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Senator Claire McCaskill
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December 04, 2008
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Watch video updates from Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill -- including press conferences, floor speeches, and community events.

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Channel Comments (19)
jayrod59 (2 weeks ago)
Please Senator McCaskill change your mind about your stance on TSA in the airports. This is a clear violation of our 4th amendment rights. As a fellow Missourian I urge you to reconsider. Thank you.
dkkght46 (3 weeks ago)
Enhanced Pat Down" by stranger = Sexual Assault under any other circumstance. TSA did not stop the Christmas Bomber. He was stopped by passengers on the plane. He was able to get past the TSA screeners and was caught while trying to detonate his bomb while making their approach to Detroit. TSA screeners have a thankless job, but the attitudes of many screeners and supervisors need to change in regard to how they treat the public.
binglu100 (5 months ago)
Thanks for your work to get rid of secret holds. Please keep at it.
jutay162 (7 months ago)
Wishing a billion votes for you!
bin952 (8 months ago)
You're doing a great job. Stay strong, looking forward to you becoming the state's senior U.S. Senator upon the retirement of Kit Bond in 2011. :>)
mydnyghtvampire1 (8 months ago)
I would like to hear your views on LGBT issues.
LOMBARDSF (8 months ago)
FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for your well informed, straight-talking self! I feel as though I FINALLY have someone representing me - standing up for the basic American, HUMAN, common sense values that need to be greater part of this democracy. The lack of integrity in our elected representatives is beyond discouraging. What passes as business as usual in our government is so often simply criminal. Thank you for standing up everyday when it is not popular to do so, for the hope you have given me and for the honesty and integrity you bring to the critical issues that threaten to cripple this amazing country. Many blessings to you! -Tim Theis of Kansas City, Mo
captainfury2007 (9 months ago)
Hey SenatorMcCaskill, stop by and check out some of my videos, if you get a chance.  If not, thats cool too. Later!
EweToobUsername (11 months ago)
Hey, you guys may want to fix the "Contact" button.
mjressler (1 year ago)
Fantastic work in the DCAA Audit Accountability video. It was a shock to go from such passionate speech to the dry voice of the chairperson after you were finished. It's like you mentioned about the audits...no one reads them because they're so dry.

I wish I could send a vote your way!
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