Boehner on FOX: Stopping All Tax Hikes is the Will of the American People

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JohnBoehner | November 04, 2010 | likes, 6 dislikes

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JohnBoehner | November 04, 2010 | likes, 6 dislikes

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  • Tax the rich. Investigate, prosecute, imprison and boycott corporate war mongers and war profiteers. projects . publicintegrity . org / WarCard / ... WarCriminalsWatch . org ... DefundWar . org ... WikiLeaks . org ... UnitedForPeace . org ... JustForeignPolicy . org ... prosecutegeorgebush . com ... 50 Top U.S. War Criminals: afterdowningstreet . org / citizenarrest ... War is a criminal waste. War profiteers are immoral.

  • i dont like any of these people but a background on him showed he WAS a working man. im shocked.

  • @Richvillegal1 I agree with you, but you have to remember that sometimes one can become enraged at what's going on in front of our very own eyes! And what's going on is ridiculous.

  • deeppurple28: How can you even think that you should get on line with the type of volugarity that you displayed. For one thing the Tea Party is not over we intend to watch and tell them what the Americans what. We don't want any more Chinese products, and I'm with you about sending jobs out of the United States if our government would start taxing them for their imports which have cost a lot of Americans without jobs.

  • let's see if you redeem yourself I agree with what you say but history has shown seeing is believing.....................­.all talk is pretty but reality is ugly once you have the power and you cannot be spent as much as Obama with Bush so no excuse yet i agree no tax increase for everybody the american way not just for a selecte group of people..................

  • Everyone on the Right is complaining about jobs not being created, but its funny because jobs going overseas was caused by corporate and trade deregulation, aka government getting SMALLER, which is exactly what the Tea Party is protesting for. The media has actually managed to trick them into protesting AGAINST their own interests, it's brilliant how they've been able to manipulate the masses.

    John Boehner and 90% of Washington are nothing but corporate shills, thats who they work for, not you.

  • Hey Boehner, The phone is ringing, Its THE US CHAMBER OF COMMERCE! You fucking venal piece of shit! The Chamber of Commerce said make sure you BLOCK The Anti Sourcing Bill. They hinted at the fact that they don't give a shit what your fucking stupid polls say, or what your misinformed supporters say either. Just Block the Anti Sourcing Bill! And oh yeah, make sure you keep those tax breaks for companies who off shore jobs you fucking drunkard piece of shit! Lmfao! Stop The Spending LMFAO!

  • This idiot fighting to make these tax cuts permanent is going to do nothing but hurt our country even further. Him "not compromising because thats the will of the people" is such bullshit. Literally how does this "Trickle Down" crap even make its way into politics its not even regarded as a valid theory for economists. Didn't work over 100 years ago, nor in the past decade with the ridiculous increase in deficit and if made permanent it will increase our deficit until its unsustainable.

  • oh one last thing...there is no such thing a class warfare... its the cheaters or competers... What multi-national corporation truly competes? Bush socialized Wall Street and then they decide to play faovrites. get out of town with this class warfare crap againn another GOP distraction.. the elites continue to pimp this country .... it wont be long before they come after...wake up all you class warfare lost soul followers.

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