America Speaks Out on the War in Iraq

The American public has spoken loud and clear that they want a change in our Iraq policy and they want to see our troops start coming home. Clearly, their voices have yet to be heard by the White House and its supporters in Congress.

This war has exacted a toll on our military, our veterans and their families. But this war also affects teachers and business owners and farmers and firefighters. It affects religious leaders and their congregations. It affects all Americans in so many ways, and their stories need to be heard.

In the coming weeks, we'll be working hard to bring you the stories of everyday Americans from across the nation as they speak out on the war in Iraq. People from all walks of life are adding their voices to our national conversation on the War and how it affects them, their families, their co-workers and their communities. Please keep visiting our site for regular updates.


What America is Saying

A Clear Call For Change In Iraq

Tracy Miller | Baltimore, MD
Gold Star mother Tracy Miller discusses how families like hers are coping with loved-ones serving in Iraq and why we need change in our Iraq War policies.

» Watch the Video

A Clear Call For Change In Iraq

Peter Granato | New York, NY
Iraq War veteran Peter Granato details the difficulties veterans and their families are facing from this war and the administration�s inability to plan and prepare for their needs.

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A Clear Call For Change In Iraq

Brandon Friedman | Dallas, TX
Iraq and Afghanistan War veteran Brandon Friedman calls on veterans to speak out on behalf of active duty soldiers who need us fighting for them here at home.

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A Clear Call For Change In Iraq

John Bruhns | Philadelphia, PA
Iraq War veteran John Bruhns speaks out about the strain that extended deployments have on veterans and active duty soldiers, and calls for a responsible end to the Iraq War.

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A Clear Call For Change In Iraq

A Clear Call For Change In Iraq
July 17, 2007 -The American public is speaking out on the War in Iraq. The American public is sending a clear call for change in Iraq. Teachers and farmers and veterans and clergy and families from all across the country are standing with Senate Democrats and demanding change. Watch and listen to their call for change, and join us in our efforts at America Speaks Out On the War In Iraq.

» Watch the Video

America Speaks Out

America Speaks Out
Press Conference with Veterans and Military Families

July 11, 2007 - U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senator Debbie Stabenow joined Iraq War veterans, leading veterans' organizations and military families to call for common sense changes to begin the critical and long overdue process of rebuilding our badly overburdened military.

» Watch the Video

Hispanic Vietnam Veterans Speak Out

Hispanic Vietnam Veterans Speak Out
Six Hispanic war veterans discuss why we need change in our Iraq policy, and how the War in Iraq is affecting both veterans and our Hispanic communities.

» Watch the video.

America Speaks Out

America Speaks Out
Press Conference with First Responders

May 24, 2007 - Senators Debbie Stabenow and Jon Tester are joined by Wayne County Sheriff Warren Evans, New Castle County Executive Chris Coons and Maryland State Senator Rich Madaleno to discuss how the war in iraq is affecting our first responders and emergency response capabilities.

» Watch the video.

Nancy Goedert | Ferndale, MI

Nancy Goedert | Ferndale, MI
Michigan retiree Nancy Goedert searches for good reasons to stay the course in Iraq, and finds none.

» Watch the video.

Harvey Joe Sanner | Des Arc, AR

Harvey Joe Sanner | Des Arc, AR
Listen to Arkansas Farmer Harvey Joe Sanner discuss how the War in Iraq is affecting farmers and families in Arkansas and throughout the Mississippi River Delta.

» Watch the video.

Morgan Gregson | Wilmington, NC

Morgan Gregson | Wilmington, NC
Listen to Morgan Gregson, a Catholic social activist from North Carolina, discuss how her faith leads her to actively speak out on the War in Iraq.

» Watch the video.

Roland Esparza | San Antonio, TX

Roland Esparza | San Antonio, TX
Vietnam-era veteran Roland Esparza calls on Hispanic communities around the country to speak out on the War in Iraq.

» Watch the video.

Alma & Brian Hart | Bedford, MA

Alma & Brian Hart | Bedford, MA
Listen to the parents of John Hart speak out on the equipment shortage problems he faced serving in Iraq.

» Watch the video.

America Speaks Out on the War in Iraq

America Speaks Out on the War in Iraq
May 10, 2007: Senators Debbie Stabenow and Ted Kennedy kicked off an effort today to make the voices of everyday Americans heard by the President and Congress. Senators Stabenow and Kennedy held a press conference today to highlight how each and every American, from every walk of life, is impacted by the Iraq war and the failed policies of the Bush Administration. This is the first in a series of events to give a larger voice to Americans across the country who are concerned about and affected by this war.

» Watch the video.