Paul Promotes Parental Control of Education in District Speech PDF Print E-mail
FOR RELEASE: July 7, 2000

Paul Promotes Parental Control of Education in District Speech Victoria Breakfast Highlights "Family Education Freedom Act"

Victoria, TX - In a speech this morning to the Victoria Chamber of Commerce and the Texas Association of Businesses, Congressman Ron Paul detailed a piece of his education legislation that will give every child in America the opportunity for a high-quality education. Paul's "Family Education Freedom Act" (HR 935) is sweeping legislation that would restore to parents true control over the education of their children.
Said Paul, "Unfortunately, Congress and the federal bureaucracy continue to strip authority away from parents, teachers and local school boards. It is time for Washington to return control of the nation's school system to the people who best know the needs of children --local communities and parents. The key to doing so is returning control of the education dollar back to the American people."
The "Family Education Freedom Act" would give parents a $3,000 per year tax credit for each child's education-related expenses. It would allow parents the maximum amount of freedom in determining how to educate their children. It would also be free of guidelines and restrictions that only dilute the actual number of dollars spent directly on a child.
Paul said, "The 'Family Education Freedom Act' fulfills the American people's goal of greater control over their children's education by simply allowing parents to keep more of their hard-earned money to spend on education, rather than forcing them to send it to Washington to support education programs reflective of the values and priorities of Congress and the federal bureaucracy. My education agenda is the best way to strengthen public education."
"Not only does Congress have no constitutional authority to control local education, but after thirty years of centralized control we have seen nothing but failure and frustrated parents," concluded Paul. "Should bureaucrats control the education dollar, or should parents whose sole concern is the education of their child? I will stand with the parents, and I will continue to use my position on the Education Committee to do so."