Committee to Hold Hearing on GAO Investigation of Head Start Grantees

On Tuesday, May 18th, the House Education and Labor Committee will hold a hearing to examine an investigation by the U.S. Government Accountability Office that reveals reportedly fraudulent behavior by some Head Start grantees regarding enrollment and eligibility processes.

Head Start, a successful early childhood education program, has served more than 25 million children since its inception in 1965. There are over one million children enrolled in Head Start programs across the country.

After learning about the GAO investigation into some Head Start grantees, Chairman Miller wrote a letter to Secretary Sebelius asking her to review the claims of fraud.

Hearing on “Examining GAO's Review of Selected Head Start Grantees”

Gregory D. Kutz, Managing Director of Forensic Audits and Special Investigations, GAO, Washington, DC
Carmen R. Nazario, Assistant Secretary for Children and Families, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
1:30 p.m. EDT
Please check the Committee schedule for potential updates »

House Education and Labor Committee Hearing Room
2175 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

Note: This hearing will be webcast live from the Education and Labor Committee website. 


2181 Rayburn House Office Building | Washington, DC 20515 | 202-225-3725
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