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Miami County Awarded Economic Development Administration Grant

Posted by Joshua Gillespie on November 24, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                             CONTACT: Joshua Gillespie
November 24, 2010                                                                                    (317) 848-0201

Miami County Awarded Economic Development Administration Grant

PERU, IN –  The Miami County Economic Development Authority (MCEDA) received big news from the  US Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA) on Wednesday, November 24, 2010.  The EDA announced the approval of a $2.5M Grant as the last piece in a financing package to bring 200 new jobs in aircraft maintenance to the Grissom Aeroplex and the region.  The grant, combined with other local, state and a US Department of Agriculture Loan, will fund renovations and expansion of Hangar 200 at Grissom Aeroplex to close a deal with an aircraft maintenance company looking to expand operations into Miami County, at the former Grissom AFB.   The Hangar at Grissom, which is owned by the County, requires an expansion to accommodate larger wide body aircraft to include the B747-400, B767, B777 aircraft for the company.

The aircraft maintenance company, currently operating in the Southwestern United States, has been in business for 43 years.  The company has provided service for most major airlines in the United States, including United, US Airways, Sky West, American Eagle and Air Canada.  The company is seeking to expand its existing operations to Grissom Aeroplex, where they project 200 new jobs will be created, at an estimated five-year regional economic impact of over $160 million.  The project is pending final lease negotiations.

Upon hearing the news, Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement:

“In August, I reached out to the Federal Economic Development Administration to urge them to give every due consideration to the Miami County Economic Development Authority’s application because I understood the importance of this contract for the future of the Grissom Aeroplex.  Winning this grant was absolutely critical for the completion of this deal and I am very pleased that I could help put the final piece of the puzzle in place.  Now Hoosiers hit so hard by the downturn in the economy, have a new opportunity for some good paying jobs.”

Don Cates, Chairman of the Miami County Economic Development Authority, remarked, “This is fantastic news.  In addition to Congressman Burton efforts, the community received non-partisan support and assistance from Senator Lugar, Senator Bayh,  Congressman Donnelly, and Congressman Ellsworth and their staff’s with this project – thank you.  A special thanks to Phil Lehmkuler, State Director of USDA, Robert Sawyer, Director EDA Chicago Regional Office, and Governor Daniels for their leadership and vision in support of this project as well.  It is refreshing when all of us, local, state and Federal officials and agencies work together to improve local, regional and State economies and create jobs.  An aviation project, such as this, has been the vision for the redevelopment of Grissom for a long time by local and regional entities.  This project is an excellent example of how our local and region al economy of North Central Indiana can become more diversified and stable.“

(POC is Jim Tidd, Executive Director Miami Co Economic Development Authority at (765) 689-0159)


Army Master Sergeant Jeffrey Mittman Receives "Oz" Award

Posted by Dan Burton on November 19, 2010

Madam Speaker,

Today I rise to celebrate and honor the service of Army Master Sergeant Jeffrey Mittman for receiving the Osborne A. “Oz” Day AbilityOne Awareness Award.  The prestigious “Oz” Award is presented by the Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled to an employee at a federal agency who demonstrates exceptional service promoting the AbilityOne Program throughout the federal, state and local communities.

Now, the National Account Manager for the National Industries for the Blind’s Midwest Region, Master Sergeant Mittman supports a mission of employment for others with disabilities by promoting the AbilityOne Program through the federal procurement process in Indiana’s 5th Congressional District. This patriot’s story is a remarkable one, for his story does not start nor finish here with this award.

Master Sergeant Mittman’s indefatigable commitment to serve his fellow Americans began as a soldier in the United States Army in 1989. Having fought in Operation Desert Storm, Operation Desert Shield, Operation Enduring Freedom, and in 2003, Operation Iraqi Freedom, Master Sergeant Mittman was the All-American hero who never turned down defending his country. It wasn’t till his return to Iraq in 2005 as a special advisor to the Iraqi Department of the Interior, that he came face-to-face with death; changing his life forever.

Tragically, an improvised explosive device that exploded near his vehicle in Iraq, leaving Master Sergeant Mittman without a nose, lips, most of his teeth, and the majority of his vision. Since that time, he has endured more than 40 operations and spent over four years recovering physically and emotionally. To his great credit, he has traveled the country sharing the lessons he learned from these experiences with the world.

He is noted for saying it is the veteran who has to take that very first step to recovering and that he realized this after attending the Blinded Veterans Association Conference in 2006, where he met people who were blinded years ago who are now attorneys, teachers and business executives. After realizing life can be good in spite of having a disability, he decided to help others who also have disabilities find jobs and lead meaningful lives.

Master Sergeant Mittman, a 40-year old decorated warrior, husband of 17 years, father of two and outspoken military veteran was and forever will be an All-American hero whose determination and selflessness continue to serve our country and inspire our hearts. Today, we salute you.

Burton Statement On The GOP Pledge To America

Posted by John Donnelly on September 24, 2010

FOR IMMEIDATE RELEASE                                                                                  CONTACT: John Donnelly
September 23, 2010                                                                                                     (317) 848-0201

Burton Statement On The GOP Pledge To America

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement after House Republicans released a new governing agenda entitled “A Pledge to America”:

“We have listened to the people, and our Pledge is a united response.  The major policies in this new governing agenda—job creation and tax cuts, spending cuts and caps, strong national defense and border security, ensuring new laws have Constitutional authority, and the repeal and replacement of Obamacare—give voice to the American people, whose demands have largely been ignored by the current Majority.

“Our Pledge to America is an easy one for me to take, as its philosophies and policies are all things I have championed throughout my public life, if not already supported specifically through legislation.  Above all, our Pledge is something I am proud to take back to my constituents in Indiana.  Hoosiers who read our Pledge will find a genuine commitment to governing through our founding principles and for the priorities of our people. ”

NOTE:  “A Pledge to America” can be found in full here:

The preamble to “A Pledge to America” reaffirms Republicans’ commitment to principles of smaller, more accountable government; economic freedom; lower taxes; fiscal responsibility; protecting life, American values, and the Constitution; and providing for a strong national defense.  This new governing agenda is comprised of five specific policy plans that could be implemented right now if President Obama and Democratic Leaders would allow it:

•    Creating Jobs.  “A Pledge to America” reflects Americans’ demand for immediate action on policies that will end uncertainty for small businesses and help our economy get back to creating jobs.  This new governing agenda contains a plan to create jobs, end economic uncertainty, and make America competitive – including stopping all tax hikes, reining in red tape, and repealing ObamaCare’s ‘1099 mandate.’

•    Cutting Spending.  “A Pledge to America” embodies Americans’ rejection of the now-thoroughly discredited notion that we can simply tax, spend, and borrow our way to prosperity.  This new governing agenda contains a plan to cut spending and reduce the size of government – including cutting government spending to pre-‘stimulus’, pre-bailout levels, imposing a hard cap on future discretionary spending, and ending TARP once and for all.

•    Reforming Congress.  “A Pledge to America” acknowledges that we cannot get our arms around the issues of the day when we have a government that refuses to listen to the people and ignores their priorities.  This new governing agenda contains a plan to reform Congress and restore trust – including implementing ‘read the bill’ reform, allowing for more open and fair debate, and requiring that every bill contain a citation of Constitutional authority.

•    Repealing and Replacing The Job-Killing Health Care Law.  “A Pledge to America” recognizes that the American people continue to squarely oppose the government takeover of health care, with its higher costs, higher taxes, job-killing mandates, and Medicare cuts to pay for a massive new entitlement.  This new governing agenda contains a plan to repeal and replace the job-killing health care law with common-sense reforms focused on lowering costs and protecting American jobs.

•    A Strong National Defense.  “A Pledge to America” reinforces Congress’s responsibility to help provide for a strong national defense and fashion a coherent strategy to confront and defeat the terrorist threat.  This new governing agenda contains a plan to keep our nation secure at home and abroad – including passing clean troop funding bills, keeping terrorists off American soil, and fully funding missile defense.


Loan Approval Brings Grissom, Aircraft Maintenance Deal Closer To Completion

Posted by John Donnelly on August 17, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                        CONTACT: John Donnelly
August 16, 2010                                                                                                (317) 848-0201

Loan Approval Brings Grissom, Aircraft Maintenance Deal Closer To Completion

News Of USDA Loan Is Significant Step In Bringing New Company, 200 Jobs To Miami County

PERU, IN – A potential deal for an aircraft maintenance company to expand operations into Miami County, Indiana, edged closer to completion today when the Miami County Economic Development Authority (MCEDA) was told it would receive a long sought after loan of $4.89 million from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).  The loan will finance a large portion of the $10.3 million needed to renovate and expand Hangar 200 at Grissom Aeroplex, which is necessary to accommodate the larger wide body aircraft that the aircraft maintenance company works on.

The aircraft maintenance company, which has asked not to be publicly named until a final deal is reached, currently operates in the Southwestern United States and has been in business for over 40 years.  The company provides services for major airlines in the United States, including United, Delta, and Southwest.  If it expands operations to Grissom Aeroplex, the company projects that 200 new jobs will be created, with an estimated five-year regional economic impact of over $160 million.

USDA’s approval of the $4.89 million loan, coupled with forthcoming commitments from Miami County and the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs, means that all but $2.5 million of the $10.3 million dollar project is financed.  MCEDA is seeking to close the gap with a grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration.

U.S. Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN-05) hailed USDA’s approval of the loan saying, “The loan from USDA is absolutely critical for the completion of this deal, and it means we have secured about 75% of the financing we need to bring this company to Miami County.  The final piece of the puzzle rests with the U.S. Economic Development Association, and I will ask them to give the company, and these potential Hoosier jobs, every due consideration in the grant evaluation process.  Miami County and nearby communities have struggled under double digit unemployment for some time now, so when there’s a chance to bring quality private sector jobs to our region, let alone 200 jobs with an economic impact of $160 million, I make sure we’re firing on all cylinders at the federal level.  Miami County Economic Development Authority and the Indiana USDA office have done a remarkable job in putting this package together, and I remain ready to assist them in every possible way to make sure we seal the deal.”

James Tidd, Executive Director of the Miami County Economic Development Authority, remarked, “This is fantastic news.  In addition to Congressman Burton’s efforts, the community received non-partisan support and assistance from Senator Lugar, Senator Bayh, Congressman Donnelly, and Congressman Ellsworth and their staff’s with this project – thank you.  A special thanks to Phil Lehmkuler, State Director of USDA, for his leadership and vision in support of this project as well.  It is refreshing when all of us—local, state and Federal officials and agencies—work together to improve local, regional and State economies.  An aviation project, such as this, has been the vision for the redevelopment of Grissom for a long time by local and regional entities.  This project, upon final approval and funding, is an example of how our local and regional economy of North Central Indiana can become more diversified and stable.”


Burton Welcomes Continental Structural Plastics To Indiana's 5th Congressional District

Posted by John Donnelly on August 11, 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                        CONTACT: John Donnelly
August 11, 2010                                                                                                (317) 848-0201

Burton Welcomes Continental Structural Plastics To Indiana's 5th Congressional District

Huntington, IN – Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN-05) issued the following statement about today's announcement that Continental Structural Plastics, an automotive parts and building materials manufacturer, is bringing 350 manufacturing jobs to Huntington, Indiana:

"Bringing new businesses and jobs to Indiana is a top priority right now, so I am thrilled to be in Huntington today to welcome Continental Structural Plastics to our great state.  This is a major victory for our region, as Continental Structural plans to invest over $9 million to retro fit an empty facility and employ 350 Hoosiers by the end of 2012.  The company plans to move in quickly and hire 100 to 150 people by the end of this year--even better news for our community.

"I congratulate Governor Mitch Daniels and Huntington Mayor Steve Updike for exhibiting great teamwork in bridging the local and state governments together to close this deal.  The hundreds of new jobs and the positive economic impact on Indiana are a testament to Governor Daniels' efforts to make Indiana a business friendly state.  At the federal level, I've informed the leaders of Continental Structural that they have a sincere advocate in me, and I will do anything I can to make sure they thrive in Indiana's Fifth Congressional District.  I am confident that the teamwork of Indiana's elected officials at the local, state, and federal level will bring more good news in the months and years to come."
