Constituent Services


Three branches of the federal government


The official website of U.S. Executive Branch
The executive branch is comprised of the White House to such federal agencies as the Department's of Defense and Agriculture, to name a few.

The official White House Presidents page
Learn interesting facts about our past Presidents and the Oval Office.


The official website of the U.S. Senate
On the Senate's official site you can learn about the many traditions of the revered institution and the famous Senators who have roamed its granite halls.

The official kids page of the U.S. House of Representatives
You can learn about the make-up of Congress, how laws are made, historical figures and their role in the House of Representatives, and what important events have taken place on the floor of the House.


The official website of U.S. Courts: The Federal Judiciary
The federal courts interpret and apply the law to resolve disputes. Where as, it is the responsibility of the legislative branch to the make the laws and President and executive branch departments and agencies to enforce the laws.



Financial Aid

Federal Student Aid
Free Application for Federal Student Aid

Other sites of interest

Smithsonian Institution
House Science & Technology Committee Students Page
U.S. Military Academy Nominations
Congressional Internships