Press Releases

Contact: Taylor Henry (202) 821-5063 or (504) 274-7903

BP Cuts Checks Totaling $89,000 on the Spot to Oil Spill Victims at Congressman Cao's Claims Fair
524 Attend Event at Alario Center

Washington, May 25, 2010 -

From the Desk of U.S. Congressman Anh "Joseph" Cao

Today, Congressman Anh "Joseph" Cao (LA-02) announced that his Claims Fair for oil spill victims, held yesterday at the Alario Center in Westwego, helped dozens of families begin recouping losses.

Cao said BP issued $89,000 in checks on the spot to applicants with supporting documentation claiming either personal injury, property damage or lost wages.

In all, 524 victims and concerned citizens attended the fair.  BP processed 71 claims and trained 127 boaters to take part in the Vessels of Opportunity program to assist in containing and cleaning up the spill.

Cao held two town hall meetings at the fair, discussing the public's concerns.

"Unfortunately," Cao said, "the effects of the spill will continue to be felt for a very long time."  He added, "I remain committed to taking steps to make the public whole while holding BP's feet to the fire, seeing to it that the petroleum company contains the spill, cleans up the oil and restores our damaged ecological systems, wetlands and coastline."



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