United States Senator Maria Cantwell
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The office of Senator Maria Cantwell is now accepting applications for appropriations in fiscal year 2012. Requests for congressionally directed spending are evaluated based on how projects aimed at specific localities will benefit the surrounding community and state, as well as why they represent an appropriate use of federal funds. A complete application for federal funding requires:

- Responses to an online questionnaire
- And two supplemental spreadsheets, submitted via email.

In addition, applicants must arrange a meeting with one of Senator Cantwell’s regional Outreach Directors to discuss project funding requests.   After careful review of all requests, and based strictly on merit, Senator Cantwell submits a list of priorities to the Appropriations Committee to be considered for inclusion in annual funding bills. To begin your request, please follow the link below; additional instructions are provided within the new electornic application.

Fiscal Year 2012 Appropriations Request Form.

Additionally, please note that the fiscal year 2012 application deadline is earlier than in prior years. ALL requests for FY12 appropriations must be submitted no later than January 28, 2011 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time.

If you have any questions about our new process, please contact Senator Cantwell’s Appropriations Clerk Carl Seip at (202) 224-3441 or appropriations@cantwell.senate.gov.  We appreciate your patience in adjusting to our new appropriations process, and look forward to reviewing your project submission.

Fiscal Year 2011 requests can be viewed here.