E-News: Flood Insurance, Unemployment Benefits, the Census and Constellation
Posted by Taylor Henry on April 20, 2010

Capitol Blog—Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Congressman Cao questions officials from the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers about flood protection
during an April 9th tour of the surge barrier now
under construction in New Orleans East

Congress Extends National Flood Insurance Program & Unemployment Benefits

I'm relieved to report Congress gave final approval last Thursday to H.R. 4851, which extends through May the National Flood Insurance Program, COBRA health care insurance benefits for laid off workers and Medicare payment rates for physicians.  The bill also extends the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program through June 2nd. 

The passage of H.R. 4851 will make national flood insurance available again for Louisiana homeowners and help home buyers close pending deals to purchase a home.  The program lapsed March 28th due to the Senate's failure to take action before adjourning for the two-week Easter recess.
Unfortunately, this is only a temporary extension. Within just a matter of a few weeks, the flood insurance program will again expire, leaving the public yet again in a state of uncertainty about coverage. 

That is why I am drafting legislation to extend the National Flood Insurance Program for five years in hopes that this will deliver a more permament solution for the people of Louisiana's 2nd Congressional District. 

I was among 289 House members voting in favor H.R. 4851, which will further promote and support our recovery, both from the storms and the national recession.

Congressman Cao talks to constituents at his
jobs fair held March 27th in Algiers

House Passes Clean Estuary Act of 2010

Last week, I cast a vote in support of the Clean Estuary Act of 2010 (H.R. 4715).  Barataria-Terrebone and other Louisiana estuaries support our seafood industry and provide a critical defense to hurricanes and tropical storms.  The bill passed the full House and now goes to the Senate for further consideration.

2010 Census

If you have not returned your completed census questionnaire to the U.S. Census Bureau, please do so immediately.  Although the mailing deadline was Friday, April 16th, it's not too late to mail in your completed questionnaire.  The only difference is that if you mail it after Friday, April 16th, a census worker may still visit your household to gather census information.  Census enumerators will begin going door-to-door collecting census responses on May 1st.

Getting an accurate count is critical because it will determine how much federal money flows into the 2nd District over the next ten years for projects and services such as hospitals and emergency care, job training centers, schools, senior centers, bridges and tunnels.  Billions of dollars hang in the balance.

I am deeply concerned over the low return rate so far.  Heading into last Friday's deadline, the Census Bureau reported only 41% of distributed census questionnaires had been returned from New Orleans.  That's the lowest rate in Louisiana, among the lowest in the country, and it's substantially below the city's 2000 return rate of 58%.
Only 66% of distributed questionnaires had been returned from Jefferson Parish, compared to 71% in 2000.
Those figures compare to a 68% return rate nationwide and a 60% return rate for the state of Louisiana.

For New Orleans and Jefferson Parish, this is easily the most important census ever taken, because it will determine for the first time since Katrina how many displaced residents have come home, and that count will figure heavily into future funding for our recovery.

If you have not received a census form, you can get assistance through the Census 2010 Help Line at        1-866-872-6868.  You will be able to give your census responses over the phone.

Don't wait any longer.  Mail in your questionnaire or else call the Census 2010 Help Line right away.  Every person counts.

Constellation Program

Last Tuesday, I spoke on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in support of continued federal funding for NASA’s Constellation Program to resume lunar missions.  Continued funding of Constellation is essential for operations at the Michoud assembly facility in New Orleans East.  Michoud is scheduled to build components of the Constellation project.
As you probably know by now, President Obama’s FY2011 budget proposal does not include funding for Constellation because of the administration’s concern over potential cost overruns or possible delays in the project timetable.  According to the White House Office of Management and Budget, “the Constellation Program would not be able to land astronauts on the Moon until well into the 2030s -- more than 10 years later than planned -- without large budget increases.”

The president proposes to replace Constellation with a program to develop propulsion technologies that would send missions deeper into space.  The administration’s four-page plan, while mentioning NASA production facilities throughout the country, contains no mention whatsoever of Michoud.  A shutdown would cost the New Orleans area economy thousands of high-skilled jobs.

Ever since Michoud first went into service in 1943 as a production site for World War Two era plywood cargo planes, and went on to become a NASA plant in 1961, it has played a substantial role in the nation’s aeronautical and aerospace endeavors.  The crew of Apollo 11, man’s first flight to the moon, was propelled by a Saturn 1C booster built at Michoud.

To this day we enjoy countless practical benefits from Apollo technology in appliances and tools that affect our everyday lives, such as improved weather forecasting, which is vitally important to those of us who live in Louisiana and on the Gulf Coast. 

I am worried about how abandoning Constellation might dry up opportunities for new everyday applications of the technology developed under the program.

I am also concerned about how the nation’s space program would be affected.  I share Neil Armstrong’s concern that it would leave NASA with no means of transporting our astronauts to and from the International Space Station, and could set the space program back decades.”

I will not stand for this glaring omission in the FY2011 budget.  You have my commitment that I will do all I can to keep Constellation on track and Michoud in business.

Going Green Award

I’m pleased to report that my office has received a “Green the Capitol” award, signed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, for our efforts to reduce waste and conserve energy through recycling and reduction of power consumption and water.  My staff and I place high priority on energy efficiency because it is integral to environmental sustainability and saves our constituents tax dollars.  We are proud to be among the 50 of 470 House offices, including Congressional and committee offices, to receive the award last Thursday from House Chief Administrative Officer Dan Beard.

Anh "Joseph" Cao
Member of Congress





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