Senator Jim Inhofe
EPW Hearing on Superfund
May 25, 1999

Mr. Chairman. thank you for holding this important hearing today. You and Senator Smith have done outstanding work in crafting a bill that addresses those issues that can and should be changed within the program.

I know not everyone is happy with your bill, and I too would like to see some amendments added during mark-up, specifically regarding NRD. But we must not loose focus of our goal. The process is broken and we must fix it in a way that will allow cleanups to take place more quickly and efficiently while continuing to provide adequate protection to the public.

I do want to briefly comment on some aspects of the bill that I think are positive. First, by requiring Governors' approval before listing a site on the NPL, we are putting control back into the hands of the local governments who have the most at stake. As a former mayor, I can appreciate that negotiating with a governor over a particular course of action would be preferred to negotiating with the EPA. Secondly, I am happy that you have decided to exempt small businesses, de micromis contributors of hazardous waste, and recyclers,specifically used oil, from liability under Superfund. This helps to level the playing field for those who are least able to afford the costs of cleanups. Finally, I support you and Senator Smith in your effort to resist re-authorizing the Superfund taxes. I agree with the arguments that you laid out in your letter to Timothy Fields at EPA, specifically that many parties who have engaged in their own cleanup effort would be liable for the tax if reimposed. Without sweeping changes to the program, taxes should not be reinstated.

Mr. Chairman, I look forward to hearing from our witnesses today on both their personal experience with Superfund and their views on your bill, S. 1090. Thank you.