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Speaker’s Rooms in the Capitol

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Office of History and Preservation, Office of the Clerk,, (December 06, 2010).

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Office of History and Preservation
(202) 226-1300


Elected by the House membership as the chamber’s presiding officer, the Speaker of the House symbolizes the institution’s power and authority. Over time, the grand spaces within the Capitol used by the Speaker have reflected that stature. Since 1789, 52 individuals have wielded the gavel. Across the sweep of two centuries of American history, distinctive personalities and events have shaped the physical surroundings and lore of these rooms.

Center: Speaker’s Room, c. 1863 (detail), J. Jarvis Stereoscopic Views, albumen print stereoviewCollection of the U.S. House of Representatives



Office of the Clerk - U.S. Capitol, Room H154, Washington, DC 20515-6601 | (202) 225-7000

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