Full Committee Hearing 11:00 AM, April 30, 2010 Berkeley City College Auditorium
2050 Center Street
Berkeley, California
The U.S. House Education and Labor Committee will hold a field hearing in Berkeley, Calif. exploring the challenges in first contract labor negotiations by examining the difficulty of reaching a first contract agreement in negotiations between the University of California and its post-doctoral scholars’ union.

In November 2008, after three years of organizing, the California Public Employment Relations Board certified the post-doctorial scholars union at the University of California. Despite this, the University of California system and the post-doctoral scholars, represented by the UAW, have been unable to reach a first contract.

Due to the off-site location of this hearing, there was no webcast or videos. There is an .mp3 of the hearing. (236 MB and 2hr 08min)

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