Testimony by Larry D. Nance, Deputy State Forester
June 12, 2000
Testimony regarding S. 2417
Hot Springs, Arkansas
Arkansas Forestry Commission

Senator Crapo, the Arkansas Forestry Commission welcomes you to Arkansas. The forestry community thanks you for sponsoring the Water Pollution Program Enhancements Act of 2000. The State Forester of Arkansas supports the bill. We are pleased that Arkansas Senator Hutchison is a cosponsor and for the support of Congressman Dickey.

Everyone wants to protect water quality especially loggers, foresters, and the forest landowners. Although EPA appears determined to install a regulatory approach, the Arkansas Forestry Comnussion- Board of Commissioners, the Governor, and the State Forester support voluntary implementation of Best Management Practices to protect forest water quality.

We applaud the idea for EPA to contract with the National Academy of Sciences to study the development of TMDLs and review other methods of achieving water quality. Arkansas' State Forester John Shannon has served on the National Academy forestry committee. The organization does outstanding work. We hope that you will suggest to EPA and the National Academy that a southern State Forester serves as a member of the study committee.

Lastly, the AFC position is (1) that silviculture maintain the Non-point Source category, (2) that forestry practices not require a NPDES permit (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System), (3) best management practice remain voluntary and (4) the AFC welcomes an EPA review of our-BMP implementation monitoring and training. Looking at EPA's own data everyone can see that Arkansas' forestry community has been doing a good job of protecting water quality.

Senator Crapo, Senator Hutchison, and Congressman Dickey we thank you for your support of the forestry community.

3821 West Roosevelt Road
Little Rock, Arkansas 72204-6396
John T. Shannon, R.F. State Forester
June 2, 2000

The Honorable Michael D. Crapo
United States Senate
Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Re. Water Pollution Program Enhancements Act of 2000

Dear Senator Crapo:

Thank you for sponsoring S. 2417, the Water Pollution Program Enhancements Act of 2000. support the bill and am pleased that Arkansas Senator Tim Hutchinson is one of the co-sponsors.

Everybody wants to protect forest water quality. Although the EPA appears determined to install a regulatory approach, my Commissioners, my Governor, and I support the voluntary implementation of Best Management Practices to protect forest water quality. Accordingly, I am pleased your bill will provide grants to private landowners for water quality improvement projects.

Finally, I think it is a great idea for the EPA to contract with the National Academy of Sciences to study the scientific basis of the development of TMDLs and to review the availability of other methods of achieving water quality standards. I have served on a National Academy forestry committee; the organization does outstanding work. I hope you will suggest to EPA and the National Academy that a southern State Forester serve as a member of the study committee.

Thank you for visiting Arkansas on June 12th; you are a very welcomed guest.

Respectfully yours,


John T. Shannon