My Voting Record PDF Print

I have always believed that democracy works best with an engaged and informed electorate. Towards that goal, this page will help you search the Congressional Record for any vote I have taken.

Who keeps track of votes?

The Clerk of the House of Representatives maintains a list of votes for each motion and bill that is voted on by the full House. These recorded votes are called “Roll Call Votes.”

How can I look up a vote cast by Congresswoman Bean?

If you would like to know how I voted on a particular bill in the current Congress or in a previous Congress, search the following link using the bill number and/or date. For instructions and help on how to use this feature, please read below.

111th Congress Roll Call Votes (current session)

110th Congress Roll Call Votes

109th Congress Roll Call Votes

Simply follow the steps listed below to look up a vote cast by me or any other member. Note: You may want to read all of the steps before clicking on the appropriate links.

vote1Step 1

Visit the Clerk’s Roll Call Vote webpage. The far left column labeled “Roll” shows you the number of the roll call vote. The next column on the right labels which date the vote was cast. The “Question” column tells you if the vote was on final passage, an amendment, or other type of vote. The “Result” column displays the outcome: P= passed, F= failed, and A= the amendment was agreed to. The rightmost column (cut off in this figure) offers the title/description of the measure. All votes are posted in reverse chronological order, with the most recent at top.

vote2Step 2

Click on the appropriate "Roll" number in the same row as the title/description that you are interested in. If it is an older vote (must be in the same year), move to the bottom of the screen and you will encounter a similar image as seen on the left. Simply click on a previous set of roll call votes.


vote3Step 3

After clicking on the appropriate roll, you will be taken to this page. Scroll down to see how I voted on this measure.


For Votes from Previous Years

On the Clerk’s webpage, you can search Roll Call Votes of Previous Congresses. Using the list labeled “Roll Call Votes Only,” you can select the session of Congress and then follow the same steps as above to search votes back to when I first served in the 109th Congress.

Why doesn't the office maintain its own list of votes on this webpage?

Currently, the Clerk’s Roll Call Vote webpage provides the fastest and most accurate access to a complete list of votes cast in the House of Representatives.

In the 110th Congress, I introduced legislation directing the House Clerk’s office to make available individual voting records for all members of the House, and requiring members to provide a link to their voting records on their taxpayer-funded official websites. While this legislation was unsuccessful in the previous Congress, I plan on introducing it again in the 111th Congress to make this process more user-friendly.

Other Vote Reports and Legislative Information

The Library of Congress' Thomas search engine allows you to check the status of a bill or resolution by subject or number. If the bill or resolution has been voted on, the status will reflect the votes of each member of Congress, including that of Congresswoman Bean. You may search this database by clicking on the Thomas icon in the left margin of this page or from the Congresswoman’s home page by entering a bill number or search text in the appropriate space in the left margin

What if I still can't find the information I need?

If you have trouble finding the information you need, please do not hesitate to contact me.


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