
Kucinich Contact: Nathan White (202)225-5871

Wars of Choice Leave Fewer Options for Ohio

Washington, Apr 15 -

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today made the following statement:

“Today is ‘Tax Day’ in America and millions are justifiably considering how their tax dollars are spent.  Even though the tax burden has been reduced for 98% of Americans under President Obama, we are still wasting hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

According the National Priorities Project (NPP), the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have cost the taxpayers in Ohio’s Tenth District $2.4 billion. With that money, for one year we could provide 734,278 people with health care, 46,910 jobs in public safety, 1,245,797 children with health care, or power 2,320,126 homes with renewable electricity.

“An unnecessary war is wasteful government spending at its worst. We should immediately bring our troops home and invest that money in America, prime the pump of the American economy and put Americans back to work,” added Kucinich.

Link to facts mentioned above.