The Congressional Prayer Caucus

Congressional Prayer Caucus Defends National Day of Prayer
Posted by Congressional Prayer Caucus | May 03, 2010

On April 15, a federal district court ruled that the statute establishing a National Day of Prayer was unconstitutional.  In response, on April 22, nearly 30 Members of Congress and leaders of faith organizations defended the constitutionality of the National Day of Prayer and called on the White House to appeal the federal judge's ruling.  The day after the bipartisan press conference, the Department of Justice announced that they would be appealing the decision.

Rep. Forbes, Congressional Prayer Caucus Founder and Co-Chairman said, “Throughout our nation’s history, prayer and religion have been deeply woven into the foundation of our great democracy. The federal judge’s decision to call the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional represents a movement we are seeing across the country of a small minority who want to exclude faith, religion, and morality from the marketplace of ideas.”

Congressman Forbes also appeared on CNN’s ‘Faces of Faith’ to discuss the ruling with Annie Laurie Gaylor, Co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the organization that filed the lawsuit. 

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • tungsten bands commented on 7/22/2010
    Everyone's religious beliefs are different. Only, we can not do too much
  • Kim Zwick commented on 9/20/2010
    Could you do a pitition, like the one to renew the tax cuts, so we can let everyone know how many people really want our religious beliefs and heritage know. Thanks
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Members of the Congressional
Prayer Caucus

Congressman J. Randy Forbes, Founder
& Co-Chairman

Congressman Mike McIntyre, Co-Chairman

For a complete list of Members of the Congressional

Prayer Caucus, click here.

Contact the Congressional Prayer Caucus Sarah Seitz, (202) 225-6365