The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Bill Text As Passed Now Available
Download the complete text of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, H.R. 3590, as passed (Click for PDF)

The approximate number of Americans currently without health insurance:


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Senate Passes Health Care Reform: A Victory for the American People

Introducing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

December 24, 2009 —The United States Senate witnessed an historic moment this morning, as 60 Democratic Senators cast their votes in favor of passing health reform legislation. This bill's passage has been supported by at least six decades of advocacy from supporters of reform who understand the cost of inaction on this critical issue. Noting the historic nature of this morning's vote, Senator Chris Dodd remarked, "This is the most important bill to improve the economic security of our middle class in a generation. And none of us will ever cast a more important vote." Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid - who led his colleagues through months of deliberations said, "For thousands of Nevadans and millions of Americans, this is not just a remarkable moment in the history of the country - this news is truly life-changing. We are a step closer to promoting a health system that values quality of care over profit. I look forward to working with our friends in the House so we can send a final bill to President Obama as soon as possible."

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Introducing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Introducing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

November 19, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid today announced the Congressional Budget Office's analysis of the Senate health care bill - the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- highlighting the expansion in coverage and reduction to the federal deficit. This legislation will cut the deficit by $127 billion, extend coverage to more than 94% of Americans and insure 31 million more of the uninsured. This bill, "saves lives, saves money and protects Medicare. Not only do we make health insurance affordable for every American, we certainly do it in a fiscally responsible way," said Reid.

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Reid Unveils Senate Health Care Bill

Reid Unveils Senate Health Care Bill

November 18, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid today announced the Congressional Budget Office's analysis of the Senate health care bill - the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act -- highlighting the expansion in coverage and reduction to the federal deficit. This legislation will cut the deficit by $127 billion, extend coverage to more than 94% of Americans and insure 31 million more of the uninsured. This bill, "saves lives, saves money and protects Medicare. Not only do we make health insurance affordable for every American, we certainly do it in a fiscally responsible way," said Reid.

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Reid: We Are On The Doorstep of Delivering Historic Reform

Reid: We Are On The Doorstep of Delivering Historic Reform

November 17, 2009 —With the release of the Congressional Budget Office's analysis of the Senate health care bill expected soon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid highlighted Democrats' desire to begin debate on the floor. "Our purpose and resolve remain strong. We're energized," said Reid. "We stand on the doorstep of delivering historic reform to the American people." In the face of Republican opposition to the bill, Reid said, "Senate Republicans are lining up against the health care needs of the American people to protect insurance companies. They're opposed to even having a debate in the Senate, robbing the American people of a historic opportunity."

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Health Reform Will Bring Benefits to the Middle Class

Health Reform Will Bring Benefits to the Middle Class

November 10, 2009 —Democratic Senators joined the owner of a small moving and storage company today to discuss the benefits of health insurance reform on the middle class. Under our current system, the cost of health care rises three times faster than wages. Health expenses continue to climb for small businesses and hardworking Americans. Senator Ben Cardin said, "Affordability and stability are at the heart of the health care reform being considered by the Senate. We cannot miss this opportunity to lower costs and expand quality coverage for all Americans."

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Investments in Prevention and Wellness Among Benefits in Reform Bill

Investments in Prevention and Wellness Among Benefits in Reform Bill

November 4, 2009 —Democratic Senators Tom Harkin and Tom Udall were joined by health care advocates to discuss the benefits of including prevention and wellness provisions in health insurance reform. "The fact is...we currently don't have a health care system in America, we have a sick care system," said Harkin. The Senate health reform bill places a renewed emphasis on fitness, physical activity, nutrition and disease prevention. "We have solid evidence that we can spend less on health care while saving more lives by implementing preventive measures. Of the more than $2 trillion the U.S. spends on health care each year, only 4 cents of every dollar is invested in prevention," said Udall.

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100 Small Business Owners Discuss Health Care Reform

100 Small Business Owners Discuss Health Care Reform

November 3, 2009 —With recent studies showing small businesses' premiums rising by 15% in 2010, it is crucial that we work to ensure affordable health insurance coverage for this critical part of the American workforce. Democratic Senators Tom Harkin and Mary Landrieu held an event Tuesday with small business owners to address the health care challenges they face. The high cost of coverage damages small business owners' ability to create new jobs and retain skilled employees. "The status quo in health insurance spending for America's small businesses is intolerable and it is unsustainable," said Harkin. "Today, we have a simple message for small business owners across America: help is on the way and it comes in the form of a health reform plan that puts a stop to the discriminatory insurance industry practice of jacking up premiums for small businesses by up to 200 percent when an employee gets sick or because the business hires a woman."

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Public Option Creates Competition, Lowers Costs for Families & Businesses

Public Option Creates Competition, Lowers Costs for Families & Businesses

October 28, 2009 —Following Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's announcement this week that the Senate health care bill will include a public option with a state opt-out provision, Senate Democrats joined small business and consumer advocates to discuss the benefits of the public option. "Small businesses are buckling under rising health care costs, and if the status quo continues, more and more of them will be forced to stop providing coverage for their workers," said Senator Charles Schumer. The public option, the Senators explained, will reduce costs and ensure competition within the insurance industry that will benefit individuals and businesses. "Everyone in our Caucus understands that if we do nothing, the system will collapse," said Schumer.

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Democratic Chairmen Discuss Road Ahead for Health Reform & Public Option

Democratic Chairmen Discuss Road Ahead for Health Reform & Public Option

October 27, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was joined today by Senate Committee Chairmen to discuss the public option with a state opt-out provision to be included in a Senate health care bill. Senators Dodd, Baucus, Bingaman and Rockefeller agreed that Congress stands on the doorstep of achieving meaningful health insurance legislation. "We're all committed to delivering meaningful reform to a system that's really broken," said Reid. "We all support the public option with a state opt-out as a wise path forward. Our public option isn't a left proposal or a right proposal. This is a consensus, a compromise that represents months of hard work and debate and will benefit all Americans. It's an important way to ensure competition, to level the playing field for patients. It protects consumers and keeps the insurance companies honest."

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Senator Reid Announces Public Option Opt-Out Clause

Senator Reid Announces Public Option Opt-Out Clause

October 26, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid today announced that the merged Senate health care bill will include a public option with an opt-out provision for states. Under this concept, states will be able to determine whether the public option works for them and will have the ability to opt-out. The next step in this process is to send new merged language to the Congressional Budget Office for analysis. When the CBO has finished scoring the combined Senate bill, Reid will bring the bill to the floor for an open debate and amendment process.

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Seniors & Veterans Advocates Call for Fairness in Doctors' Medicare Compensation

Seniors & Veterans Advocates Call for Fairness in Doctors' Medicare Compensation

October 20, 2009 —Senator Debbie Stabenow met today with advocates for seniors, military families and doctors to highlight the importance of compensating physicians appropriately. Senator Stabenow explained that the move is necessary to create more stability for health care providers in an uncertain climate. The Medicare payment formula for physicians has been broken for nearly a decade -- requiring Congress to step in time after time to delay cuts. "It is critical both for our military and their families, as well as for seniors and people with disabilities, that we stop what we know is a failed formula," said Senator Stabenow. She was joined by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA).

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Reid, Dodd, Baucus Discuss the Urgency for Health Insurance Reform

Reid, Dodd, Baucus Discuss the Urgency for Health Insurance Reform

October 15, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus and Senator Chris Dodd of the Senate HELP Committee gave an update this afternoon on the discussions underway regarding a merged health insurance reform proposal. Senator Reid highlighted the challenges that remain and called on Republican Senators to join their Democratic colleagues in passing comprehensive health insurance legislation. "I'm confidant and optimistic it can be done but we need the kind of historical participation that has been the hallmark of the United States Senate," said Senator Dodd.

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Senator Reid Discusses Start Of The Health Care Merger Process

Senator Reid Discusses Start Of The Health Care Merger Process

October 14, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid met with Senators Chris Dodd and Max Baucus, and White House officials to start the health care merger process. Today's meeting was an opportunity to discuss key issues in the HELP and Finance health reform bills. "I look forward to the President signing a health care bill in the not-distant future," said Reid.

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Finance Committee Passes Health Insurance Reform Bill

Finance Committee Passes Health Insurance Reform Bill

October 13, 2009 —The Senate Finance Committee passed a health insurance reform bill today by a vote of 14 - 9, paving the way for an historic debate on the Senate floor. After months of negotiations, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid hailed its passage. Senators Reid, Dodd and Baucus are now set to join senior White House officials this week to merge the HELP and Finance bills into a comprehensive health care proposal for a full vote before the Senate. Reid also praised Republican Senator Olympia Snowe for breaking with her party to join Democrats on the committee in voting for the bill. "[Sen. Snowe's] courage to stick with her principles in the face of an increasingly partisan environment in Washington, D.C. is heartening and should serve as a reminder that health care is an issue that should defy party labels," said Reid.

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Women Democratic Senators Highlight Benefits Of Health Insurance Reform for Women

Women Democratic Senators Highlight Benefits Of Health Insurance Reform for Women

October 8, 2009 —Women Democratic Senators took to the floor this morning to highlight women will benefit from health insurance reform. In our current health care system, women tend to earn less and pay more for premiums and are rarely covered for basic maternity care. "In cases where women can find coverage that is affordable, often it is woefully inadequate," said Sen. Jeanne Shaheen. The Senators urged for an end to discrimination against patients with pre-existing conditions. "Enough is enough, the time is now," Senator Patty Murray declared. "The status quo that is being defended by the other side is not working."

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GOP Health Plan: The Status Quo

GOP Health Plan: The Status Quo

October 7, 2009 —While Democrats have offered the American people a health insurance plan that fixes our ailing health insurance system and doesn't contribute to the deficit, Republicans have stuck with the status quo. Senators Jack Reed, Debbie Stabenow and Robert Menendez joined Jim Guest of the Consumers Union today to discuss the urgent need for health insurance reform. The Democrats' plan for reform has recently gained outside support from current and former Republican leaders across the country -- including Bill Frist, Bob Dole and Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. "The Republican plan is to say no and maintain the status quo," said Senator Stabenow. "While they are jeering from the sidelines, instead of working with us, Democrats are focused on making health care stable and affordable for all Americans."

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Health Insurance Reform: Highlighting the Need for Change

Health Insurance Reform: Highlighting the Need for Change

October 1, 2009 —With the Finance Committee voting soon their health insurance reform proposal, ten freshmen Democratic Senators took to the floor Thursday to address the need for change. Together, the freshmen described the dramatic rise in health care costs and the urgent need to deliver real change to our health care system. "This is not just a moral imperative on its own right. It will help us achieve the cost savings that our health system so desperately needs," said Sen. Roland Burris.

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Health Insurance Reform: Making Real Progress for Women

Health Insurance Reform: Making Real Progress for Women

September 30, 2009 —The health insurance reform debate presents a critical opportunity to improve women's access to quality care. Under our current health insurance system, women are often denied coverage because of "pre-existing conditions" ranging from C-sections and past pregnancies to domestic violence. Women also pay more for health insurance than men. Their basic preventive care -- including mammograms and pap tests -- are often not covered. "The Senate is working on sending the president a reform bill that ensures women are treated fairly, expands coverage, and provides security and stability to people who have health insurance," said Senator Kay Hagan. If health insurance reform is to accomplish the goal of fixing our broken health care system, it must prevent discrimination within the insurance industry and address the specific health needs of women.

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Health Insurance Reform: Freshmen Senators Speak Out

Health Insurance Reform: Freshmen Senators Speak Out

September 24, 2009 —Democratic freshmen Senators took to the Senate Floor on Wednesday to urge Congress to pass health insurance reform legislation. The new senators agreed that maintaining the status quo is not an option; the time for action is now. "We, as recent additions to this body are united by a simple, but important truth," said Sen. Mark Warner, "That the rising cost of health care is hobbling American business, stressing family budgets and if we do nothing nothing, and it is left unchecked, it will explode our national debt."

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Basketball Coaches Join Full Court Press for Health Care Reform

Basketball Coaches Join Full Court Press for Health Care Reform

September 22, 2009 —Rival college basketball coaches teamed up Tuesday to a lead a health reform rally at the Capitol. The sports figures offered personal stories of families and friends confronting cancer. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius joined the coaches to stress the urgent need for insurance reform -- especially critical for families fighting cancer. Minnesota's Democratic Senators, Amy Klobuchar and Al Franken, were on hand with Coach Tubby Smith from the University of Minnesota. "Today, there are thousands of cancer patients going without the care they need," said Franken. "These Americans can't get health insurance because of a pre-existing condition. These egregious insurance industry practices must end."

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Paul Simon Joins Democrats and Child Health Advocates

Paul Simon Joins Democrats and Child Health Advocates

September 22, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid joined musical legend Paul Simon and child health advocates at a press conference last week to underscore the importance of health insurance reform for children. "It would benefit the country in the long run economically to have a healthy group of young people, and in the short run, I think it benefits the soul of the country to reach out a hand in compassion to show that we care about all Americans," said Simon. Echoing Simon's powerful words, Senator Reid said, "If there were ever a time where we had troubled waters, it's now. And if there were ever a bridge we need over troubled waters, it's passing comprehensive health care reform."

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Health Insurance Reform: Finance Committee Introduces Bill

Health Insurance Reform: Finance Committee Introduces Bill

September 16, 2009 —At a news conference today, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus unveiled the American's Healthy Future Act. This health care legislation will lower costs and provide quality, affordable health care coverage while not contributing to the federal deficit. The Finance Committee will meet to begin voting on the Chairman's Mark next week before moving on to the full Senate. "This is a unique moment in history where we can finally reach an objective so many of us have sought for so long," said Baucus. "Now we can finally pass legislation that will rein in health care costs and deliver quality, affordable care to the American people."

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Health Insurance Reform: The President's Speech

Health Insurance Reform: The President's Speech

September 9, 2009 — President Obama spoke to a joint session of Congress tonight, outlining a clear plan to achieve health insurance reform. "We did not come here to fear the future," Obama said, "we came to shape it." Senator Dick Durbin commented on the president's speech, saying "At the end of the day, we can't wait for those who are determined to stop our progress. We've got to have health care reform good enough for this great nation."

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Health Insurance Reform: Ready to Move Forward

Health Insurance Reform: Ready to Move Forward

September 8, 2009 —Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spoke today about health insurance reform efforts -- warning that "inaction is not an option." Reid acknowledged the absence of Senator Ted Kennedy and the eagerness of many Americans to move forward on the cause of the late senator's life: making it easier to afford to live a healthy life.

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Health Insurance Reform: Getting It Done

Health Insurance Reform: Getting It Done

August 4, 2009 —Senate Democrats met today with President Obama at the White House to discuss health insurance reform. Reform will assure stability and security in health care for middle class families. Democrats are committed to reducing the cost of health care for families, businesses, and government while protecting choice and assuring affordable, quality health care for all Americans. "Both the president and the Senate have said from the start that we are committed to getting health insurance reform done this year and we will," said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. "We are closer to real health insurance reform than ever before and while it's easy to focus on the areas where we still need to find agreement, it's important to be mindful of the common ground already shared by all parties involved."

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Health Care Reform: Capitol Hill Rally

Health Care Reform: Capitol Hill Rally

June 25, 2009 —Democratic Senators joined thousands of working Americans for a rally in support of health care reform. "We cannot do this alone," Senator Chuck Schumer told the crowd. Thursday's Capitol Hill rally was attended by union members, health professionals, and other workers in Washington to lobby Congress this week. Democrats are committed to reducing the cost of health care for families, businesses, and government while protecting choice and assuring affordable, quality health care for all Americans.

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Health Care Reform: Coverage Between Jobs

Health Care Reform: Coverage Between Jobs

June 24, 2009 —Health care reform is economic reform. If we are to restore our economy and secure our nation's fiscal future, now is the time to make health care more affordable for American families, businesses, and government. Senate Democrats today highlighted the increasing number of Americans who have lost health insurance during the economic downturn -- estimated to be more than 3.4 million. "Those numbers are about real people," said Senator Patty Murray. "That's why we are working so hard to make sure we protect what is good within health care today, we improve what is not, and we provide access to care for millions of Americans."

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Health Care Reform: Guaranteed Access

Health Care Reform: Guaranteed Access

June 23, 2009 —Under the Affordable Health Choices Act, insurance companies would be required to serve all Americans, regardless of pre-existing conditions or health status. That legislation is being written by Democrats on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee. HELP Democrats today highlighted the importance of health care reform for individuals with pre-existing conditions during a Capitol press conference. Democrats are committed to reducing the cost of health care for families, businesses, and government while protecting choice and assuring affordable, quality health care for all Americans. "Health insurance shouldn't be only for the healthy and the wealthy," said Senator Tom Harkin, "but that's basically what it is today."

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Health Care Reform: Affordable Health Choices

Health Care Reform: Affordable Health Choices

June 16, 2009 —Democrats on the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee held a press conference today to discuss the Affordable Health Choices Act and the urgent need for health reform. Nurses, medical students, and individuals with first-hand experience joined them in support of reforming our broken health care system. "We owe the working families of this country legislation that cuts costs, protects choice, and ensures affordable, high-quality care. And we intend to deliver," said Senator Chris Dodd.

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Health Care Reform: Addressing Skyrocketing Costs

Health Care Reform: Addressing Skyrocketing Costs

June 9, 2009 —Senator Chris Dodd today spoke today about the impact of staggering health care costs on American families and businesses. “Health care costs are rising faster than our economy is growing,” Dodd said. “Almost half of all foreclosures and nearly 62 percent of bankruptcies were caused by financial issues stemming from medical costs.” Democrats in the Senate's HELP Committee (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions), are working now to draft health reform legislation. Democrats are committed to reducing the cost of health care for families, businesses, and government while protecting choice and assuring affordable, quality health care for all Americans.

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Health Care Reform: Democrats Discuss Long-Term Services

Health Care Reform: Democrats Discuss Long-Term Services

June 8, 2009 —Democratic Senators are drafting legislation to assure affordable, high-quality health care for every American. Health reform should ensure vulnerable populations have access to coverage that meets their needs -- including long-term services and support. Senator Tom Harkin joined other advocates for individuals with disabilities today at the Capitol. Chaired by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Democrats in the Senate's HELP Committee (Health, Education, Labor and Pensions), are working to include long-term services in health reform.

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Today in the Senate
December 3, 2010:

The Senate will convene at 9:30 a.m.  Following any Leader remarks, there will be a period of morning business with Senators permitted to speak for up to 10 minutes each.

As a reminder, Senator Reid filed cloture on 2 tax related amendments: (1) Motion to Concur with the Baucus amendment No. 4727 (tax cut extension for those making up to $250,000, plus several additional items such as UI extension, AMT relief, estate tax, 1099 repeal, making work pay credit, and others); and (2) Schumer amendment No. 4728 (tax cut extension for those making up to $1 million, plus several additional items such as UI extension, AMT relief, estate tax, 1099 repeal, making work pay credit, and others).

Under Rule 22, the first cloture motion would ripen one hour after the Senate convenes on Saturday, December 4. If cloture is not invoked, the second cloture motion would ripen immediately.


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