Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve

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misesmedia | February 22, 2006 | likes, 107 dislikes

Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson understood "The Monster". But t...

misesmedia | February 22, 2006 | likes, 107 dislikes

Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson understood "The Monster". But to most Americans today, Federal Reserve is just a name on the dollar bill. They have no idea of what the central bank does to the economy, or to their own economic lives; of how and why it was founded and operates; or of the sound money and banking that could end the statism, inflation, and business cycles that the Fed generates.

Dedicated to Murray N. Rothbard, steeped in American history and Austrian economics, and featuring Ron Paul, Joseph Salerno, Hans Hoppe, and Lew Rockwell, this extraordinary new film is the clearest, most compelling explanation ever offered of the Fed, and why curbing it must be our first priority.

Alan Greenspan is not, we're told, happy about this 42-minute blockbuster. Watch it, and you'll understand why. This is economics and history as they are meant to be: fascinating, informative, and motivating. This movie could change America.

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  • still waiting for the day when EVERYONE EVERYONE, cops included, STOP slaving yourselves or whatever you are doing and come together, go to washington and take back YOUR COUNTRY!!! Dont ASK those asswipes gov for help. WE THE PEOPLE TAKE BACK control of currency, the country, whatever. THEY NEED US more than we need them. EVERYONE stop working for days and you'll see how scared shitless they'll be. Heck the majority can take a day off on Christmas, so why cant we ALL? spread this!!!

  • this is the best video that I've seen on the federal reserve.thanks for posting it! cheers.

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  • @ 35:25

    Rep. Henry Gonzalez? This guy was ALWAYS a big government commie. Something is VERY fishy here...

  • We must take care of the FED first, that is the biggest issue the American people face. Not terrorism, not a poor economy, not a devalued dollar, the FED!! The thing is this….. unfortunetly, we can't have ONE PERSON, our elected official, to try and abolish the Federal Reserve, because if he tries, he will wind up like JFK and get assassinated. So it must come from the MASSES - WE THE PEOPLE.

  • @ocerg1111 And sorry i keep answering with my other account. I'm jumping back and forth between my professional account and personal one and not paying attention enough to the account i'm in.

  • @ocerg1111 Oh don't get me wrong, i know what they are doing with fiat is screwing a lot of things up. All I'm contemplating is the negative about using the gold standard. I've been thinking that if the method of creating fiat money was based on an equation involving population and written into the constitution, (how much to create yearly), it would give a more scalable form of cash with a steady real value. Chances are slim that'll ever happen, but same could be said about the gold standard.

  • @scrappmutt2 as a planet, we mine 3 tons of gold per year, I don't care what mark levin says. But gold standard or no, the creation of money from now and its consistent manipulation is leaving europe and america destitute -or haven't you noticed.

  • @ocerg1111 This is becoming a circular argument going back to my first point: Gold is not a scalable commodity. Mark Levin said on an ad the other day all the gold ever mined would only fill 2 olympic size swimming pools. If we had a straight gold currency since this countries inception, I have to wonder how scarce money would be today and how much it would cost to get a loan. And I would really like to know how gold standard supporters would solve those monetary limitations.

  • @lomocan I agree on all your points as to why gold fits well to be used as a currency (and guess you might apply the same to other less than common metals like silver). But what fixes the value of gold (and other such "natural" currencies)? Say you back each "milligram" note with actual gold, how many gallons of gas do you get for a milligram? Actual gold would become wildly valuable to reflect the abundance of real goods and services (Google Status Report of U.S. Treasury-Owned Gold for #s)

  • omg 0.29 sec the gov can't supervise the fed? i thought were were living in a dictatorship where the government controls all private corperations and aint it wierd that we don't print our own money to compare what the FIAT money is worth so my god we need to shut down the fed the gov cant asses the value of the feds GOODS/PRODUCT. cuz hey im a lawyer that charges $1000000000000 per case and wen i get audited public record shows i only pay $1 in taxes cuz i give big discounts to my clients

  • @ocerg1111 ur WRONG the fed is going to act soon collect ALL their debts FOREIGN and domestic. then the phony IRS aint going to COLLECT THEIR SHARE FROM BOTH. because the backroom deal says the fed can go bankrupt. o no dollars run out we and foriegn nations can't pay their tender but wait USA can print their own coin. labor,goods=money now the fed got all their "fiat $" plus our legal green backs AND we could make gold 10m an ounce cuz hey were the USA and we set the standards

  • @TacticalTechAdm gold is the same placeholder for labor. the difference is, money is backed up by quantities of gold that would have to be kept on hand by banks, thus if you desired to turn all of your money into gold, they could give it to you. As it stands now, the money is backed up by nothing, loans are based on debt and not valuable gold, and interest rates and inflation can be manipulated to, in turn, manipulate society.

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