Vision for Veterans

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The reason we have been able to sustain a free, strong, and secure America is due to those very men and women who have taken on the grueling demands of military service and committed to protecting our country as a member of the armed forces. Despite the contentions of this year, I believe Washington can offer a collective vision to care for those who have served.  Just as our veterans have fought for the vision of America, we need to fight for a vision for them. Here is my plan to be “on purpose” for our veterans:

Uncompromised Care.
Plans to expand government-run healthcare should not jeopardize care promised to our veterans. We should oppose increased costs for veterans' healthcare and prohibit any healthcare reform that would endanger TRICARE and VA healthcare benefits.

Excellence in Hospital Care.
Our veterans should have excellence in hospital care. Our hospitals fall far short of this standard.  We must provide oversight and stable budgeting to improve hospital care for our veterans.

Service Offered Reflects Service Given.
The service we give our veterans should reflect the service and sacrifice they have made for our nation. We must push for oversight and reforms of veterans services to ensure timely processing for disability claims.

Support Then, Support Now.
When our veterans are ready to move into the workforce or expand their small business, I believe we can continue to support them as they support our economy. I have cosponsored legislation, H.R. 1186, that would give eligible veterans financial assistance while training to learn high-demand skill. I’ve also supported legislation, H.R. 3949, to improve benefits for veteran-owned small businesses.

Benefits Without Strings.
Our vision for veterans should include full concurrent receipt so veterans receive both disability compensation from the VA and retired pay or Combat-Related Special Compensation.

Families Matter.
The families of our veterans matter. I have supported legislation, H.R.1182, to provide employers a tax incentive to hire qualified military spouses and fought for legislation, H.R. 775, which would allow a spouse to be compensated for a service related death and still receive full survivor benefits.

Without the sacrifices of our nation’s veterans, our nation would certainly not be as we know it today. Our veterans have been “on purpose” for us.  Are we “on purpose” for them?