Press Releases

Contact: Taylor Henry (202) 225-3117 or (202) 821-5063

House Subcommittee Approves $2 Million for Gulf Coastal Research
Also passes $350,000 for Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Cops & Clergy Program

Washington, June 30, 2010 -

Patch image: Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana

CREST and JPSO clear first hurdle for federal funding


WASHINGTON - Today, Congressman Anh “Joseph” Cao (LA-02) announced the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice and Science has approved his earmark requests for two deserving projects for Louisiana's 2nd Congressional District.

The subcommittee approved $2 million for research into coastal protection and restoration and $350,000 to help keep youth out of trouble in Jefferson Parish.

The $2 million research grant would go to the Coastal Restoration and Enhancement through Science and Technology (CREST) program.  CREST is a collaborative effort between 11 Louisiana Universities, including Loyola, Southern University New Orleans, Tulane, and the University of New Orleans to support vital coastal research on restoration and protection techniques and technology.

CREST has funded research projects through a competitive grant program since 2003.  These projects have covered a wide range of topics that are crucial to coastal protection and restoration, including responses of coastal marshes to freshwater diversions and sediment pipelines, restoration of barrier islands, and the effects of sea-level rise on coastal habitats.

The $350,000 to combat juvenile crime in Jefferson Parish would go to the Sheriff's "Cops and Clergy" unit, formed in March, 2004 with a mission of addressing the concerns of the African American community and making a difference in the lives of at-risk youth.

The unit trains church pastors to work with violent, disruptive youth, mentor children of incarcerated parents, strengthen marriage and families, prevent acts of crime and promote education, among other initiatives.

Cao said, "I'm very pleased the Subcommittee saw the need for these two important projects.  With the BP oil spill threatening our already fragile coastline, the need for new research into coastal protection and restoration has never been greater.  And  the Cops and Clergy grant will greatly support Sheriff Newell Normand's stand against juvenile crime in Jefferson Parish." 

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