violence against people based on their gender, sexual orientation or disability. After more than ten years since Senator Ted Kennedy introduced the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, civil rights leaders joined Democratic Senators in celebration of this historic legislation. "Passing this legislation honors the lives of those good people we lost too soon, but we must not mistake it for a monument to them. We are here because the scourge of hate violence that took these lives has not ended," said Joe Solmonese of Human Rights Campaign.


Seniors & Veterans Advocates Call for Fairness in Doctors' Medicare Compensation Seniors & Veterans Advocates Call for Fairness in Doctors' Medicare Compensation

October 20, 2009 —Senator Debbie Stabenow met today with advocates for seniors, military families and doctors to highlight the importance of compensating physicians appropriately. Senator Stabenow explained that the move is necessary to create more stability for health care providers in an uncertain climate. The Medicare payment formula for physicians has been broken for nearly a decade -- requiring Congress to step in time after time to delay cuts. "It is critical both for our military and their families, as well as for seniors and people with disabilities, that we stop what we know is a failed formula," said Senator Stabenow. She was joined by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA).


Reid, Dodd, Baucus Discuss the Urgency for Health Insurance Reform Reid, Dodd, Baucus Discuss the Urgency for Health Insurance Reform

October 15, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus and Senator Chris Dodd of the Senate HELP Committee gave an update this afternoon on the discussions underway regarding a merged health insurance reform proposal. Senator Reid highlighted the challenges that remain and called on Republican Senators to join their Democratic colleagues in passing comprehensive health insurance legislation. "I'm confidant and optimistic it can be done but we need the kind of historical participation that has been the hallmark of the United States Senate," said Senator Dodd.


Senator Reid Discusses Start Of The Health Care Merger Process Senator Reid Discusses Start Of The Health Care Merger Process

October 14, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid met with Senators Chris Dodd and Max Baucus, and White House officials to start the health care merger process. Today's meeting was an opportunity to discuss key issues in the HELP and Finance health reform bills. "I look forward to the President signing a health care bill in the not-distant future," said Reid.


Finance Committee Passes Health Insurance Reform Bill Finance Committee Passes Health Insurance Reform Bill

October 13, 2009 —The Senate Finance Committee passed a health insurance reform bill today by a vote of 14 - 9, paving the way for an historic debate on the Senate floor. After months of negotiations, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid hailed its passage. Senators Reid, Dodd and Baucus are now set to join senior White House officials this week to merge the HELP and Finance bills into a comprehensive health care proposal for a full vote before the Senate. Reid also praised Republican Senator Olympia Snowe for breaking with her party to join Democrats on the committee in voting for the bill. "[Sen. Snowe's] courage to stick with her principles in the face of an increasingly partisan environment in Washington, D.C. is heartening and should serve as a reminder that health care is an issue that should defy party labels," said Reid.


Women Democratic Senators Highlight Benefits Of Health Insurance Reform for Women Women Democratic Senators Highlight Benefits Of Health Insurance Reform for Women

October 8, 2009 —Women Democratic Senators took to the floor this morning to highlight women will benefit from health insurance reform. In our current health care system, women tend to earn less and pay more for premiums and are rarely covered for basic maternity care. "In cases where women can find coverage that is affordable, often it is woefully inadequate," said Sen. Jeanne Shaheen. The Senators urged for an end to discrimination against patients with pre-existing conditions. "Enough is enough, the time is now," Senator Patty Murray declared. "The status quo that is being defended by the other side is not working."


GOP Health Plan: The Status Quo GOP Health Plan: The Status Quo

October 7, 2009 —While Democrats have offered the American people a health insurance plan that fixes our ailing health insurance system and doesn't contribute to the deficit, Republicans have stuck with the status quo. Senators Jack Reed, Debbie Stabenow and Robert Menendez joined Jim Guest of the Consumers Union today to discuss the urgent need for health insurance reform. The Democrats' plan for reform has recently gained outside support from current and former Republican leaders across the country -- including Bill Frist, Bob Dole and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. "The Republican plan is to say no and maintain the status quo," said Senator Stabenow. "While they are jeering from the sidelines, instead of working with us, Democrats are focused on making health care stable and affordable for all Americans."


Health Insurance Reform: Highlighting the Need for Change Health Insurance Reform: Highlighting the Need for Change

October 1, 2009 —With the Finance Committee voting soon their health insurance reform proposal, ten freshmen Democratic Senators took to the floor Thursday to address the need for change. Together, the freshmen described the dramatic rise in health care costs and the urgent need to deliver real change to our health care system. "This is not just a moral imperative on its own right. It will help us achieve the cost savings that our health system so desperately needs," said Sen. Roland Burris.


Health Insurance Reform: Making Real Progress for Women Health Insurance Reform: Making Real Progress for Women

September 30, 2009 —The health insurance reform debate presents a critical opportunity to improve women's access to quality care. Under our current health insurance system, women are often denied coverage because of "pre-existing conditions" ranging from C-sections and past pregnancies to domestic violence. Women also pay more for health insurance than men. Their basic preventive care -- including mammograms and pap tests -- are often not covered. "The Senate is working on sending the president a reform bill that ensures women are treated fairly, expands coverage, and provides security and stability to people who have health insurance," said Senator Kay Hagan. If health insurance reform is to accomplish the goal of fixing our broken health care system, it must prevent discrimination within the insurance industry and address the specific health needs of women.


Health Insurance Reform: Freshmen Senators Speak Out Health Insurance Reform: Freshmen Senators Speak Out

September 24, 2009 —Democratic freshmen Senators took to the Senate Floor on Wednesday to urge Congress to pass health insurance reform legislation. The new senators agreed that maintaining the status quo is not an option; the time for action is now. "We, as recent additions to this body are united by a simple, but important truth," said Sen. Mark Warner, "That the rising cost of health care is hobbling American business, stressing family budgets and if we do nothing nothing, and it is left unchecked, it will explode our national debt."


Basketball Coaches Join Full Court Press for Health Care Reform Basketball Coaches Join Full Court Press for Health Care Reform

September 22, 2009 —Rival college basketball coaches teamed up Tuesday to a lead a health reform rally at the Capitol. The sports figures offered personal stories of families and friends confronting cancer. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius joined the coaches to stress the urgent need for insurance reform -- especially critical for families fighting cancer. Minnesota's Democratic Senators, Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken, were on hand with Coach Tubby Smith from the University of Minnesota. "Today, there are thousands of cancer patients going without the care they need," said Franken. "These Americans can't get health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. These egregious insurance industry practices must end."


Paul Simon Joins Democrats and Child Health Advocates Paul Simon Joins Democrats and Child Health Advocates

September 22, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid joined musical legend Paul Simon and child health advocates at a press conference last week to underscore the importance of health insurance reform for children. "It would benefit the country in the long run economically to have a healthy group of young people, and in the short run, I think it benefits the soul of the country to reach out a hand in compassion to show that we care about all Americans," said Simon. Echoing Simon's powerful words, Senator Reid said, "If there were ever a time where we had troubled waters, it's now. And if there were ever a bridge we need over troubled waters, it's passing comprehensive health care reform."


Health Insurance Reform: Finance Committee Introduces Bill Health Insurance Reform: Finance Committee Introduces Bill

September 16, 2009 —At a news conference today, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus unveiled the American's Healthy Future Act. This health care legislation will lower costs and provide quality, affordable health care coverage while not contributing to the federal deficit. The Finance Committee will meet to begin voting on the Chairman's Mark next week before moving on to the full Senate. "This is a unique moment in history where we can finally reach an objective so many of us have sought for so long," said Baucus. "Now we can finally pass legislation that will rein in health care costs and deliver quality, affordable care to the American people."


Health Insurance Reform: The President's Speech Health Insurance Reform: The President's Speech

September 9, 2009 — President Obama spoke to a joint session of Congress tonight, outlining a clear plan to achieve health insurance reform. "We did not come here to fear the future," Obama said, "we came to shape it." Senator Dick Durbin commented on the president's speech, saying "At the end of the day, we can't wait for those who are determined to stop our progress. We've got to have health care reform good enough for this great nation."


Health Insurance Reform: Ready to Move Forward Health Insurance Reform: Ready to Move Forward

September 8, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spoke today about health insurance reform efforts -- warning that "inaction is not an option." Reid acknowledged the absence of Senator Ted Kennedy and the eagerness of many Americans to move forward on the cause of the late senator's life: making it easier to afford to live a healthy life.


Health Insurance Reform: GOP Delays Real Progress Health Insurance Reform: GOP Delays Real Progress

August 5, 2009 —Senators Jay Rockefeller, Sherrod Brown and Sheldon Whitehouse held a press conference today to call on Republican leadership to offer a real plan for reforming health care. While Democrats have been working tirelessly to reform our health insurance system in a thoughtful and meaningful way, Republican leadership has spent much of the last two months sabotaging bipartisan efforts to find agreement on key issues. The status quo is unacceptable and Republican stalling on health insurance reform only serves to obstruct, deny and delay for the millions of Americans who are waiting for Congress to act.


Health Insurance Reform: Getting It Done Health Insurance Reform: Getting It Done

August 4, 2009 —Senate Democrats met today with President Obama at the White House to discuss health insurance reform. Reform will assure stability and security in health care for middle class families. Democrats are committed to reducing the cost of health care for families, businesses, and government while protecting choice and assuring affordable, quality health care for all Americans. "Both the president and the Senate have said from the start that we are committed to getting health insurance reform done this year and we will," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. "We are closer to real health insurance reform than ever before and while it's easy to focus on the areas where we still need to find agreement, it's important to be mindful of the common ground already shared by all parties involved."


Senators Discuss Judge Sotomayor's Qualifications Senators Discuss Judge Sotomayor's Qualifications

July 9, 2009 —Democratic women in the Senate offered support today for Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor. During a press conference at the Capitol, Senators Barbara Boxer, Amy Klobuchar, and Kirsten Gillibrand praised Judge Sotomayor's 17-year record as a federal judge and public servant. "This woman, this excellent judge, deserves to be treated fairly and equally with those who came before her. I will work with my colleagues to ensure that Judge Sotomayor's confirmation process is fair and timely," said Boxer. The Judiciary Committee's confirmation hearing begins Monday. Sotomayor would be the first Hispanic and third woman to serve on the Supreme Court.


Funding Our First Responders Funding Our First Responders

July 8, 2009 —Firefighters and other first responders met Democratic senators at the Capitol today to discuss new legislation that will help protect our homeland and keep Americans safe. Senators Joe Lieberman and Frank Lautenberg explained the importance of the Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act. "When there's an emergency, it's our first responders and public safety professionals who put their lives on the line to save the lives of others. This bill provides those brave men and women with the tools and resources they need," said Lautenberg.


Senator-Elect Franken Arrives at the Capitol Senator-Elect Franken Arrives at the Capitol

July 6, 2009 —Senator-Elect Al Franken of Minnesota spoke at the Capitol today. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid introduced the newest Democratic senator. "Moving America forward will still require the cooperation and collaboration of Democrats and Republicans alike," noted Reid. "A lot has been made of this number 60. The number I'm focused on is the number 2. I see myself as the second senator from the state of Minnesota," said Franken. "I'm ready to get to work." Franken will be sworn in as a United States Senator tomorrow.


Health Care Reform: Capitol Hill Rally Health Care Reform: Capitol Hill Rally

June 25, 2009 —Democratic Senators joined thousands of working Americans for a rally in support of health care reform. "We cannot do this alone," Senator Chuck Schumer told the crowd. Thursday's Capitol Hill rally was attended by union members, health professionals, and other workers in Washington to lobby Congress this week. Democrats are committed to reducing the cost of health care for families, businesses, and government while protecting choice and assuring affordable, quality health care for all Americans.


Health Care Reform: Coverage Between Jobs Health Care Reform: Coverage Between Jobs

June 24, 2009 —Health care reform is economic reform. If we are to restore our economy and secure our nation's fiscal future, now is the time to make health care more affordable for American families, businesses, and government. Senate Democrats today highlighted the increasing number of Americans who have lost health insurance during the economic downturn -- estimated to be more than 3.4 million. "Those numbers are about real people," said Senator Patty Murray. "That's why we are working so hard to make sure we protect what is good within health care today, we improve what is not, and we provide access to care for millions of Americans."


Health Care Reform: Guaranteed Access Health Care Reform: Guaranteed Access

June 23, 2009 —Under the Affordable Health Choices Act, insurance companies would be required to serve all Americans, regardless of pre-existing conditions or health status. That legislation is being written by Democrats on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee. HELP Democrats today highlighted the importance of health care reform for individuals with pre-existing conditions during a Capitol press conference. Democrats are committed to reducing the cost of health care for families, businesses, and government while protecting choice and assuring affordable, quality health care for all Americans. "Health insurance shouldn't be only for the healthy and the wealthy," said Senator Tom Harkin, "but that's basically what it is today."


Democrats Host Green Jobs Summit Democrats Host Green Jobs Summit

June 19, 2009 —Democrats are committed to a sustainable and healthy economy and environment by investing in renewable energy. Vice President Joe Biden joined Democratic Senators this week for a Green Jobs Summit. Leaders from business, labor, and environmental organizations met at the Capitol to share their ideas and experiences with renewable energy projects. "We have made unprecedented investments in clean, renewable energy and new, green jobs that can never be outsourced," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. "We are encouraged by how far we have come - and we reaffirm our commitment to see this revolution through until we achieve energy independence." Wednesday's event was organized by the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee, chaired by Senator Debbie Stabenow.


Health Care Reform: Affordable Health Choices Health Care Reform: Affordable Health Choices

June 16, 2009 — Democrats on the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a press conference today to discuss the Affordable Health Choices Act and the urgent need for health reform. Nurses, medical students, and individuals with first-hand experience joined them in support of reforming our broken health care system. "We owe the working families of this country legislation that cuts costs, protects choice, and ensures affordable, high-quality care. And we intend to deliver," said Senator Chris Dodd.


Addressing Hate Crimes Addressing Hate Crimes

June 15, 2009 — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and civil rights leaders held a press conference today to discuss the Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act. The new legislation expands federal hate crimes law and provides grants to local law enforcement officials. The bill is named for a young man fatally beaten in 1998 because of his sexual orientation. "Hate crimes embody a unique brand of evil," Reid said. "A violent act may physically hurt just a single victim and cause grief for loved ones. But hate crimes do more. They distress entire communities, entire groups of people, and our entire country." Reid will hold a vote on the legislation before the Senate's August recess.


Bill to Prevent Kids from Smoking Passes Senate Bill to Prevent Kids from Smoking Passes Senate

June 11, 2009 — Groundbreaking new legislation will give the Food and Drug Administration the legal authority to regulate cigarettes -- their sale, distribution, and advertising. The bipartisan bill from Senators Kennedy and Dodd and the HELP Committee will stop tobacco companies from targeting children and misleading the public. "With 3,500 kids trying smoking for the first time every day, 3.5 million of our nation's high school students smoking and nearly half a million Americans dying every year as a result of their smoking or someone else's, this bill could not come at a more important time," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.


Health Care Reform: Addressing Skyrocketing Costs Health Care Reform: Addressing Skyrocketing Costs

June 9, 2009 —Senator Chris Dodd today spoke today about the impact of staggering health care costs on American families and businesses. “Health care costs are rising faster than our economy is growing,” Dodd said. “Almost half of all foreclosures and nearly 62 percent of bankruptcies were caused by financial issues stemming from medical costs.” Democrats in the Senate's HELP Committee (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions), are working now to draft health reform legislation. Democrats are committed to reducing the cost of health care for families, businesses, and government while protecting choice and assuring affordable, quality health care for all Americans.


Health Care Reform: Democrats Discuss Long-Term Services Health Care Reform: Democrats Discuss Long-Term Services

June 8, 2009 —Democratic Senators are drafting legislation to assure affordable, high-quality health care for every American. Health reform should ensure vulnerable populations have access to coverage that meets their needs -- including long-term services and support. Senator Tom Harkin joined other advocates for individuals with disabilities today at the Capitol. Chaired by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrats in the Senate's HELP Committee (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions), are working to include long-term services in health reform.


Reid Meets with Hispanic Leaders on Sotomayor Nomination Reid Meets with Hispanic Leaders on Sotomayor Nomination

June 4, 2009 — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid today joined leaders from several national Hispanic organizations to discuss Judge Sonia Sotomayor, President Obama's nominee to the United States Supreme Court. Once confirmed, she will be the first Hispanic to serve on the nation's highest court. Sotomayor is an accomplished and qualified nominee with real-world experience and understanding of the law. "I have great admiration for her life story and accomplishments," Reid said of Judge Sotomayor.


Judge Sonia Sotomayor Meets Democratic Senators Judge Sonia Sotomayor Meets Democratic Senators

June 2, 2009 — Judge Sonia Sotomayor met this morning with Senate Democrats. The judge is President Barack Obama's nominee to fill the United States Supreme Court seat held by retiring Justice David Souter. At the Capitol today, Sotomayor met Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy. Reid has endorsed Judge Sotomayor and said he will now work to quickly confirm her in the Senate. Sotomayor would be the first Hispanic and third woman to serve on the Supreme Court. Her meetings with Senators will continue this week.


Supporting Our Men & Women In Uniform Supporting Our Men & Women In Uniform

May 21, 2009 —Democratic Senators met today with a group that connects veterans to careers in construction -- Helmets to Hardhats. During a Capitol press conference, Democrats discussed efforts to support our veterans and active duty members of the military. "Far too often, our veterans who have so bravely sacrificed to protect our nation and way of life face challenges when they return from duty," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. As Memorial Day approaches, Democrats will continue to work to ensure that our veterans have the tools they need to successfully transition back into civilian life, including access to quality health care, housing, and employment opportunities.


Credit Card Protection Passes Senate Credit Card Protection Passes Senate

May 19, 2009 — Democratic Senators today celebrated the passage of credit card consumer protection legislation. The CARD Act (Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure) outlaws hidden fees, misleading terms and other credit card company tricks and traps. In recent weeks, Senate Democrats have passed legislation to protect American consumers from fraud and prevent waste in government contracts. The CARD Act is one more way Democrats are helping Main Street to stabilize our economy. Today's credit card legislation was authored by Senator Dodd.


Credit Card Fairness for Consumers Credit Card Fairness for Consumers

May 12, 2009 — Democratic Senators today joined consumer protection advocates in discussing new legislation to put fairness and common sense back into credit cards. The bipartisan CARD Act (Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure) is authored by Senator Dodd and cosponsored by Senators Levin, Menendez, Merkley, and 18 others. Democrats are working to protect consumers from excessive fees, ever-changing interest rates and complex contracts seemingly designed to keep people in debt. Their plan will also strengthen oversight of the credit card industry.


Delivering Change: Accomplishments and the Work Ahead Delivering Change: Accomplishments and the Work Ahead

April 29, 2009 — In a new video, Democratic Senators discuss President Obama's first 100 days in office and the accomplishments of the 111th Congress. Democrats have responded swiftly and strongly after inheriting the worst economic crisis in generations by passing a recovery package to create and save millions of jobs, and by making key investments in health care, energy and education. We have made important progress in these past months, but there is still much more we must and will do. Democrats are committed to moving the economy from recession to recovery and getting America back on the path to prosperity.


Reid Discusses the 39th Anniversary of Earth Day Reid Discusses the 39th Anniversary of Earth Day

April 22, 2009 — Senator Harry Reid today marked the 39th anniversary of Earth Day at a celebration in Washington, D.C. "Earth Day is a day to appreciate the tremendous beauty of small, special places just as much as it is about the larger planet we must protect," Reid said. "It is a reminder to recommit ourselves to finding the right balance that preserves our environment even as we live in it day by day."


A Budget That Delivers Change A Budget That Delivers Change

April 1, 2009 — Senators Dick Durbin, Sheldon Whitehouse, Benjamin L. Cardin, and Robert Casey were joined Thursday by community leaders and American workers rallying in support of the Democratic budget proposal.

The new Democratic Congress inherited a record Republican deficit and the worst economic crisis in generations, but are working to strengthen the economy by creating jobs and providing critical investments in health care, education, and renewable energy.

“It's time for change,” Florine Jones, a social worker from Maryland, told the crowd. “Big, bold smart change that takes America in a fundamentally new direction. That's what President Obama promised us. That's why we voted for him. And that's what he's delivering with this budget.”


A Budget That Invests In Our Future A Budget That Invests In Our Future

March 24, 2009 - Senators Patty Murray, Bernie Sanders and Jeff Merkley joined community leaders Tuesday to hail the critical investments in President Obama's budget proposal. Jaim Foster, a 2nd-grade teacher from Virginia; James Walker, President of the American Wind Energy Association; and Mark Kinsgbury, a registered nurse from Denver Health joined the Senators to discuss how the budget will create jobs and begin to revive our economy by helping more Americans get to and graduate from college, developing renewable energy, and making sure Americans can access and afford the care they need to stay healthy.

"To revive the American economy and compete in the global economy, we must expand educational opportunities for all Americans," Murray said. "Investing in education is one of the most certain ways to prepare a skilled and ready workforce and to strengthen our economy well into the future. Now is not a time to sit back and criticize. Now is a time to be bold and make the critical investments in our country that are so overdue."


Protecting Taxpayers From AIG Abuse Protecting Taxpayers From AIG Abuse

March 18, 2009 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Tuesday called on AIG to reclaim its executive bonuses, which were funded with taxpayer money given to AIG with the express purpose of keeping the company afloat. He also discussed the affirmative steps Congress is taking in response, including a proposal being developed in the Senate that would subject the bonuses to severe tax penalties if they are not given back voluntarily.

"When a child breaks his curfew, he is grounded. When someone commits a crime, he is punished. And when an employee brings his company and our economy to the brink, he is not rewarded with a multimillion-dollar bonus paid by the taxpayers," Reid said. "AIG's attitude represents everything that is wrong with Wall Street, and its decision on these bonuses underscores the urgency with which we must demand reforms to ensure these abuses never happen again."


Democrats Will Invest In Our Nation’s Future Democrats Will Invest In Our Nation’s Future"

March 4,2009 — Democratic Senators Jack Reed and Michael Bennet held a press conference this afternoon to discuss Democrats’ efforts to strengthen our economy now and invest in our nation over the long term by passing last year’s overdue appropriations bills. Among other benefits, the bills will ensure that children have access to quality K-12 education, students can pay for college after, and all Americans can afford quality health care. Three leaders whose organizations’ success rely on a working government – Gregory Cendana, Vice President of the United States Student Association; Alan Morgan, Chief Executive Officer of the National Rural Health Association; and Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs – joined the Senators.

“A year ago, we started work on the appropriations bills contained in this measure,” Reed said. “Unfortunately, the effort to work with the former Administration was met with resistance and partisanship that was all too common. Today, with the support of Senator Cochran and others on the Republican side, we are on the verge of finally passing a bipartisan and responsible bill that addresses the priorities of the middle-class, including: improving education for our children; strengthening health care; and increasing energy efficiency and independence. For the last eight years, domestic programs have been starved while Republicans rubber-stamped George Bush’s unwise tax cuts and kept the cost of the Iraq War off the budget. This legislation offers a course correction. It complements the economic recovery package we passed last month, and provides critical investments to strengthen our economy and our future.”


Equal Representation for 600,000 Americans Equal Representation for 600,000 Americans

February 27, 2009 - Senator Joe Lieberman, ID-Conn., Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C., spoke Thursday after the Senate passed the D.C. Voting Rights Act of 2009, which if enacted would finally give 600,000 Americans equal representation in Congress for the first time.


Senate Leadership Discusses President Obama's Address to Congress Senate Leadership Discusses President Obama's Address to Congress

February 25, 2009 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Democratic Conference Vice Chairman Charles Schumer and Democratic Conference Secretary Patty Murray held a press conference Wednesday to discuss President Obama's address to Congress and Senate Democrats' plans to work with him to revive our economy and make life better for struggling Americans.

"Last night the American people heard something we hadn't heard in a very, very long time -- an honest assessment of where we are as a country," Reid said. "We also heard a strong vision of how we're going to work together to make life for struggling Americans better. We took a strong step by passing the economic recovery package, and he talked about that at some length. He also talked about three things that we all must focus on: energy, education and health care."


Reid & Pelosi Preview Obama's Address to Congress Reid & Pelosi Preview Obama's Address to Congress

February 24, 2009 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday previewed President Obama's address to Congress. Reid said that he looked forward to hearing both a refreshingly realistic assessment of the challenges we face and President Obama's vision for how we are going act urgently and responsibly to help struggling Americans. "He's going to give the American people hope, but also deliver them the message that we all have to work together," Reid said. "Barack Obama is a person who reaches out to all, and will continue to do that tonight."


Creating Jobs and Investing in America's Future Creating Jobs and Investing in America's Future

February 13, 2009 - As unemployment surges and our GDP shrinks, President Obama and Senate Democrats understand that people are hurting. That is why they acted quickly and responsibly to turn our economy around, put people back to work and ensure middle-class families can get ahead. The plan Congress has passed will strengthen our economy by creating millions of good-paying jobs here in America, delivering tax relief for 95 percent of workers and investing in America's future. It also guarantees transparency and accountability to ensure all taxpayer money is spent wisely. It is a bold and responsible plan that will help our economy get back on track.


A Bold Plan to Create Jobs & Cut Taxes A Bold Plan to Create Jobs & Cut Taxes

February 6, 2009 - Democratic Senators Robert Menendez and Bob Casey joined Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney at a press conference this morning to discuss the Labor Department’s release of its monthly jobs report and unemployment rate. This morning, the Labor Department reported that employers cut 598,000 jobs in January, the most since 1974, bringing the unemployment rate to 7.6 percent. Facing the most severe economic crisis in generations, Democrats are working quickly and responsibly to enact a bold plan that creates jobs and cuts taxes for the middle class.

“There is nothing more indicative of the economic condition of America’s families than how we are doing with respect to job creation and job losses,” Menendez said. “Today, the latest snapshot of our economic condition shows that more and more American families are falling on harder and harder times, plain and simple. We have to act on the economic recovery plan quickly because we are in a crisis, and we have a responsibility to the American people. It is our responsibility to enact a plan that is bold, fast-acting and effective enough that it gets people back to work, and does so in short order.” Said Casey: “Today's report is the latest in a string of bad news for American workers. Years of bad policy during the Bush Administration has driven our economy off a cliff. We don't have time for endless debate and must act swiftly to enact a recovery package to create jobs and move our economy in the right direction.” Senate Democrats are working to pass this critical legislation to create jobs, cut taxes for middle-class families and invest in America’s future. To read more on how Democrats will be working to revive our economy, homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities for all Americans go here.


Economy Requires Urgent Action on Recovery Package Economy Requires Urgent Action on Recovery Package

February 5, 2009 - Democratic Senators Dick Durbin, Frank Lautenberg and Jeff Merkley joined Liz Freeberg, an unemployed worker from Minnesota; Dennis Van Roekel, President of the National Education Association; and Dave Johnson, a construction worker from New Jersey, at a press conference this morning to discuss the urgent need to pass an economic recovery package. Rising unemployment rates, a shrinking GDP and other deteriorating economic indicators underscore the urgency with which we need to strengthen our economy now and invest in our nation over the long term.

“The bill that we hope to pass this week will help create jobs in every state in the union, including approximately 200,000 jobs in my home state of Illinois,” Durbin said. “The types of jobs that we would create through this bill are nearly impossible to outsource and will help lay the foundation for the American economy of the 21st century. Now is the time to act. We haven’t a moment to lose.” Said Lautenberg: “The economic recession is deepening, and it’s time for action. We need to put partisan differences aside to help families in New Jersey and across the nation. It is time to pass this recovery package and get our economy back on track.” Said Merkley: “Families across our nation are hurting right now. “They lack health care, they worry about their jobs, they are in danger of losing their homes. For too long, the policies coming out of Washington were failing these families. The Senate bill is an embodiment of President Obama’s promise to reject the failed formulas that brought us to this point and invest in the future. We cannot wait to provide the help working Americans so desperately need.” Senate Democrats are working to pass this critical legislation to create jobs, cut taxes for middle-class families and invest in America’s future. To read more on how Democrats will be working to revive our economy, homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities for all Americans go here.


Covering Kids During a Time of Economic Crisis Covering Kids During a Time of Economic Crisis

January 28, 2009 - Democratic Senators Max Baucus, Debbie Stabenow and Robert Menendez joined Marcia Greenberger, Founder and Co-President, National Women's Law Center, and Debra Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families, at a press conference this morning to discuss Democrats' efforts to strengthen the Children's Health Insurance Program. The Children's Health Insurance Program is critical as states begin to run out of money for children's health care, and every time the national unemployment rate goes up one point, 700,000 more children lose their coverage. Democrats are working to pass a bill similar to the ones vetoed by President Bush last Congress that will improve the lives of low-income, uninsured children.

"CHIP gets kids in low-income working families the doctor's visits and medicines they need when they're sick, and the checkups they need to stay well, and the bipartisan Finance Committee agreement to renew CHIP is the right answer for kids who need health care," Baucus said. "Congress must put kids first. And Senators who care about children must vote for to renew and expand the Children's Health Insurance Program." Said Stabenow: "Something is wrong in this country when hard working families don't have access to quality, affordable health care. Democrats are ready to fix it. This bill is a major step forward in our effort to make sure every child in America gets the health care they need." Menendez added, "In these tough economic times, state governments are being hit hard--and state programs for children's health are starting to run out. Now more than ever, we need to expand our efforts to make sure no child goes to bed at night without health care in the greatest country on earth." Senate Democrats are working to pass this critical legislation to ensure that American children have the coverage they need during this time of economic crisis. To read more on how Democrats will be working to revive our economy, homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities for all Americans go here.


Ensuring Children Have the Health Care They Need Ensuring Children Have the Health Care They Need

January 23, 2009 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid joined Senator John Rockefeller, Gerald Smith, Associate Director of the Northwest Federation of Community Organizations, and student artist Muhammad Ibrahim at a press conference today to discuss Democrats’ efforts to strengthen the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Democrats are working to pass a bill similar to the ones vetoed by President Bush last Congress that will improve the lives of low-income, uninsured children by ensuring they get the doctor visits and medicines they need when they’re sick and the checkups they need to stay well. The event also featured artwork submitted by students from around the nation highlighting the importance of providing health coverage to children.

“CHIP is a critical program as states begin to run out of money for children’s health care – in the state of Nevada alone more than 100,000 children remain uninsured,” Reid said. “We will enact a bipartisan bill that improves the lives of uninsured children by ensuring they get the doctor visits and medicines they need when they’re sick and the checkups they need to stay well. Not only is passing CHIP the right thing to do; it’s the smart thing to do.” Said Rockefeller: “This isn't about politics, this is about children and it’s about doing what's right. With our nation’s economy in crisis and Americans facing the uncertainty that comes with losing their jobs and their health insurance, health care coverage for all children is more important than ever before. Medicaid and CHIP are a critical safety net for working families and their children during these extremely hard economic times. In the years since we created CHIP, millions of America’s children have received needed, and in many instances life-saving, care. It is time to provide that vital coverage to even more of our children, including legal immigrant children. I am eager to finally finish this important mission and give nearly 11 million children the care they need and deserve.” Senate Democrats will act quickly to ensure that America’s children have the health care they need. To read more on how Democrats will be working to revive our economy, help homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities for all Americans go here.


Ensuring Equal Pay for Equal Work Ensuring Equal Pay for Equal Work

January 22, 2009 - Democratic Senators joined Lilly Ledbetter and Marcia Greenberger, founder and co-President of the National Women’s Law Center, at a press conference today to discuss the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Senate Democrats are working to provide equal pay for equal work, and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act ensures all Americans are paid the same wage regardless of their age, gender, race or ethnicity.

“We are here today to give the nation a wake-up call! Wage discrimination still exists because there are loopholes in our federal laws. We want to close the loopholes,” said Mikulski. “Change in the federal law books means change in women’s checkbooks. We need to pass the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. It's time for a new American revolution - we need to put on our lipstick, square our shoulders and fight together!” Said Murray: “The Senate has a proud history of working across the aisle to pass civil rights laws. And I’m proud that because of those laws my daughter now has the right to work in the same jobs – and achieve the same success – as my son. But we haven’t eliminated unfairness in the workplace. I believe we should all fight long and hard whenever Americans are denied the ability to fight their rights. And that’s why we’re here today.” Said Ledbetter: “Women from all over the country have told me how they are paid less for doing the same job as their male colleagues – and now there’s nothing they can do. Congress has the opportunity to restore the promise that the Supreme Court broke in my case and to protect women from pay discrimination by enacting the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.” Senate Democrats will act quickly to give workers the means to protect themselves from pay discrimination. To read more on how Democrats will be working to revive our economy, homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities for all Americans go here.


Pressing for Action on the Economic Recovery Package Pressing for Action on the Economic Recovery Package

January 14, 2009 - Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer and Robert Menendez joined Terry O'Sullivan, President of the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA), and Randi Weingarten, President of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), at a press conference today to discuss the urgent need for an economic recovery package. With our nation's unemployment at the highest rate in 16 years, Democrats are focused on passing an economic recovery package that creates jobs, aids our struggling states and localities, and gets our economy back on track.

"There is no longer a debate in Washington about whether or not we need a recovery package," said Schumer. "There is broad agreement on both sides of the aisle that a package is necessary. That has made negotiations very productive, as everyone wants the same thing. We all want to put together a package that will stimulate the economy, provide relief for the states, and create jobs to help middle class families who are struggling to get by." Senator Mendendez said, "Americans are being hit hard in this economy, so we need to pass an economic recovery package as soon as possible." Senate Democrats will act quickly to put Americans to work and strengthen our economy. To read more on how Democrats will be working to revive our economy, protect homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities for all Americans go here.


Urging Action on the Economic Recovery Package Urging Action on the Economic Recovery Package

January 8, 2009 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus today discussed their thoughts for a bold economic recovery package. Democrats are working on a bipartisan plan that will create jobs, improve our economy now and strengthen our nation over the long term.

“Our nation’s economy is in a state of emergency,” Reid said. “We need a plan that not only will create jobs and improve our economy now, but will strengthen our nation over the long term.” Senate Democrats will act quickly to address this economic crisis, create jobs and provide relief to our struggling middle class. To read more on how Democrats will be working to revive our economy, protect homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities for all Americans go here.


Renewing The American Dream Renewing The American Dream

January 7, 2009 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin, Democratic Conference Vice Chairman Charles Schumer, and Democratic Conference Secretary Patty Murray held a press conference this week to discuss Democratic priorities for the 111th Congress. In the coming weeks, Democrats will be working to revive our economy, protect homeowners and consumers, make America more energy independent, strengthen our national security, and improve health care and educational opportunities for all Americans.

“This Congress, Democrats have one explicit goal: to deliver the change Americans have demanded,” Reid said. “We are confronting some of the most severe problems we have faced in generations. They didn’t happen overnight and they won’t be solved in a day, but by working together in a bipartisan fashion, Democrats know we can move our country forward.” Read more.


Reid Headlines A Clean Energy Roundtable Reid Headlines A Clean Energy Roundtable

December 3, 2008 - This week Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid headlined a roundtable entitled "The New Revolution: America's Clean Energy Future" hosted by the Third Way. Senator Reid talked about the great opportunity the incoming Congress and Administration have to champion clean energy initiatives by building on the passage of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which called for increases in vehicle fuel efficiency, alternative fuels production and programs to increase efficiency of the lights, appliances and office buildings.

"At a time when the need for clean, renewable energy is clearer than ever, our ability to turn sun, wind and geothermal into real power that heats and cools our homes and powers our automobiles has never been better," said Reid adding, "greening the grid won't be easy or quick, but with the help of the Obama Administration, utility companies and a willing Congress, we will make it happen." The roundtable discussion brought together a broad range of business, labor and other players in the energy debate.


Congress Celebrates The Opening Of the Capitol Visitor Center Congress Celebrates
The Opening Of the Capitol Visitor Center

December 2, 2008 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and House Republican Leader John Boehner spoke at the opening ceremony of the United States Capitol Visitor Center this week. In his prepared remarks Senator Reid called the Center, "an engineering feat that will stand the test of time," making the facility and those work within it safer, while "enriching the visitor's experience for the 3 million" who will visit every year.

The new Capitol Visitor Center will provide enhanced security and educational opportunities to the millions of people who visit the Capitol each year. It is the largest expansion of the Capitol in over a century and will feature a more visitor-friendly environment including a restaurant, exhibition center, and meeting space for public hearings and events.


Welcome To Our New Democratic Senators Welcome To Our New Democratic Senators

November 17, 2008 - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid welcomed the new Democratic-Senators elect who will join the 111th Congress this week. Senators-Elect Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Mark Warner, Jeanne Shaheen, Kay Hagan, and Jeff Merkely met with Senator Reid for a brief discussion on the many issues the Americans have asked Congress to address.

"We have a lot of work to do and many challenges ahead. This is a new chapter for our nation, and I am looking forward to working with my colleagues in Congress, our new President-elect, and our new Democratic Senators standing with me right now, to tackle the many issues that lie before us and move this country forward," said Senator Reid welcoming the new Democratic Senators-Elect and their spouses.


Senate Democrats: Leading the Way for Change Senate Democrats: Leading the Way for Change

October 14, 2008 - After nearly a decade of Republican-controlled government in Washington, Americans have seen their dreams of economic security and homeownership gambled away by deregulation, incompetent fiscal policies, misplaced governmental priorities, lack of Congressional oversight, and un-checked greed on Wall Street and in the financial markets. This month the Democratic controlled U.S. Senate came together in a bipartisan fashion to address one of the most critical economic challenges we have faced in generations, as it passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008/Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008/Tax Extenders and Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act of 2008. The bill improved upon the President's initial proposal, which used taxpayer dollars to subsidize CEOs' golden parachutes, had no oversight, and simply handed one man $700 billion and gave him unfettered power to use it as he saw fit. The legislation, while not perfect, will help stabilize our economy and protect Main Street from the crisis on Wall Street. It also invests in clean renewable energy and extends important tax cuts for middle-class families struggling in the weakening Bush-McCain economy.

"The American people have a right to be frustrated with the situation we face. But inaction is not an option - which is why we have worked expeditiously and in a bipartisan manner to stop a bad situation from getting worse," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid after the Senate passed the legislation. As Senate Democrats continue to help our nation recover from the Bush-McCain "perfect storm" of economic and regulatory failures, we call upon our Republican colleagues to acknowledge the harm that Bush-McCain economic philosophies have caused and work with us to do even more to stabilize the economy and restore the American Dream for middle-class families. It is clearer than ever that the American people need more Senators who are committed to change.


Working To Stabilize America's Economy Working To Stabilize America's Economy

October 2, 2008 - This week the U.S. Senate came together in a bipartisan fashion to address one of the most critical economic challenges we have faced in generations, as it passed the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008/Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008/Tax Extenders and Alternative Minimum Tax Relief Act of 2008. The bill improved upon the President's initial proposal, which used taxpayer dollars to subsidize CEOs' golden parachutes, had no oversight, and simply handed one man $700 billion and gave him unfettered power to use it as he saw fit. The legislation, while not perfect, will help stabilize our economy and protect Main Street from the crisis on Wall Street. It also invests in clean renewable energy and extends important tax cuts for middle-class families struggling in the weakening Bush-McCain economy.

"The American people have a right to be frustrated with the situation we face. But inaction is not an option - which is why we have worked expeditiously and in a bipartisan manner to stop a bad situation from getting worse," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid after the Senate passed the legislation. Democrats will continue to work on putting taxpayers first, ensuring oversight and accountability, and helping prevent foreclosures.



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Today in the Senate
December 3, 2010:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m.  Following any Leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each.

As a reminder, Senator Reid filed cloture on 2 tax related amendments: (1) Motion to Concur with the Baucus amendment No. 4727 (tax cut extension for those making up to $250,000, plus several additional items such as UI extension, AMT relief, estate tax, 1099 repeal, making work pay credit, and others); and (2) Schumer amendment No. 4728 (tax cut extension for those making up to $1 million, plus several additional items such as UI extension, AMT relief, estate tax, 1099 repeal, making work pay credit, and others).

Under Rule 22, the first cloture motion would ripen one hour after the Senate convenes on Saturday, December 4. If cloture is not invoked, the second cloture motion would ripen immediately.


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