ICYMI: Cao Reads First Saints Speech on the House Floor
Posted by on December 18, 2009

In Case You Missed It:
Wednesday night, Congressman Cao delivered his first in a series of Saints speeches on the House floor. Learn more about Cao’s initiative to honor the Saints here.


Mr. Speaker,

The New Orleans Saints are having an historic season. Their success has benefitted our city so much that I wanted to give constituents a chance to honor them.

Today’s statement is from Michael DesJardins of New Orleans. Michael writes:

“I BELIEVE!! Finally. It's been 40 or so years of hope and disappointment - much more disappointment.

“As I [bask] in the glow of another victory by The Saints, I have finally let my heart believe that this could be the year.

“They have the spirit, the talent and the determination. They seem to like and support one another.

“Their success is not a product of stardom but of common effort by the whole team. They have transformed the Saints into a powerful organization that lifts up the whole community.

“We can all learn from them.

“Long-suffering, leading to hope, only to be dashed by the heartbreak of defeat and disappointment. This story of the Saints' past could be the story of our City Government.

“Our Sainted team has been transformed into a constellation of bright shining stars. Dare we believe that New Orleans can share in that transformation?”

Thank you, and I yield back.

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Lauren White commented on 12/22/2009
    This speech is interesting and well worth a read. Having a politician give a speech about a football team can give a more personal touch between the community and Cao. Lauren White Fan of (Corporate Gift Baskets)
  • Reginald Darby commented on 12/25/2009
    I'm so proud of the New Orleans Saints and even more proud of Congressman Cao. Good Job and keep up the great work! -Reginald B. Darby (TX-10)
  • John Johnson commented on 1/5/2010
    This letter read by Congressman Cao on the floor was an testament to the members of congress that like the Saints,putting your party and any other ideaology aside and working for the common good,giving your BEST if you LOVE this country and all it has OFFERED you,WE CAN SUCCEED. THANKS CONGRESSMAN CAO,FOR YOUR LEADERSHIP AND WISDOM.
  • Peter Kondelis commented on 1/5/2010
    Wow! Even as a Bears fan from Chicago, it's great to hear New Orleans' citizens being inspired so deeply by the Saints. I'm glad that football has been such a positive outlet for the city of New Orleans, and I hope Nola returns to it's pre Katrina glory. I hope the Saints do well in the playoffs so they can provide the city of New Orleans and the whole state of Louisiana with deep pride and passion!
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