Statement of Senator Bob Graham

June 12, 2002

EPW Committee

Hearing on the Costs and Benefits of Multipollutant Legislation


Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for calling this hearing today.  There is a lot of information before this committee regarding multipollutant legislation.  Today's hearing provides the much-needed opportunity for this Committee to obtain more information on this complex issue and to take a closer look at the details of proposed legislation. 


Preserving and protecting the environment is vital for both the physical health and economic health of our nation.  This is dramatically illustrated in my homestate of Florida where our economy is linked with our environment.  It is our beaches, parks, and other places that fuel our #1 revenue generator - tourism. 


Balanced with the need for a clean and healthy environment is the need for affordable and reliable energy. 


This morning's hearing will provide the Environment and Public Works Committee the opportunity to weigh all of these interests and find the best way to make progress in each area.  I have reviewed the written testimony of today's witnesses, and I look forward to hearing what they have to say this morning. 


Thank you, Mr. Chairman.