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Castle: "Congress Cannot Police Itself; Outside Ethics Commission Needed Now"

Washington | December 14, 2006 - Reacting to the news that incoming Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wants to create a bipartisan commission to study the idea of creating an outside enforcement mechanism relative to the House Ethics Committee, Delaware Congressman Mike Castle today released the following statement:

"The number one priority when we return to Washington in January is cleaning up the way Congress does business.  And the best way to do that is to admit that Congress cannot and should not police itself.  That is why I have been pushing for some time to establish an outside nonpartisan, professional enforcement entity, comprised of former Members and judges, to investigate any possible breaches of law and to report its findings.

"Yesterday, we learned the Democrats are considering this and are going to establish a commission to study the issue and tell us if we need a separate commission.  I would conclude that the study process is unnecessary.  My goal is to make this ethics process as strong as possible, and that doesn't include studies -- it only includes action.  Any ethics package we debate in the First 100 Hours must include an outside independent commission, plain and simple."

In the 109th Congress, Castle introduced legislation which would have -- among other things -- etablished an Independent Commission on Investigations, comprised only of former Members of Congress and judges.  The Speaker and Majority Leader must agree on the chair of the Commission, and no Commissioner may have lobbied in the five years prior to his/her term.

Duties of the Commission (under Rep. Castle's legislation) include:

  • To investigate, with subpoena power, and alleged violation of any law or regulation by a Member, Delegate, officer or staff of the House of Representatives;
  • To report findings and recommend disciplinary action to the Committee on Standards;
  • To report any evidence of violation to the appropriate State or Federal authorities.

Castle also highlighted other priorities included in his "Accountability and Transparency in Ethics Act" which he will push for in the 110th Congress:

  • Ethics training for Members and staff;
  • Ethics training for lobbyists;
  • Charter flights at full fare;
  • Lobbyists held liable for gifts violating the gift ban;
  • Extension of revolving door to the remainder of Congress or one year, whichever is longer. Extends to all personal/committee staff, not just senior staff as currently required.