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Corrine’s Corner: President-Elect Barack Obama’s Election Certification
By Congresswoman Corrine Brown

I feel simply ecstatic to be able to certify the election of a brilliant man who is not only a Democrat, but an African American, as president of the United States.  This election was, indeed, most historic, and is a remarkable time in American history.  On January 20th, the sentiments of Martin Luther King will fully come to fruition, as the American people have now elected a President based on his abilities and the content of his character, not by the color of his skin.  And after eight years of moving in the wrong direction, our nation will once again travel on the right track! 

As I tell people all the time, it matters who is in charge.  And with the results of the 2008 elections, both for President, as well as the Congress, in which both the House and the Senate picked up Democratic seats and expanded majorities, the probability of the Democratic Party enacting our top priorities will be even closer at hand.  What do we have to look forward to under an Obama administration and a Democratic Congress?   A huge boost for America’s economy and American workers, Children’s health care (S-CHIP) being passed, adequate funding for education, a new direction in Iraq, a new tax policy (one that does not exclusively favor the wealthy), a pro environmental agenda, a new attitude in international relations, a more humane health care policy, as well as a restoration of fiscal responsibility in Washington, which is desperately needed after eight years of huge deficits and an economic collapse under President Bush and a rigid congressional Republican leadership. 

I remember just eight years ago, how extremely different the energy was that prevailed in Washington when President Bush took the helm.  Thousands and thousands of votes had been stolen (27,000 in my congressional district alone), and the legitimacy of the new President was very much in doubt.  Negativity, skepticism and anger were the emotions that filled the hearts of the majority of Americans in those days, particularly in African American communities.  It is striking how vastly different and promising things are today as President Elect Obama is about to be seated in the White House.        

As a Member of the Congressional Black Caucus, I am extraordinarily proud to see the day when an African American takes the reins of the White House.  And, like my colleagues, I look forward to working with President-Elect Obama to build a stronger, healthier and more just America. 

January 12th, 2009