MAY 23, 2000

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for holding this hearing this morning to receive testimony from the Administration on their WRDA 2000 proposal and from our other witnesses who are interested in specific provisions of this legislation, as well as projects that are of interest to members of this Committee.

The biennial authorization of water projects for the Corps is an important responsibility of this Committee and I look forward to working with you on WRDA 2000. While the bill contains authorization for only 1 project, albeit a pretty sizeable one for the Everglades - it proposes some important changes for us to consider, such as applying the ability to pay provision to other projects beside flood control and water supply, a Brownfields program for the Corps to provide assistance to non-federal interests to clean up some of these sites, and increasing the authority for the Corps in riverine and watershed studies.

The Corps is beginning one of these studies in my state on the Yellowstone River, where the cumulative impact of the activities up and down the river, are of vital importance for managing the future of this river.

Another Montana project that I have been working with the Corps on, and with my colleague, Senator Burns, is the Fort Peck fish hatchery. Senator Crapo's Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife and Water held a hearing on S.2027, the Fort Peck Fish Hatchery Authorization Act of 2000 in Glasgow, Montana, on April 29th of this year. As evidenced by the hearing, the project has wide support. This hatchery will supply large numbers of high-quality fish for the sport fisheries in the state and allow Montana to focus on utilizing the new hatchery's state-of-the-art capabilities for production of the endangered pallid sturgeon as well as other state and federal species of concern. The authorization and construction of this hatchery will deliver on the promise made to the people of the area back in 1935 when the project was authorized as a multi-purpose project.

Dr. Westphal and I are going to be visiting the site of both of these initiatives over the July 4th recess, and I thank him for giving Montanans his time and attention.

Finally, Mr. Chairman, it is my hope that the Committee can work to have the complete WRDA 2000 ready for full Committee consideration before the July 4th recess, including the Everglades restoration section of the Administration's bill. Although I voiced some conerns about the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan at the Committee hearing the week before last, I want you and the Administration and my colleagues from Florida and my colleagues on this Committee to know that I support Everglades restoration and I intend to work with you and Senators Smith and Graham, the Administration and the state of Florida to ensure that this important restoration is not delayed and moves forward this year.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and I look forward to hearing from our witnesses.