Senator George V. Voinovich
EPW Nominations Hearing
Thursday May 17, 2001

Mr. Chairman, I want to thank you for holding this nomination hearing so quickly. I think it is important for us to move these nominees and confirm them.

I know a lot of members have a number of issues with different programs at the Agency, and right now we only have one Senate confirmed person over at the EPA and that is Administrator Whitman. Many of the issues that members are raising would best be addressed through the oversight process so I believe we should confirm these people as quickly as possible and hold as many Oversight Hearings as we need. It makes no sense to continue to beat up on an Agency with only one nominee in place.

I am thoroughly impressed with the caliber of today's nominees.

Linda Fisher, Deputy Administrator of EPA - I have been impressed with Ms. Fisher for a number of years, in fact I tried to get her to come back to Ohio to be the head of the Ohio EPA when I was Governor. With her experience at the EPA I believe she will make a great Deputy.

Jeff Holmstead, Assistant Administrator for Air - I met with Mr. Holmstead yesterday and I was impressed with his experience. He worked on the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 in the first Bush White House so I know that he understands the issues and has a lot to contribute.

Steve Johnson, Assistant Administrator for Prevention, Pesticides, and Toxic Substances - Mr. Johnson is a career EPA employee and I think it's great that the President nominated him for this position. As I have stated before I am very concerned about the Human Capital Crisis in the Federal workforce. Nominating a career employee sends a very positive message that excellence in government is rewarded. That's a positive message we need to send to attract high caliber recruits into the workforce.

Jim Connaughton (con-a-tin), Member of the Council for Environmental Quality - Mr. Connaughton brings excellent credentials including his voluntary work with the ISO-14,000 process which are the international environmental compliance standards. In that capacity I understand he has worked with over 60 different business sectors, environmental groups and international countries, reaching consensus. This is exactly the type of job skill needed at CEQ. You need someone who can problem solve with multiple parties.

I think the President has made four excellent choices for these important positions. The major issue which I would like you all to address is how we deal with the Human Capital Crisis in the federal workforce. I would like suggestions from you on how we can better attract top candidates and an understanding of how the problem affects the EPA. Ms. Fisher, specifically I would like you to address an issue with the SES (Senior Executive Service) employees. We have a lot of talented and dedicated employees who have been in their jobs for a number of years. I know the SES program recommends that senior managers rotate their jobs, I believe every five years. I would like you to look into this and see when it was last done. It is a good way of relieving job boredom and it provides managers with an opportunity to spread their skills across the Agency and creates a more vibrant workplace.

I look forward to working with all of you and I hope we can get you confirmed as quickly as possible. Thank you Mr. Chairman.