News of the Day: Better student loans

The Washington Post editorial yesterday highlighted the value of the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, calling it better student loans than the current option.

They fact checked two myths opponents are peddling and made a strong case for passage of SAFRA:

First, it's no government takeover. Opponents would make it appear as though Democrats want bureaucrats to destroy a functioning private market for federally backed student loans. In fact, the only reason any private company is in the business of originating such loans is because of government support, and propping up that artificial market is expensive. In the end, it's a better deal for taxpayers to have the government lend money directly to students. Private lenders, who want to preserve some role for themselves in the loan origination business, counter that they provide better services to students. But the government plans to farm out loan servicing to them through a process of competitive contracting.

Second, reconciliation, which removes the filibuster as an option and allows legislation to pass with a simple majority, has been on the record as an option for student loan reform for months. Since there can be only one reconciliation bill per budget year, the Democrats' move to add the education measure to health-care reconciliation should be no surprise. If there is a proposal tailor-made for reconciliation -- a procedure originally intended to help Congress rationalize the budget -- it is this plan to end a wasteful program of subsidies for private lenders.
Learn more about the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act.


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