News of the Day: Poll - Big support for student loan change

Later today, the U.S. House of Representatives will cast a final vote on the budget reconciliation bill that will make necessary reforms to the federal student loan program. CNN polled Americans on how they felt on the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act.

They found:

Nearly two-thirds of Americans say they favor a proposal to increase the amount of money available for college loans by allowing the government to provide those loans directly to students, according to a new poll.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Wednesday indicates that 64 percent of respondents favor the proposal and 34 percent opposed it.


The survey also indicates, to a degree, some rare bipartisan support, with a vast majority of Democrats, a solid majority of Independents, and a slight majority of Republicans favoring the proposal.
Read more about their poll and learn more about the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act.


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